Great Britain consists of ..... parts

c)the three


1. Football ..... for hundred of years.  
b)has been played
2. A cinema is a place where films ......  
b)are shown  
3. This is a large hall. Many parties ..... here.  
a)are held  
4. I don't think we must ..... everything tomorrow.  
5. This dictionary ..... a week ago.  
b)has published  
6. America's first college, Harvard, ..... in Massachusetts in 1636.  
c)was founded  
7. A new book ..... by that company next year.  
b)will be published  
8. When I came to the party, John ..... home.  
b)had already gone  
9. The bridge ..... by tomorrow morning.  
c)will be reconstructed  
10. A new supermarket ..... next year.  
c)will be built ________________________________________________________________________________  
1. Not much ..... about the accident since that time.  
c)has been said  
2. The five great lakes of the world ..... in Michigan.  
c)can found  
3. He ..... the girl's name now.  
4. When I came to the party, John ..... home.  
b)had already gone  
5. I don't think we must ..... everything tomorrow.  
6. I ..... last Friday.  
b)was arrived  
7. The university of Michigan is one of the best universities in the United States and it ..... in Ann Arbor.  
c)is located  
8. A decision ..... until the next meeting.  
c)will not be made  
9. Two men tried to sell a painting that ......  
b)had been stolen  
10. Robert Burns ..... a lot of wonderful poems.  


1. The bridge ..... by tomorrow morning.
c)will be reconstructed
2. America's first college, Harvard, ..... in Massachusetts in 1636.
c)was founded
3. Robert Burns ..... a lot of wonderful poems.
4. This dictionary ..... a week ago.
b)has published
5. He ..... the girl's name now.
6. A famous architect ..... the bridge.
7. Football ..... for hundred of years.
b)has been played
8. Tom ..... his key.
a)has lost
9. The university of Michigan is one of the best universities in the United States and it ..... in Ann Arbor.
c)is located
10. The house ..... by a pop star.
c)have bought


1. A new supermarket ..... next year.
a)will be built
2. This house ..... in 1930.
c)has built
3. Detroit ..... as the first capital city of Michigan, but now Lansing is the capital city of Michigan.
b)was chosen
4. Tom ..... his key.
a)has lost
5. Detroit ..... Motown in the past.
a)was called
6. Weekends ..... outdoors by most English people.
c)are spent
7. Battle Creek is a hard-working city, where businesses ..... dedicated employees who want to build a good life for their families.
8. Robert Burns ..... a lot of wonderful poems.
9. The secretary ..... to her new boss yesterday.
b)was introduced
10. A dog ..... by the small red car.
b)was hit


1. Helen seemed genuinely pleased ..... seeing me.
2. Anne was able to keep the kids still ..... telling them an interesting story.
3. Don’t be afraid ..... into the swimming pool; it’s quite deep.
b)to dive
4. I know it’s my fault. I’d like to beg your pardon ..... letting you down.
5. The conference closed ..... discussing about a dozen reports.
6. If I were you, I’d think twice ..... accepting their invitation. There is something fishy about it.
7. George has a Newfoundland dog, Strickland by name, and he is responsible ..... it twice a day.
a)for walking
8. Mind your manners! You should wash your hands ..... sitting down to dinner.
9. Bob found himself in an awkward situation ..... coming to see his friend too early.
10. Sheila is very upset. She isn’t used ..... being treated like that.
a)on _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
1. I wish the weather would get better. I am tired ..... having to be indoors all the time.  
2. Ben asked to excuse him ..... not being able to get in touch with me.  
3. ..... washing up, she dropped a plate and nearly broke it.  
4. Let’s get together tonight. I want to talk about ..... a new business.  
5. Helen seemed genuinely pleased ..... seeing me.  
6. Bob found himself in an awkward situation ..... coming to see his friend too early.  
7. It started to drizzle and we hoped it would cease soon, but ..... stopping the rain increased.  
b)instead of  
8. I don’t approve of your behavior. You’d better stop ..... with everybody.  
9. Why would you suggest ..... her? She can cope with the task all by herself.  
10. Mind your manners! You should wash your hands ..... sitting down to dinner.  


1. David told his friend that ..... his bicycle whenever he liked.
b)he might use
2. The teacher said the pupils ..... so much noise during the breaks.
a)mustn't make
3. The shop assistant showed me a book and said that the book ..... the museums of our town.
4. The pupil explained to the teacher that he couldn't come to school that day because he ..... .
a)was ill
5. Ann begged me not to tell her father what ..... earlier that day.
b)had happened
6. Alice explained to us that the flower shop ..... down the road.
a)was situated
7. Mr. Clemence said that because of the fire part of the building had gone completely, and the rest of it ..... .
a)was falling down
8. Wanda complained to me that the children ..... very naughty that evening.
b)had been
9. Jerry believed that Sally ..... the book since Monday, but she had read only fifty pages so far.
a)had been reading
10. I thought you said Jack ..... you when he got back from his trip to the mountains.
b)would phone


1. Football ..... for hundred of years.  
b)has been played
2. A cinema is a place where films ......  
b)are shown  
3. This is a large hall. Many parties ..... here.  
a)are held  
4. I don't think we must ..... everything tomorrow.  
5. This dictionary ..... a week ago.  
b)has published  
6. America's first college, Harvard, ..... in Massachusetts in 1636.  
c)was founded  
7. A new book ..... by that company next year.  
b)will be published  
8. When I came to the party, John ..... home.  
b)had already gone  
9. The bridge ..... by tomorrow morning.  
c)will be reconstructed  
10. A new supermarket ..... next year.  
a)will be built  

History repeats ..... .
