After You Read. I. Find the English equivalents for the following words and expressions in the text


I. Find the English equivalents for the following words and expressions in the text.

Лицей, гимназия, профессиональное образование, неполное среднее образование, основная программа средней школы, неполное среднее образование, музыкальная школа, школа искусств, спортивная школа, выпускные экзамены, аттестат о полном среднем образовании, аттестат зрелости, единые государственные экзамены (ЕГЭ), переходный период, государственная школа, негосударственное учреждение, платное образование.

II. Prepare an oral presentation of the school you went to according to the plan:

school location;

– school structure;

– core and elective courses offered by your school;

– your favourite subjects;

– system of grading;

– teaching staff;

– methods of teaching applied in your school;

– time-table;

– periods and criteria of knowledge assessment;

– your class;

– equipment in classrooms, laboratories, gyms, work-shops;

– school canteen;

– extracurricular activities in your school;

– what you liked and disliked at your school;

– what you would like to improve or introduce there.


III. Think back to your favourite teacher at school and talk about them to your partner. You can use the questions as a plan.


– Was it a woman or a man? What was their name?

– What did they look like? What sort of clothes did they use to wear?

– Were they strict or easy-going?

– What subject did they teach? Were you good at that subject?

– What sort of things did you use to do in class?

– What was special about your favourite teacher?

– Were they popular with your classmates?

– Are you still in touch with them?


IV. Work in small groups and discuss the following questions. Make use of the expressions given in the annex.


1. Did you get any extra education? If yes, describe the specialist school you went to. How could people judge your ability? Did you take part in any performances? What kind of opportunities have your gift given you?

2. What other abilities would you like to make?

3. Do you find developing children’s talents in music, dance and drama a good idea? Why?

4. What other establishments encouraging children’s talent in different fields exist in this country? Describe their work. Can you predict their future in new social and economic environment?

5. What other methods would you suggest to make the best use of children’s talents in our country?


V. Ponder on the following items and present your ideas in class:


– encouraging very young children to study and be successful;

– being different from other children;

– stress caused by intense learning;

– generation gap between fathers and sons;

– pros and contras of coaching;

– advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling;

– qualities that make a good teacher;

– qualities that make a good student.


`VI. Suggest English correspondences for the following Russian proverbs. What translation transformations can be used?


1. Не учась и лаптя не сплетешь.

2. Знай больше, а говори меньше!

3. Ученье – свет, а неученье – тьма.

4. За ученого двух неученых дают.

5. Кто много знает, с того много и спрашивается.

6. Незнайка лежит, а знайка далеко бежит.

7. Не выучит школа – выучит охота (нужда).

8. Повторенье – мать ученья.

9. Ученье лучше богатства.

10. По платью встречают, по уму провожают.

VII. Compare the RF system of secondary education with that of the UK discussed in the previous chapter. Write a list of their strengths and weaknesses getting use of your tables. Discuss them in pairs.