Ex.6 GRAMMAR FOCUS. Modal verbs. Revision

Unit 4. Legal Careers

Section1. The Legal Careers in Russia


Ex.1. Here are the words connected with legal careers. Read them aloud and make sure you know their Russian equivalents. Divide the words into two groups: law-related jobs and places of work.

the Bar, the organs of the Prosecutor’s Office, companies, judges, notaries, courts, jurisconsults, notary offices, legal advice offices, investigators, organs of tax inspection, organs of police, firms, banks, enterprises, prosecutors, customs officers, traffic officers, law enforcement agencies, advocates


EX.2. a) Match the English words to their Russian equivalents.

1. arbitrator a. адвокатура, коллегия адвокатов
2. enterprise b. нотариально засвидетельствовать
3. investigator c. прокурор
4. jurisconsult d. посредничать, выступать в качестве посредника
5. notary e. нотариус
6. prosecutor f. защищать на суде, выступать защитником
7. the Bar g. следователь
8. to accuse of h. обвинить; предъявить официальное обвинение
9. to appoint i. назначать, определять (на должность)
10. to defend j. предприятие
11. to mediate k. юрисконсульт
12. to notarize l. судья арбитражного суда


B)Use some of the words from the box and make 3 word combinations to describe the Russian court system and its work.


Ex.3 Match the words or word-combinations to their explanations.

1. advocate a) an individual, company, or other entity which has legal rights and is subject to obligations
2. legal person   b) a person, usually a lawyer, who has legal authority to witness the signing of documents in order to make them legally valid.
3. notary   c) a lawyer who speaks in favour of someone or defends them in a court of law.
4. police d) the official organization that is responsible for making sure that people obey the law
5. the Bar e) someone who carries out investigations, especially as part of their job
6. investigator f) lawyers collectively
7. judge g) a lawyer or official who brings charges against someone or tries to prove in a trial that they are guilty
8. prosecutor h) a public officer appointed to decide cases in a law court


Ex.4 a) Make the word combinations and translate them. Use a good dictionary.

1. law a) social relations
2. prosecutor’s b) the observance of the law
3. legal c) person
4. in-house d) notary actions
5. to supervise e) lawyer
6. to regulate f) assistant
7. to perform g) legal proceedings
8. to conduct h) enforcement

B) Make 4 sentences with the word-combinations from a).

Ex.5 a) Match the English word combinations to their Russian equivalents.

1. to act for the client in court a. раскрыть преступление
2. to check the legality b. представлять клиента в суде
3. to commit a crime c. проверять законность
4. to conduct legal proceedings d. совершать преступление
5. to draft contracts e. составлять проект договора
6. to investigate crimes f. расследовать преступления
7. to solve crimes g. вести судебное разбирательство
8. to perform duties h. выполнять обязанности
9. to preside in the courtroom i. предотвращать преступления
10. to prevent crimes j. урегулировать спор
11. to settle а dispute k. председательствовать в суде


B) Use 5 word combinations from the box and make 5 sentences to describe the work of lawyers in Russia. Remember to use proper grammar form of the words.

Example:to commit a crime + to solve crimes=Investigators never commit crimes , they solve them.

Ex.6 GRAMMAR FOCUS. Modal verbs. Revision.

a) What do these modal verbs express?

modals possibility, permission ability suggestion obligation necessity/ lack of necessity


b) Complete the sentences with the suitable modals from the above table:

1. You …… go to the notary office and file the documents. I’ll do everything myself.

2. I think you ……. listen to your advocate. He knows what he says.

3. ….. I enter the courtroom when the hearing has already begun?

4. I am your lawyer. I want to know what happened. You …… tell me.

5. This witness doesn’t know English. He ….. speak only Spanish. We need an interpreter for him.

Ex. 7 Pre-reading task

Skim the text and divide it into the logical parts. Entitle them: