Tell me about your qualifications

What are your qualifications?

What qualifications do you have?

I can type 100 WPM.

I’m able to type 100 WPM.

I am proficient in many computer programs.

I’m able to use many computer programs.

I have excellent interpersonal skills.

I get along very well with people.

Do you have any questions about the position?

Would you like to ask anything about the job?

What are the responsibilities in this position?

What are the duties?

We’re looking for someone to supervise two office clerks.

We want someone who can manage two office clerks.

Have you had any supervisory experience?

Have you ever been a supervisor?

What are your salary expectations, Mrs. Stevens?

What salary do you expect?

I expect to be paid the going rate for this type of position.

I expect to get the usual salary for this type of work.

Can you tell me about the benefits you provide?

What benefits does the company give?

We provide full medical and dental coverage.

We give health and dental insurance.

We’ll contact you next week.

We’ll get in touch with you next week.

That’s very generous.

That’s very good.

When is the position available?

When does the job start?

We’ll contact you next week.

We’ll get in touch with you next week.

It’s been a pleasure meeting you.

I’ve enjoyed meeting you.

I hope to hear from you soon.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Complete the dialogue below with appropriate expressions.

Interviewer: Hello, ________________________. _________________________


Applicant: ________________________________________________________.

Interviewer: _______________________________________________________.

Applicant: Thank you.

Interviewer: _________________________________________________ you have several years of office experience.

Applicant: Yes. I’ve had ____________________________________ experience.

Interviewer: _______________________________________ your qualifications.

Applicant: _________________________________________________________


Interviewer: I see that you have excellent references. _______________________ _________________________ the position?

Applicant: Yes. What are the _________________________________________ in this position?

Interviewer: We’re looking for someone _________________________________


Applicant: What are the office hours?

Interviewer: _______________________________________________________


Applicant: I expect to be paid __________________________________________

_______________________________________________. Can you tell me about the benefits you offer?

Interviewer: Yes. ___________________________________________________.

Applicant: _______________________________________________________?

Interviewer: We’re hoping the successful applicant can start at the beginning of next month. We’ll finish our interviews tomorrow and make a decision by the weekend. ____________________________________ next week.

Applicant: Thank you very much. ______________________________________.

Interviewer: Thank you for coming in to see us, Mrs. Stevens.

Write your own dialogue using phrases from ex. IV-1. Practice and represent the dialogue.

Giving Talks and Presentations

I. Study the words and phrases. Make sure you know them.

1. Introducing the topic:

Today/this morning... I'm going to/I'd like to... talk about/describe...

The aim of my presentation is to...

My talk consists of / includes... parts.

First I'll give you an overview of ...

After that I'd like to move on to...

Then We will focus on...

Finally deal with...


2. Dealing with questions:

Please feel free and ask any questions.

to interrupt me if there is anything you can't understand.

I'm glad you asked this question.

That's a good question.

I think I'm not the right person to answer your question.

If you don't mind we'll leave questions till the end.

3. Introducing each section:

So, let's start with...

Now let's move on to...

I'd like to turn your attention to...

Finally, ... (let's consider)

4. Referring:

As I mentioned before/earlier ...

I'll say about this more a bit later.

We'll come back to this point later.

5. Referring to visual information:

As this diagram shows

scheme demonstrates...



If you look at this diagram/scheme... you can see...

I'd like to draw your attention to...

6. Checking understanding:

Is that clear?

Are there any questions?

Do you have any questions?

7. Referring to common knowledge:

I am sure you are aware of the fact that...

I think you know…

As many of you may recall...

8. Concluding

This brings / takes me to the end of my presentation.

That concludes my presentation/talk.

This completes my talk / presentation / description of...

So, to summarize...

II. Read and translate the text.

Part 1

Leonid:Hello, everybody, and thank you for taking the time to come to this conference. The topic is Global Tourism and Russia.I havedivided my talk into three parts. In the very beginning I'd like to say about the project itself. Then I will talk about the content of the TV series devoted to global tourism. Finally, I'll go over the financial side of the project.

First of all, let's have a look at the background to the program. We started it in 2006, producing TV series on tourism, leisure interests of our people, customs and traditions of the nations worldwide. Our first success was the series "The way we used to eat", which was about traditional Russian cooking. As some of you may remember, this program was shown in Russia.

Part 2

Leonid:Well, now let's move on to the series itself, Global Tourism and Russia. As I said before, our first great success was with the series on food and cooking traditions, so we are further interested in doing other projects in this area. As you know, there always seems to be great interest to tourism, customs and traditions of other nations. We'll be lucky to present the series.

And now let's continue. If you look at the diagram you can see it shows very clearly what we plan to show in each of the planned TV programs. It's a very complex project, so very substantial investment is required. But we'll come back to this point later when we talk about finance.

Part 3

Leonid:...and this gives you a general picture of the financial requirements. So, to sum up, we are looking for a third partner to contribute up to 25% of the total investment and provide regional marketing strength. We hope to welcome Global Tour Productions as our new partner.

Well, that concludes my talk. And I know that there are many points which I have not discussed in detail, so if you have any questions.I'd be pleased to answer all of them.

III. Practice.