II.Определите, является ли слово в скобках герундием или причастием. Укажите их форму
1. After describing the situation in general, he went on ( talk ) about details.
А) причастие Б) герундий
а) talking b) having talked.
2. They stopped ( discuss ) where to go now.
А) причастие Б) герундий
a) discussing b) being discussed
c) having discussed d) having been discussed.
3. Not ( know ) my friend’s new address I could hardly hope to find him.
А) причастие Б) герундий
a) knowing b) being known
c) having known d) having been known.
4. Is there anything is that new magazine worth (read)?
А) причастие Б) герундий.
a) reading b) being read
c) having read d) having been read.
5. ( Write ) a letter I posted it.
А) причастие Б) герундий
a) writing b) being written
c) having written d) having been written.
6. Would you mind ( close ) the front door?
А) причастие Б) герундий
a) closing b) being closed
c) having closed d) having been closed.
7. In this shop you can buy things ( make ) in Europe.
А) причастие Б) герундий
a) making b) made
c) being made d) having been made.
8. His ( study ) at Oxford helped him to find highly paid job.
А) причастие Б) герундий
a) studying b) being studied
c) having studied d) having been studied.
III. Переведите предложения с герундиальными оборотами.
1.The manager was surprised at Miss Posie’s cancelling all the engagements so suddenly.
2. We asked them for their answering our letter quickly.
3. We don’t mind the doctor’s considering the matter again.
4. I’m tired of his telling everybody my story.
5. Excuse my bothering you at this late hour.
6. You remembered your promising to lend me your big dictionary, don’t you?
7. Thank you for your having helped me.
8. Nobody’s seeing them was a mere chance.
IV.Раскройте скобки. Используйте соответствующую форму герундия или инфинитива.
1.I’m thinking of ( go ) to Brazil.
2.You cannot live without ( do ) such stupid things.
3.He seems ( know ) everything about it.
4.It’s useless ( argue ) with him. He won’t listen to any reason.
5. They were advised ( take ) a light lunch.
6. Do you think it is worth ( see ) this film?
7. If you want ( lose ) weight, try ( eat ) less.
8. It’s forbidden ( smoke ) here.
9. I’m not very fond of ( shop ).
10. He managed ( calm ) her by promising to return soon.
11. In Arabia the usual way of ( travel ) is by camel.
12. You needed ( add ) some more sugar to that.
13. Mary is crazy about ( take ) photographs.
Conditional Sentences
I.Выберите соответствующую форму глаголов в условных предложениях.
1. Plants die, if you ( not/ water) them.
a) won’t water b) don’t water
c) wouldn’t water.
2. If I had one million dollars, I (probably/ buy) a yacht.
a) shall probably buy b) should probably buy
c) probably bought.
3. What a pity my husband is away! If he (be) here he ( help) us.
a) were d) will help
b) would be here e) would help
c) is f) helps.
4. If I ( get up ) early tomorrow morning, I ( go ) swimming.
a) shall get up d) go
b) get up e) am going to go
c) got up f) shall go.
5. If Benjamin Franklin ( not/work ) so hard, he ( not/ become ) the symbol of America.
a) didn’t work b) wouldn’t have worked
c) hadn’t worked d) wouldn’t have become
e) hadn’t become f) wouldn’t become
6. – Did you say anything when he asked you?
– No, I didn’t. You see, if I ( say ) even a word, he (fly) into a rage.
a) said d) flew
b) would say e) would have flown
c) had said f) had flown.
7. Would it be all right if I ( come ) round at about six?
a) come b) came c) will come.
8. If the water ( be heated ) to 100 0C, it (boil).
a) will be heated b) would boil
c) would be heated d) boils
e) is heated f) boil
9. – How did it happen that you missed your stop yesterday?
–I (not/ miss) it, if the conductor (announce) the stops.
a) shouldn’t miss b) hadn’t missed
c) shouldn’t have missed d) had accounced
e) would have announced f) announced.
10. If pigs (have) wings, they (fly )
a) had b) will fly
c) have d) flew
e) would have f) would fly.
АНГЛіЙСьКа мова
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1 курсу денного відділення
(Російською мовою)
Укладачі: Штаба Людмила Андріївна
Винокурові Наталія Яківна
Гончарова Олена Вікторівна
Редактор О.М. Болкова
Комп’ютерна верстка О.П.Ордіна
Підп.до друку Формат 60х84/16.
Папір офсетний. Ум.друк.арк. Обл..-вид.арк.
Тираж 200 прим. Зам.№
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