Electronic Mind Control - Remotely Altering Our Lives

"The great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me"


-= Contents =-


1.0 Disclaimer


1.1 Introduction - Andrija Puharich


1.2 CIA Tooth Implants - Andrija Puharich (cont.)


1.3 A Victim of CIA Mind Control: Political Asylum


1.4 Microwaves and Mind Control in Low Income Communities


1.5 Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Transmitters


1.6 Conclusion / Contact Information


1.7 Research Subjects: Articles, Books, and Papers







Our world changed almost instantaneously in the technical capability for mind control with the discovery that electromagnetic beams of energy could be used for three negative purposes; influence, disable or kill from a distance.


One of the first scientists to delve into the effects of electro-magnetics on human organisms was the famous scientist by the name of Nikola Tesla, with E.L. Chaffee and R.U. Light quickly following his work in 1934 with the adventation of the monograph; "A Method For the Remote Control of Electrical Stimulation of the Nervous System."


Coincidentally the same year Soviet Union scientist Leonid L. Vasiliev wrote "Critical Evaluation of the Hypogenic Method" about the discoveries of Dr. I.F. Tomashevsky and his advanced research into remote influencing of the brain through radio waves.


Andrija Puharich was yet another early scientist/researcher into the effects of electromagnetics who delved into the effects of radio waves on animals, working at Northwestern University in the late 1940s. Pucharich was the man who founded a laboratory he titled the 'Round Table Foundation of Electrobiology' in what he modestly termed "a barn in the woods" outside of Camden, Maine.


Among Puharich's associates at the Round Table were Warren S. McCulloch, one of the founders of 'cybernetics' theory, who worked at Bellevue Hospital in New York City. McCulloch was an early advocate of electronic brain implants, and chaired conferences sponsored by the Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation, a channel for CIA mind control funding. Another associate of Puharich's was John Hays Hammond, said to have been Nikola Tesla's only student, who was interested in the use of electromagnetics to control the human mind.


After the demise of Andrija Puharich's Round Table Foundation of Electrobiology, he spent a lot of time with the famous social engineer Aldous Huxley in Tecate, Mexico, once again studying the effects of electronics on the human organization.




'CIA Tooth Implants'

Among many of Puharich's many accomplishments was the design and pseudo- implementation of what is described as a "radio tooth implant", the technical specs of which were sold to the CIA. At a conference on electromagnetism in September of 1987, Puharich the following invention: "We were able to develop a hearing device that fit under the cap of a tooth and we could hear very clearly from a small little relay and receiver and transmitter and unfortunately it was promptly classified by an agency of our government. But we did solve the problem in terms of hardware."


The radio tooth implantation may _still be in use_ to this day. According to the 'Chemical and Engineering News' for February 5, 1996, in a story titled "Hong Kong professor sues U.S. for mind control":

"The South China Morning Post reported on January 25 that an assistant professor at the University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong, has filed a $100 million suit against the U.S. government for implanting mind-control devices in his teeth. Huang Si-ming charges that the devices were implanted during root canal work in 1991 while he was studying at the University of Iowa, according to Morning Post reported Patricia Young. Another student at Iowa University, who like Huang, was born in China, had gone on a shooting spree, and the Feds, Huang says, put the devices in his teeth to find out if he was involved.

"The Hong Kong professor says he suffered an Alzheimer's disease-like memory loss that hampered his teaching. It stopped, he says, only when he sought legal aid to mount his lawsuit. Besides the U.S., the suit names the University of Science & Technology on the grounds that it was involved in continuing the mind-control work. It also seeks punitive damages of $1 million from the defendants for 'low ethical standards.'


"Huang claims that one of the devices in his teeth can read his thoughts and talk to his mind when he's asleep. A second device, he believes, transmits pictures of what he sees to a receiver for recording. The mind controller, he says, can drive him to 'bad' behavior. He gives two examples, one of which cannot be mentioned in a family magazine."


Huang is not alone in his complaints about having mind control devices implanted in his teeth. David B. recounts his story:


"X-rays revealed a metal object on the left side of my skull under the jaw in the soft tissue of my neck. In May 1996, I finally had it removed, I asked many doctors about the possibility of it falling there during an extraction - they said, 'possible, but remote'. Most of them thought it punctured my neck from the outside. I sent X-rays to Dr. Sims, and he arranged removal. The strange thing that came out of this was the discovery of the small object in my shoulder. Dr. Leer called after receiving my X-rays and asked if I had ever broken my shoulder, if I had ever been in an explosion. I replied no. He said the reason was that the X-ray clearly showed a screw in my left shoulder. He said it looked like an operation for a broken shoulder. I have never broken a bone to my knowledge, and called my mother to ask. She said I'd had no operations as a child. This part is a complete mystery.


"During the first six months of torture (extreme at that time), I went to a dentist and reported pain under my new dental bridge, installed a few months before the assault. He removed it and I was still in contact. So I wrote off my teeth and concentrated on my throat, wrongly. In my X-rays and CAT scan, one tooth is very bright and in one frame of the CAT scan it shows rays of white emanating from it. People I asked said it was probably an interference effect with the metal."



