After You Read. I. Find the English correspondences for the following words and expressions in the text

I. Find the English correspondences for the following words and expressions in the text.


Государственное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования, филиал, Учебно-консультационный пункт, Всесоюзный заочный политехнический институт, вечернее отделение, кафедра основ марксизма-ленинизма, очное отделение, курсовая работа, дипломная работа, научный руководитель, студенческий профком, легкоатлетическая эстафета, круглый стол, творческие (художественные) коллективы, команда КВН, газета «Куда идешь?», студенческий стройотряд, горнозаводская зона.


II. Answer the questions.


1. What year are you in? What faculty and department are you a student of?

2. What sort of admission examinations did you pass when applying for the University? Was the competition high? Why?

3. What kind of course are you taking at the University? Why have you chosen it? Have you decided on your future profession on your own? Did your parents influence your decision?

4. How long does your programme of training last?

5. How many days a week do you attend classes?

6. How many shifts do you have for full-time (part-time) training? When does the morning (day, evening) shift begin and when is it over?

7. What kind of academic subjects does your curriculum comprise? At what stage of study are special subjects taught? What subjects are you studying now?

8. Do you attend lectures and classes regularly? Do you do all your assignments in time? Have you ever fail at an examination? If yes, what do you think the reason is?

9. What is the system of grading at your faculty? What is your rating in your academic group? Are you behind the other students in any subject? What subject(s) are you especially good at?

10. Are you carrying out any research work? Who is your scientific supervisor?

11. How are you getting on with your mates and tutors? Do you have any problems in communicating with your groupmates and adapting to university culture?

12. What sort of recreational activity do you prefer? What are your leisure interests?

13. Are you engaged in any extracurricular activity? Does it help you in socializing?

14. Do you do any sport? What kinds of sport are popular with the students of your group? What competitions are held at your faculty?

15. How do you spend your summer vacations? Have you ever been a member of a student building team? What sort of work did you do? Was it well-paid?

16. What kind of job are you planning to apply for after graduating from the University?


III. Work in pairs. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements.


1. Larger schools are better than smaller ones.

2. It is impossible to enter the University without coaching or attending preparatory courses.

3. The best lecturers are the old ones.

4. It is better to live in a dormitory or student hostel than to rent an apartment.


IV. Prepare an oral presentation of South Ural University Zlatoust Branch. You can use the information given in the text and the official website of the University. Extend it with your personal information and predictions about its future development.


V. Ponder on the following items and present your ideas in class:

– advantages and disadvantages of getting a higher education in a local university,

– challenging higher school culture,

– importance of proper learning environment,

– student qualities that provide top academic performance.

VI. Tell about your faculty and your academic environment. Exchange your ideas with your partner.