I was responsible for the accident and I blame ..... for it


3. Do your parents grow vegetables ..... instead of buying them from shops?


The children must tidy their room ..... .

c)by themselves

5. Don’t bother to ask him. I will do it ..... .

c)by myself

6. Don’t worry about us; we can look after ..... .

a)by ourselves

In a cafeteria people help ..... to the food they want.


Kevin was speaking ..... when I entered the room.

b)to himself

9. I don’t want you to pay for my meal. I can do it ..... .


The children ..... well that evening.

c)behaved themself


They had no help decorating the flat; they did it all ..... .

b)by themselves

2. How is your aunt ..... today?


3. Good-bye Charles and Nora! Have a nice holiday and look after ..... .


When I saw Jim, he was standing in the corner ..... .

c)by himself

Alice never goes to the hairdresser; she cuts her hair ..... .


This is ..... wine I have ever drunk.

c)the best

It is washed by the waters of ......

c)the Atlantic Ocean

Is the main modern art museum in London.

a)Tate Gallery

My friend likes to eat ......

b)a fish

Great Britain consists of ..... parts.

c)the three


This ___ a table.


She ______ from Russia.


Eat salad and pizza.


Phil _____ brother.

a)are John's

5. When _______ go to sleep?

d)do you

6. Why _________ live in Paris?

b)do you

Some books on the table.

b)There are

8.Can ______ a piece of paper?

d)I have

She ______ tea for breakfast.

d)has always

I sometimes work ___ Saturdays.



1. Richard and Timothy don’t know many people at the party. Lionel and David know ..... .

a) more

Philip is so quiet and obedient He is ..... child I have ever met.

b) the best-behaved

3. Their children are not well-behaved. Actually they are ..... children I’ve ever seen.

c)the worst-behaved

The traffic is ..... downtown than on this road, especially during rush hours.


I want you to read ..... passage of the text.

a)the next

6. We'd like to buy a new house, but new houses are ..... than older ones.

a)much more expensive

Paul is very smart; in fact he is ..... boy among his classmates.

b)the most intelligent

The dog started to run. It ran ..... and soon disappeared in the distance.

a)faster and faster

9. Can you tell me the shortest way to ..... bookstore?

b)the nearest

10. Last Wednesday my friend didn’t come late to work. I came ..... .

b)the last


1. The mother reminded me that I ..... to feed the dog and take him out for a walk.
a)shouldn't forget
2. She asked me about my schedule for the next week and I answered that I ..... it yet.
b)didn't know
3. Len was mistaken when he said that Marion ..... to her new flat the following month.
b)would be moving
4. Mary warned his parents that ..... home late that night.
a)she would come
5. My English teacher wanted to know ..... doing in my spare time.
c)what I had enjoyed
6. George was worried if ..... enough time to finish his report for the conference.
b)he would have
7. I wondered how many people ..... to the parents' meeting the day before.
c)had come
8. I told Sarah that Anne worked in a shoe shop, and she ..... that she didn't get enough money for her job.
b)had always been complaining
9. Alice explained to us that the flower shop ..... down the road.
a)was situated
10. Nina said Lucy complained that her friends never ..... any attention to what she told them.


1 I _____ understand what you're saying.


2 Why __________ go to London last year?

d)didn't you

3 Do you have ____ cigarettes?


I am _______ person in the world.

a)the happyest

I ______ any paper.

a)haven't got

6 Where's the dog? It _______ in the garden.


He _____buy a bicycle.

c)want to

I ______ in England ten years ago.


9 What did you _____ him?

c)said to

Please write to me ___ the wedding.



Please write to me ___ the wedding.


We _______ to open a bottle of champagne when suddenly it burst open.


3 What ___ terrible weather!


There _______ a festival tomorrow.

c)will be

5 Why ________ change your mind?

b)had you to

When I _____ this book, I will give it to you.

b)will read

7 She ______ smile a lot, but now she doesn't.

c)use to

Tobacco ______ to Russia by Peter the Great.

b)was brought

If I ____ a lot of money, I _____ go on holiday.

a)have, would

When we ______ at the post office, it had been already closed.

A)had arrived