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Youth policy is one of the essential components of the Rosenergoatom's socially-oriented policy.
In May, a conference of the coordinators of the organizations of young nuclear engineers from Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania took place in the town of Desnogorsk. The conference has drafted a number of documents related to implementation of the utility youth policy. International and domestic cultural, social and sport events were organized and conducted according to the financial and working plan of social, cultural and sport activities for the period of 2002 - 2005 authorized by the directorial board Rosenergoatom.
In early 2003, the II Winter Games for the Rosenergoatom employees were held in the town of Zarechny (Beloyarsk NPP). About 200 contestants representing nine Russian nuclear power plants and the central utility office competed in four different kinds of sports. The program of the Games also included ski race for the junior boys and girls, representing nuclear power plants.
In March of 2003 the collective team of Rosenergoatom (headed by O.N. Zheltov) took part in the finals of Winter Games for the employees of the nuclear power industry and nuclear power engineering «Atomics 2003» in the town of Lesnoy. The utility team performed successfully in the competitions, being a prize winner in the overall classification and in individual disciplines. The victory of the mountain-skiing team, headed by A. A. Makarov, deserves to be specially mentioned.
In the summer of 2003, an international festival of NPP youth «Youth for nuclear power» took place in the town of Sosnovy Bor (Leningrad NPP). About 300 participants representing 9 nuclear power plants in Russia, towns of Obninsk and Slavutich (Chernobyl NPP), and the veterans of the «Disnay» festival took part in the festivity.
A meeting of the managers of the youth organizations of nuclear power plants was conducted in the framework of the festival. The meeting approved the Statute of the Coordination committee of the authorized representatives of the young employees of Rosenergoatom, defined the status of a «young employee» and a «young specialist» of the utility recommended for approval the program «Youth of the Rosenergoatom conсern for 2003 - 2005».
In August of 2003, the III Summer Games of the Rosenergoatom employees «Sport NPP-2003» (chairman of the organizing committee V. I. Lebedev, meet chairman - V. N. Kuzyakin) took place in the town of Sosnovy Bor (Leningrad NPP). About 500 contestants representing 9 nuclear power plants and the corporate office took part in the competitions. The participants competed in 17 different disciplines. The team of Leningrad nuclear power plant won the overall qualification.
In November of 2003, the fifth Obninsk festival of theaters «MIG» took place in Obninsk. The festival of 2003 was dedicated to 100 anniversary of A. I. Leypunsky, and had the motto «Youth for nuclear power!». Theaters from the towns of Zarechny [Beloyarsk NPP), Udomlya (Kalinin NPP), Sosnovy Bor (Leningrad NPP), Volgodonsk (Volgodonsk NPP], Kurchatov (Kursk NPP], Desnogorsk [Smolensk NPP], and four theaters from Obninsk took part in the festival.
In November 2003, an international festival of amateur stand-up comedy troops «The Autumn Maximum» was held in the town of Novovoronezh (Novovoronezh NPP). 80 representatives from four nuclear power plants and Ukrainian guests from the town of Slavutich (Chernobil NPP] participated in the contest.
A conference of the coordinators of the International association of young nuclear engineers and a meeting of the authorized representatives of youth organizations of the Russian nuclear power plants were held in the framework of the festival. The meeting summarized the results of the work of the organizations of young nuclear engineers in 2003 and discussed some aspects of the program «Youth of Rosenergoatom for 2003 - 2005».
As earlier, the charitable activities of the year were based on the financial plan of charitable activities authorized by the management of Minatom of Russia. The plan was a basis for quarterly plans to be approved by the Committee for charitable activities led by the General Director Oleg M. Saraev.
The year of 2003 was full of significant events, for which the concern «Rosenergoatom» made it's contributions.
Main events:
- casting of the Tsar-bell for the Saint-Trinity Sergey Laura belfry;
- restoration of the building complex of the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Dimitrov;
- construction of the orphanage at the Saint-Trinity Stephen-Makhrishch monastery;
- restoration of objects linked to the venerable Seraphim of Sarov, to the 100th anniversary of his canonization.
