Rip off

rip off & rips off ripping off ripped off ripped off

1. rip p.v. [informal] When yourip people off, you steal something from them, cheat them, or charge them more money for something than it is worth.

Don't do business with Marvin; herips everyoneoff.Hank gotripped off by the drug dealer.

rip-off n. When someone steals something from you, cheats you, or charges too much for something, this is arip-off.

I paid nine dollars to see that awful movie? What arip-off!stress out

stress out & stresses out stressing out stressed out stressed out

1. stress... out p.v. [informal] When people or thingsstress youout, they make you worried, nervous, or tense.

Having that new manager around watching me all the time isstressing meout.

Sally's sister has to take care of quadruplets all day without any help. That must stress herout.

stressed-out part.adj. When you are worried, nervous, or tense, you are stressed-out.

l had to make a speech at work today, and I was sostressed-out afterward that I took the rest of the day off.

EXERCISE 44a — Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. The prison guard put Jake in a cell and ________ him ________.

2. Tom asked the barber to just cut his hair a little bit, but when he looked in the mirror, he could

see that the barber was getting _____ _____ and cutting his hair too short.


3. Erik promised me that he would come to my house to help me move some stuff this morning, but he still hasn't shown up. He's always doing things like that, and it really________ me

4. If Janice doesn't pass her chemistry test tomorrow, she won't graduate with the rest of her lass, and worrying about it so much is really ________ her ________.

5. I got ________ ________ of school after I got caught cheating on the test.

6. The robbers _____ _____ the shop owner so badly that she had to be hospitalized.

7. Add a cup of water and four eggs to the cake mix and _______ it _______ well.

8. The night manager forgot to ________ ________ when she left the restaurant.

9. The jewelry store ________ me ________ I paid $5,000 for a diamond ring made of glass.

10. The teacher has two students with the same name, and she always ________ them

EXERCISE 44b — Write three sentences using the objects in parentheses. Be sure to put the objects in the right place.

1. The thugs beat up. (the woman, her)

2. The hotel manager kicked out. (the rock group, them)

3. The cops are going to lock up. (the crook, her)

4. Mixing up is easy. (the twins, them)

5. Getting a tattoo must have pissed off. (your father, him)

6. The contractor was accused of ripping off. (homeowners, them)

7. All these problems are stressing out. (the staff, them)