New Theories of Biological Cell Morphology
I wish to start with a discussion of the revolutionary research of Herr Professor Doktor Tomas Landh, a biophysicist and bio-materials scientist. He has advanced a new theory based on solid evidence that conflicts greatly with current views on cell morph ology, especially neuronal brain cells. Current theory is based on two-dimensional models of thin microtome sections of cells viewed under optical or transmission microscopy, which states that “the cell’s membrane is a spherical double layer of fatty lipi ds having their liophobic ends pointing inward, and liophyllic16 ends pointing outwards with protein structures at either surface or squeezing through the membrane. Show the first slide. Next slide. You see here, this shows the protoplasm in center and lo oks like round circles, ya? Doktor Landh is not arguing cell function, but more the structural topology of its true geometry. After reviewing thousands of published fotos in histology literature for the past 35 years, he is convinced the current view is i ncorrect.
Cell Morphology Has a Six-Fold Symmetry
What he did, is not use transmission electron microscopy (TEM), but scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with very special dry-freeze techniques to preserve actual cell morphology without preparation artifacts. He then performed a mathematical topological analysis (MTA) to correlate hypothesis with observations, and found that cells, far from being spherical 3-D little balls, ya?, were in reality very complex 3-D aggregates following a precise topological law known as Periodic Minimal Surface (PMS), not t o be confused with female PMS, ya? ( roaring laughter ) I will skip the details, but Doktor Landh has postulated that the actual cell morphology and cell continuum is not a random spherical configuration, but a precise crystalline aggregate of cubic-shap ed cells whose membranes show a six-fold symmetry! Traces of the Egyptian Flower of Life symmetry, maybe, ya?17 Furthermore, the cytoskeleton or protein skeleton of the cell grows in a spiral pattern, very similar to DNA/RNA geometry. I wish to have the n ext five slides, Dr. B. You see how the cell grows from a two-dimensional circle to a cubic aggregate if you apply the rules of topology, ya? You see also the repeating pattern, like a crystal, ya? This cubic shape is probably dictated by functional cellu lar requirements, and determines the actual cell behavior.
Finally, his last phenomenal discovery was that, as a materials scientist - like the Amerikan Dr. William Tiller - he was very familiar with metallic and metalloid microstructure. When he saw the high-angle SEM’s at low resolution and high angle, he noti ced the pattern resembled what material scientists call a photonic crystal, a lattice structure of atoms or molecules that is sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, or light, ya? So he realised, of course! That explains the work of Herr Doktor Popp from Switzerland (18) and his photon cell experiments. In other words, the cells are morphologically arranged like a PMS structure that maximises its surface per unit volume for absorption of energy. It follows, therefore, that cells, especially neuronal cerebral cells, are crystalline electromagnetic transducers - in other words, they respond to light, ya?19 That explains why not only exodermal (skin) cells, but deep endodermal cells, including (those in) the pineal gland, are sensitive to light. The current vi ew maintains that light photons do not affect metabolism. Doktor Landh’s research contradicts that, and categorically shows how cells are structurally and morphologicaly equipped to act as light transducers, ya? That is the conclusion of our own research. ( standing ovation and applause )