Choose the definitions to the following terms

application generator A rectangle on the desktop that displays information.


user-friendly A component of the CPU which coordinates all the other

parts of the computer system.


track To copy information from the RAM to a disk.


window A tool that allows applications to be created interactively.


desktop A program that darkens the screen after you have not

worked for several minutes.


screen saver An expression used to describe computers which are designed

to be easy to use, by means of self-explanatory interaction

between users and computers.


save An area of work – the menu bar and other sections of the screen


control unit An area marked on the surface of a disk.


Answer the questions.

1. What main parts does Basic consist of ?

2. How does Basic enable the user?

3. What is your task as a programmer?

4. What is the main flaw?

5. What is the compiler?

6. What is the operating system?

7. What are software objects?

8. What is a project?

9. What is the first thing that you should keep in mind about a project?

10. What is the project file?

11. What method does the Project Explorer provide?

12. In what ways can you add new files to your project?

13. What is a project group?


Draw your conclusion of the text.




Match the Russian terms on the left with the English equivalents on the right.



1. подход 1. binary number

2. система счисления 2. execution

3. двоичное число 3. to interact

4. языки высокого уровня 4. slightly higher level

5. взаимодействовать 5. approach

6. способный 6. high-level languages

7. немного более высокий уровень 7. parentheses

8. круглые скобки 8. typing of commands

9. выполнение 9. number system

10. печатание команд 10. capable


Match the English terms on the left with the Russian ones on the right.


1. decimal system 1. совершенствование языков

2. suitable specific libraries 2. использование переменной

3. in order to 3. отдельная программа

4. handling of numbers 4. десятичная система

5. development of languages 5. непрофессионал

6. to perform 6. для того чтобы

7. layperson 7. исходная программа

8. a source program 8. выполнять

9. use of a variable 9. соответствующие определенные библиотеки

10. a separate program 10. обработка чисел

Complete the sentences with a proper word.

language tasks applications to perform to write instructions to make understand



1.To make the program easier … higher-level languages were designed.

2.The type of programming depends on the type of program that we want … .

3. Computers are able … many different tasks.

4. Computers cannot … ordinary spoken English or any other natural … .

5. A computer does not have enough creativity to make … for which it is not programmed, so it can follow only … .

6. When programming great … usually a higher level is used.

Translate into English.


Язык низкого уровня – разновидность языка программирования, в котором управление и структуры данных непосредственно отражают архитектуру машины. Язык ассемблера позволяет программисту пользоваться мнемоническими кодами операций, присваивать символические имена регистрам и памяти, а также задавать удобные для себя схемы адресации. Кроме того, он позволяет использовать различные системы счисления (например, десятичную)для представления числовых констант.



Read the text and try to understand it.


Virtual Pascal

VP is a cross-platform 32-bit compiler, linker and debugger, which supports OS/2, Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT/2000, some 32-bit DOS extenders and includes experimental support for Linux. Its open architecture allows this compatibility to be extended to more Intel-based operating systems, including full source-level debugging.

VP is the best choice of compiler for any person or organization desiring to produce fast, compact cross-platform applications as quickly as possible. Prior knowledge of the Pascal language is an advantage, but not a requirement. If you do not have any knowledge of the Pascal language, you should buy a book on Pascal programming to get the most out of Virtual Pascal – although the Language Reference Manual does provide enough information to get started, it is not intended as a textbook on the Pascal language.

VP features a very high level of compatibility with Borland Pascal 7.0 for DOS and Borland Delphi vl to 3 for Windows. The primary aim of having a high degree of compatibility is to ensure that the process of porting existing code based on the DOS and Windows environments to native 32-bit OS/2 and Windows applications is as quick and smooth as possible. Being compatible also means that there already is a host of supplementary literature on the dialect of Pascal used by VP available – buy any Borland Pascal programming book and most of the issues apply to VP as well.

While being very compatible with the standards set by Borland, VP also offers a wide range of features unique to 32-bit development under OS/2 and Win32. All central parts of the system are prepared for multi-threading and the OS/2 and Win32 API functions are available and ready for use.

For new and experienced programmers alike, VP offers a productive, fast and modern development environment that enables users to make the best of development time.


Visual FoxPro

With its local cursor engine, tight coupling between language and data, and powerful features, Visual FoxPro 8.0 is a great tool for building database solutions of all sizes. Its data-centric, object-oriented language offers developers a robust set of tools for building database applications for the desktop, client-server environments, or the Web. Developers will have the necessary tools to manage data – from organizing tables of information, running queries, and creating an integrated relational database management system (DBMS) to programming a fully-developed data management application for end users.

Visual FoxPro 8.0 includes structured error handling, Cursor Adapter class for universal data access, new auto-increment support for data tables, Microsoft Windows XP Themes support, new base classes and control, new GDI + image support, new event binding for objects, full hierarchical support, new XML Web services features, updated OLE DB provider, improved development productivity, and new and improved compatibility with Microsoft Visual Studio NET.

Microsoft is committed to improving Visual FoxPro and serving the needs of FoxPro developers worldwide. Visual FoxPro 8.0 directly addresses the most popular customer requests and support enhancements.

Visual FoxPro COM components can be used with Internet Information Services (IIS) to build high-powered Internet database applications. This is because Visual FoxPro components can be called from Active Server Pages (ASP). Visual FoxPro is compatible with ASP but works even better in conjunction with the more modern ASP.NET. The components will retrieve and manipulate data, and will build some of the HTML returned to the user.


The words to the text:

cross-platform межплатформенный

debugger отладчик

compatibility совместимость, сочетаемость

to include включать

choice выбор

prior предшествующий, первоочередной

to intend намереваться

to feature отличать, показывать, изображать

feature черта, свойство

degree степень

to ensure уверять, гарантировать

smooth гладкий, ровный

to mean значить, означать

to set устанавливать, назначать

to offer предлагать

unique уникальный

to be available быть в наличии, быть доступным

tight тесный

robust ясный, четкий

table таблица

query вопрос (неточность)

error ошибка

to bind связывать

hierarchical иерархический

to commit поручать, вверять

to improve улучшать

request просьба, запрос

enhancement повышение, увеличение