1. Analyze the use of the new words in the sentences.


1. We were unable to establish proof of her innocence.

2. Marcus winkedat me knowingly.

3. They stood huggingon the platform.

4. Mayor Dixon praisedthe efforts of those involved in the rescue.

5. She graspedhis hand and pulled him towards her.

6. Iwas about toget undressed when there was a knock on the door.

7. 'Don't go!' he begged.

8. Raggedposters hung on the walls.

9. The children were all so shabbyand hungry.

10. He wrote a letter naming the people whom he suspected.

11. Are there any decentrestaurants around here?

12. It is almost certain that our offer will be rejected.

13. His conceptionof the world is a very strange one.

14. She quickly snappedher handbag shut.

15. He hesitateda moment, and then knocked on the door.

16. Jack's novels are well constructed with strong characterization and a fine prose style.

17. He made only a fleetingreference to his resignation.

18. She caught a fleetingglimpse of him as he rounded the corner.

19. He put down his book with a slight frown.

20. Her teachers attributedher learning difficulties to emotional problems

21. Your dislike of water is perhaps due to a subconsciousfear of drowning.

22. This isn't the appropriatetime to discuss the problem.

23. I praised them in my stiltedGerman.

24. 'Wow!' Bill exclaimed. 'You look beautiful!'

25. What do you think of a man who neglectshis wife?

26. She blurted outhis name, then gasped as she realized what she'd done

27. He knockeda couple of nails into the door.

Think of the words that fit the definitions below.

1. A green-blue color__________________

2. Preserved in vinegar or salt water______

3. A dingy place or object is rather dark in an unpleasant way and often
looks dirty_______ _____

4. Information or evidence that shows that something is definitely true
or definitely exists________

5. Unpleasantly___________

6. The end of a book, play, or series of events, when everything is explained ____________

7. Not colorful or interesting____________

8. The feeling that a situation is so bad that nothing you can do will
change it________________

9. Stilted movements or words are not relaxed and natural _____________

10. The number of copies of a newspaper or magazine sold each day,
week etc__________

11. Crushed oats (=a type of grain), used in cooking__ ____

12. The key for opening the lock of an outer door from the outside _________

13. A type of poetry that has a regular pattern of sounds but does not
have lines that rhyme_____________________

14. Continuing for only a very short time__ _________

15. Torn and dirty____________

16. To speak in a way that shows you are not comfortable, relaxed, or confident __________

17. Someone who tells secrets about ones own country to a country that is ones


Choose the correct definition for each word.


To snap, to disgrace, to stroke, to tug, to neglect, to fumble,