Read and discuss the following faxes

A. This fax is from Lynk & Co, who received a damaged consignment and were told by their supplier, Mr Causio, to return it.

P. Lynk & Co. Ltd (Head office), Nesson House, Newell Street, Birmingham B3 3EL. Telephone: 021-327 5385 Cables: MENFINCH Birmingham Telex: 556241 Fax transmission Message for: D. Causio From:K. Pane Address:Satex S.p.A., Via di Pietra Papa, 00167 Date:24 January 2006 Fax number:(06) 394 8629   Dear Mr. Causio, This is an urgent request for a consignment to replace the damaged delivery that we received, and about which you have already been informed. Please airfreight the following items: Quantity PN40 60 AG20 75 L28 100 The damaged consignment will be returned to you on receipt of the replacement. Yours sincerely, K. Pane Chief Buyer

B. This fax is an example of an informal message from a sales representative, who needs something to be done urgently by his Head Office.

MANSON OFFICE SUPPLIER LIMITED Canal Street, Manchester M12 4KQ І Fax Transmission From:Nick Manson To: Sue Bresson   Sue, I've been in Bournemouth now since yesterday, and our clients seem to be most enthusiastic about our new range of notepaper. Can you send some more samples and about twenty more catalogues? Please send them Datapost, then I'll definitely get them tomorrow. Also, just to let you know I'll be in Norwich on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th, and back at the office on the Monday.   Thanks, and see you next week.


Read and discuss the following e-mail.

Here is an example of one type of message, with the capitals representing data on the Visual Display Unit (VDU) and the italics, the messages.

mail   SEND, READ OR SCAN: read TO: British Shipping Lines 50: (ACL 678) FROM: Grizzler Shipbrockers Ltd. 80: (HDR 321) POSTED: 15 — May — 2006 12.45 SUBJECT: Charter of the MV Orion   MORE: yes   Our clients, Wissarey Grain, are willing to accept the character of the MV Orion at $ 30.45 per ton. Please confirm that the vessel will be in Rotterdam ready for loading on 29 June '06. ACTION REQUIRED: reply   TEXT: Confirmation, the MV Orion will be in Rotterdam loading on 29 June '06, and the charter rate is $ 30.45 per ton.   SEND FGH 246 - SENT ACTION REQUIRED: delete END OF MAIL


I. Study the words. Make sure you know them.

Persuasive, advertising, slogan, endorsement, appeal, femininity, manliness, authority, rival, anxiety, rural, illegal.

II. Read the text for obtaining information.

Here are some methods used in persuasive advertising. Read them. Decide which appeal to you and which don’t. Think of an example for each type from your country.

1. Repetition. It is the simplest kind of advertising. A slogan is repeated so often that we begin to associate a brand name with a particular product or service.

2. Endorsement. A popular personality is used in the advertisement.

3. Emotional appeal. Advertising often appeals to basics such as motherlove, femininity, manliness.

4. Scientific authority. Sometimes the advert shows a person in a white coat (i.e. a scientist) telling us about the product. More often it mentions “miracle ingredients” or “scientific testing” to persuade us.

5. Comparison. The advert lists the qualities of a product in direct comparison with the rival products.

6. An appeal to fear or anxiety. This type is similar to 3, but works on our fears.

7. Association of ideas. This is usually visual. Until it became illegal in Britain, cigarette advertising showed attractive, healthy people smoking in beautiful rural situations.

8. Information. If a product is new, it may be enough to show it and explain what it does.

9. Special offers/free gifts. This is a very simple and direct appeal – it’s half price!

10. Anti-advertising. This is a modern version which appeals to the British sense of humour. It makes fun of the techniques of advertising.

III. Comprehension check.