As before, the concern supports the republican child sanatorium «Kiritsyj in refurbishing the medical and residential buildings and in purchasing the materials needed for economic activities. Traditionally, the concern supports, on a charitable basis, the Karabanovo orphanage, A. S. Andrushetchko School Makhrino, and the orphanage at the Sane- Trinity nunnery in the village of Dunilovo. Besides, the support was rendered to Chernobyl veteran organizations, branch and concern veterans, war veterans, educational entities, and as requested in many written applications - to different social non-commercial associations and funds.
Main activities for 2004:
- construction of the orphanage at the Nicolas-Solbino monastery;
- construction of the Saint-Trimtv church at the Stephan-Makhrishch monastery;
- construction of the chapel at the republican child tuberculosis sanatorium «Kiritsy»; - construction of the Sunday school at the Seraphim-Diveevo monastery.
2 Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:
1) socially-oriented policy;
2) organizations of young nuclear engineers;
3) international and domestic cultural, social and sport events;
4) nuclear power industry and nuclear power engineering;
5) Coordination committee;
6) the overall qualification;
7) an international festival of amateur stand-up comedy troops;
8) а conference of the coordinators;
9) international association of young nuclear engineers;
10). social non-commercial associations and funds.
3 Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:
1) молодёжная политика;
2) полномочные представители;
3) благотворительные мероприятия;
4) основные задачи на 2004;
5) центральный аппарат концерна;
6) сборная команда;
7) занять призовое место;
8) совещание руководителей;
9) в рамках фестиваля;
10) знаменательные события.
4 Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык:
2) to coordinate;
3) work;
4) to construct;
5) tradition;
6) to represent;
7) class;
8) to manage;
9) to implement;
10) individ.
5 Задайте к выделенному в тексте предложению все типы вопросов (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный: а) к подлежащему, б) к второстепенному члену предложения).
The program of the Games also included ski race for the junior boys and girls, representing nuclear power plants.
6 Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: формы и функции инфинитива, инфинитивные конструкции (сложное дополнение, подлежащее), существительное в роли определения, функции слов one (ones), that (those), условные предложения:
1)Youth policy is one of the essential components of the Rosenergoatom's socially-oriented policy.
2)The conference has drafted a number of documents related to implementation of the utility youth policy.
3) International and domestic cultural, social and sport events were organized and conducted according to the financial and working plan of social, cultural and sport activities for the period of 2002 - 2005 authorized by the directorial board Rosenergoatom.
4) About 200 contestants representing nine Russian nuclear power plants and the central utility office competed in four different kinds of sports.
5) The program of the Games also included ski race for the junior boys and girls, representing nuclear power plants.
6) The utility team performed successfully in the competitions, being a prize winner in the overall classification and in individual disciplines.
7) The victory of the mountain-skiing team, headed by A. A. Makarov, deserves to be specially mentioned.
7 Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:
1)Whendid a conference of the coordinators of the organizations of young nuclear engineers from Russia, Ukraine and Lithuania take place in the town of Desnogorsk?
2) Where were the II Winter Games for the Rosenergoatom employees held in the town of Zarechny (Beloyarsk NPP) in early 2003?
3) Where did the collective team of Rosenergoatom (headed by O.N. Zheltov) take part in the finals of Winter Games for the employees of the nuclear power industry and nuclear power engineering «Atomics 2003» in March of 2003?
4) What kind of festival took place in the town of Sosnovy Bor (Leningrad NPP) in the summer of 2003?
5) How many participants representing 9 nuclear power plants in Russia, towns of Obninsk and Slavutich (Chernobyl NPP), and the veterans of the «Disnay» festival took part in the festivity?
6) What kind of meeting was conducted in the framework of the festival?
7) When did the III Summer Games of the Rosenergoatom employees «Sport NPP-2003» take place in the town of Sosnovy Bor (Leningrad NPP)?