The Volgograd State Medical University

The Stalingrad Medical Institute was founded in 1935. There was only one faculty then. It was the faculty of General Medicine. In 1985 the Institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labour. In 1993 it was granted the status of Academy, in 2003 - the status of University.

Nowadays the Volgograd state medical university has nine faculties (departments) and affiliated medical, scientific and educational establishments:

- Faculty of General Medicine

- Faculty of Dentistry/Stomatology

- Pharmaceutical Faculty

- Faculty of Pediatrics

- Faculty of Biomedicine

- Faculty of Clinical Psychology and Social Studies

- Faculty of Post-Diploma Probation

- Faculty of Refresher Training

- Preparatory Course for Foreign Students

The Medical University framework comprises a number of research centres: the Centre for clinical and experimental rheumatology, the Centre for clinical and experimental pharmacology, the Federal centre for acupuncture, the Centre for licensing health care professionals, the Central research laboratory. There is a medical college training dental technicians, pharmacists, nurses. Postgraduate training involves an internship, a clinical residency and a postgraduate course.

Four educational buildings and five multi-profile hospitals for 7000 patients are also at the disposal of the University.

At present 3500 citizens of Russia and 700 foreigners study at the University. The University has been included into the WHO's List of World medical schools. The Diploma granted by the VolSMU is recognized in over 80 countries and by the World Health Organization.

Today the staff of the University includes 3 academicians of the National Academy for Medical Sciences, 93 professors, 125 assistant professors, and 831 faculty members.

Medical University has established numerous links with scientific research institutes of Russian Academy for Medical Sciences, medical and pharmaceutical higher educational institutions of Russia, as well as wide international links. One of the partner universities of VolSMU is Arkansas University of Medical Sciences (USA) implementing exchange programmes.


Задание 4. Найдите соответствия (в некоторых случаях – более одного). Ответ запишите дробью (1/8):

1. award 1. факультет

2. educational 2. гражданин

3. found 3. присвоить

4. faculty 4. персонал

5. technician 5. сертификация

6. grant 6. награда

7. staff 7. филиал

8. citizens 8. повышение квалификации

9. licensing 9. учебный

10. link 10. педагогический состав

11. refresher training 11. награждать

12. affiliated establishment 12. техник

13. основывать

14. связь

15. факультет


Задание 5. Найдите в тексте предложения, в которых местоимения выполняют функцию подлежащего и переведите их.


Задание 6. Задайте 5 вопросов (различного типа) к тексту таким образом, чтобы ответы освещали основное содержание

Задание 7. Дополните предложения по смыслу:

1. A person wishing to become a student and taking entrance exams is a …

2. A person who studies at the faculty of ………. is a future ………

3. The head of a …….. is a ………… .

4. One who delivers lectures is a ………….

5. One who conducts practical classes is a ……………

6. A graduate who enters the internship course becomes an …………

7. A graduate who enters the clinical residency course becomes a ………….

8. A person who enters the post-graduate course becomes a …………….


Задание 8. Выберите необходимую по смыслу форму глагола – сказуемого, составьте предложения:


Rector The University Each department A dean Each chair The head of the chair A hospital A chief doctor to head to be headed to supervise to be supervised to be responsible for the University. by the rector. by a dean. a faculty. by a head of chair. The work of the chair staff. by a chief doctor. a hospital.


The faculty of general medicine Pediatricians The faculty of dentistry Pharmaceutists The faculty of clinical psychology and social studies Foreign students Interns, clinical residents and postgraduate students The faculty of refresher training to train to be trained physicians (therapeutists) and surgeons. at the faculty of pediatrics. dentists. at the faculty of pharmacy. psychologists and social workers. at preparatory course. at post-diploma probation department. medical specialists to equip them with the advances in medicine.


Расскажите о своем университете, используя подстановочную таблицу:

Our university The VolSMU The structure of the university Four educational buildings and five hospitals The course of studies The diploma of the VolSMU The staff of the university The medical colleges Postgraduate training to be founded to be granted to have to comprise to be at the disposal to vary to be recognized to consist of to train to involve in 1935; Academy status in1993; University status in 2003; nine faculties…; affiliated establishments…; of the students; of the University; from 5 to 6 years; in 80 countries; by the WHO; dental technicians, pharmacists, nurses; internship, a clinical residency and a postgraduate course.  

II. Grammar

1. Оборот there is/ are

There’s a door. (= There is a door.)

There are seven chairs. Is there a car park?

Singular or plural?

1) There is a computer/ computers in the two self-study room/ rooms.

2) There are table/ tables and chair/ chairs, and a cassette player/ players.

3) There are thirty teacher/ teachers.

4) The college/ colleges in Oxford are beautiful.

5) There is one student/ students from Greece.


2. Modal Verbs: p. 293

Модальные глаголы обозначают не само действие, а указывают на отношение к нему говорящего. Они выражают способность, возможность, допустимость, долженствование.

Модальные глаголы употребляются только в сочетании с инфинитивом смыслового глагола без частицы to. Эти глаголы часто называются недостаточными, так как они:

1) не имеют неличных форм – инфинитива, причастия, герундия;

2) не изменяются ни по лицам, ни по числам (не имеют окончания в 3-м лице ед. числа);

He can translate this text himself.

3. образуют вопросительную форму путем постановки глаголов can, must, may перед подлежащим, а отрицательную форму not после модальных глаголов.

Can you speak English?

Must I show him my test?

You mustn’t speak aloud here.

4. can и may имеют формы настоящего и прошедшего времени (could, might), глагол must имеет только форму настоящего времени.



Study the following. Pay special attention to the use of ‘can’ and ‘may’.

1) a) Can you speak English?

Yes, I can. I can speak English quite well.

b) I can jump off this box, but I can’t jump off that wall.

2) a) May I have a cup of tea, please?

Certainly, you may.

b) May I take a biscuit, mother?

No, you may not, my dear. We’ll have dinner first.


ex. 1. Make the sentences (a) interrogative, (b) negative.

1) He can speak English quite well.

2) I can type this letter for you.

3) She can read English books now.

4) They can do it for you today.

5) We can speak French a little.


ex. 2. Give short affirmative and negative answers.

1) May I come in?

2) May I have a cup of coffee?

3) May I take this book, please?

4) May I smoke here?

5) May I speak to you now?

6) May I go out?

7) May I have a glass of milk?

ex. 3. Study the following. Pay special attention to the use of ‘must’, ‘have to’, ‘needn’t’.

1) Must you go now?

Yes, I have to leave immediately.

2) Must you get up early tomorrow morning?

Yes, I will/shall have to get up at six o’clock.

3) Did you have to take a taxi?

I’m afraid I had to. There was no bus.

4) Hasn’t your friend arrived yet? How long have you had to wait?

I have had to wait for two hours.

5) Must you water the garden?

No, I needn’t water it now. It’ll rain soon.

6) Do you have to walk to the station?

No, we needn’t. We can catch a bus.


ex. 4. Make these sentences (1) interrogative, (2) negative.

Model: a) He has to leave early.