Exercise 16. Translate the following sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the different meaning of the words in bolt type

1.There is no way in which a scientist can tell which particular atom is going to decay.2. In this waythe driver can change the speed of the engine. 3. There is an easier way of changing a delivery of goods. 4. Can you show me the wayto the laboratory? 5. The way-bill for delivered goods was organized very carefully. 6. The future extra-mural students will get information and instruction from University computerized complex.7. By under up-to-date computer we mean a complexelectronic device of latest design. 8. This is a very complexinventory problem but the manager must do their best to solve it. 9. The transportation engineer must be unsatisfied with the results of a complex system of highways technical analysis. 10.This document puts a different complexion on the matter.

Exercise 17. Translate the following paying attention to the meaning of the word “which”.

1. Kinds of transport which will be classified will be divided into public and personal usage transport. 2. Our transportation policy which will be reviewed next week, will be changed a bit. 3. Foreign investments which will be made next year will be used for transportation system restructuring. 4. The products which will be shipped next month will be distributed in Europe. 5. Every Volkswagen had a network of sensors leading to one central socket which can report the operating condition of partsin your VWdirectly to you. 6. TheBOHDANis incorporating six specialized enterprises whichare known to the industrialized world. 7. The engineers design, build and test cars, which makes every new car durable and reliable. 8. All of the car equipment will be checked for operation in a short test run after which the car will return to the plant to undergo finishing operations. 9. Intesting grounds there are many stretches of roads which are built on the principle “the worse the better”.10. There are numerous ways in which industry and educationcan cooperate on problems of common interest.

Additional reading

Filling stations in Ukraine

Unfortunately, sometimes the gasoline and diesel fuel quality is far from perfect. That is why we would like to advice the Ukrainian roads travellers not to refuel with the cheapest gasoline and diesel fuel at the small filling stations, whose brand you do not know. The filling stations in Ukraine, which sell the gasoline and diesel fuel brought from Europe (Baltic, Polish, Romanian and so on) has the fuel of higher quality. They include Оkkо, WOG, Shell. The filling stations which sell the Russian fuel have somewhat lower quality. The most reliable are ТNК, Lukoil, ANP.

Depending on the location of the filling stations in Ukraine (in large cities, towns or in the central streets of the capital), the quality of fuel and service can differ. The price can range in 15%. The average price of А95 gasoline in Ukraine is $1.25.

One more thing: cash settlements between the State Automobile Inspectorate and drivers are forbidden in Ukraine, for example to pay the fine for traffic rules violation. You can do it in any bank branch within 10 days after administrative protocol issuance.

If you are planning a trip to Ukraine in your own car we would be happy to help you to arrange such tour, providing you the necessary information and tips concerning the traveling in the Ukrainian roads.

Task 1. Read and translate the text .

Task 2.Indentify the main points of the text and discuss them with your fellow-students.

Task 3.Work with partner and make up a dialog on the text.


Text Study:Transportation Policy in Ukraine

Additional text: Ukrainian traffic rules

Grammar: Objective Infinitive Construction

Subjective Infinitive Construction

Text Study

Pre-reading exercises.

Exercise 1.Practice connected reading. Translate the following word-combinations.

Transportation policy, transportation systems, transportation technologies, world transportation system, basic tasks, long-term goals, branch of industry, the availability of passenger transfers, freight shipments, railway station, social-economic conditions, foreign and domestic market, international law.