Alternative Sources of Energy

1. active volcanism

2. carbon dioxide

3. coal

4. coastal regions

5. coastal waters

6. combustion

7. electric power

8. exploit sources

9. fossil fuels

10. gasoline

11. generate electricity

12. generator

13. geothermal energy

14. geyser

15. hot springs

16. hydrocarbons

17. hydroelectric power

18. inexhaustible

19. land drainage

20. natural gas

21. nonpolluting

22. nuclear energy

23. oil

24. petroleum

25. pollution-free sources

26. power plant

27. power sources

28. to produce electric power

29. to radiate, radiation

30. to refine oil

31. renewable energy

32. solar batteries

33. solar energy

34. solar heating systems

35. steam

36. tidal power

37. uranium

38. utilization

39. water turbines

40. wave power

41. wind power

42. wind turbines

43. windmill





Faith: belief, cult, veneration

spiritual values; to transmit values to a new generation; religious beliefs

regular church-goer; attendance; liturgy;

to give sermons in some language; to preach; to worship; regular worshipper; to pray


secularism; to favour one religion over another; to resolve church-state controversies; the right of the state to accommodate differing religious views; to break off relationship with the church;

free exercise of religion; religious tolerance; religious diversity and multiformity; multiplicity of sects/factions;

to intervene/ to meddle in political life; to recognise/ challenge the authority of…; to persecute; to flee from persecutions; to incite to religious hatred

Institutionalised religion; official/established church; non-established church; schism; denomination; confession; sect; heresy; dissent (from); obscurantism; conformity; nonconformity; atheism; agnosticism

theology; religious studies


Christian Religions: Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Protestantism, Anglicanism, the Kirk, Nonconformism (Methodists, Baptists, Pentecostalists);

archbishopric; evangelical; episcopal;

diocese; parish

People in the Church: Pope; archbishop; bishop; vicar; rector; dean; cardinal; Imam; rabbi

priest/ ordained minister; reverend (Rev)

chaplain; clergy; parson; prelacy;

to ordain women as priests;

community; congregation;


baptism; confirmation; Eucharist; confession,

to observe rites; to take the sacrament;

consecration; sacrifice;

sacriledge; profanation; to desecrate; to defile; to profane;

to curse; to excommunicate; to interdict; to unchurch; to anathematize;

to practice a religion; service; holy mass; prayerbook;

sacred; holy; saint; ecumenic; ecclesiastical; spiritual; mundane; secular; lay; devout; pious; zealous; divine; supernatural; evil; occult;

the Bible; the Holy Scripture; scriptures; testimony; the Ten Commandments; the Old/ New Testament; the Gospel; the Koran;

temptation; sin; mortal sin; hell; inferno; devil; fiend;

prophet; disciple; apostle; infidel; martyr; crusader; saviour; saint; guardian angel; patron saint; to canonize;


Non-Christian religions:

Islam (Muslims,Moslems), Judaism (Jews), Sikhism (Sikhs), Hinduism (Hindus), Buddhism (Buddhists); Confucianism; Paganism;

circumcision; infidel


Muslim, Moslem, revelation, the Five Pillars of Islam, the Sunni, the Shi'a, converts, supplication, fasting, moderation

Imam; rabbi

Places of worship: cathedral; church; chapel; synagogue; mosque; sanctuary; temple

Inside the temple

aisle; pew; dome; crypt; altar; shrine;

magic; witchcraft; to cast a spell; coven;

Unit 5. Mass media

Printed Media

1. newspapers

2. magazines

3. journals

4. supplement;

5. national

6. local

7. daily

8. weekly

9. monthly

10. broadsheets

11. quality press

12. tabloids

13. yellow press

14. gutter press

15. printing house

16. printed media

17. press;

18. circulation

19. copy

20. to issue

21. to publish;

22. editor

23. editorial office

24. regular reporting

25. reporter

26. staff reporter

27. free-lance correspondent

28. reporter on the ground/spot

29. columnist

30. contributor

31. editorial page

32. editorial staff

33. editorial board

34. press tycoon

35. mogul

36. baron

37. Fleet Street

38. article

39. column

40. paragraph

41. headline

42. heading

43. caption

44. table of contents

45. sub-title

46. coverage

47. to cover

48. editorial

49. feature article

50. laudatory article

51. obituary

52. gossip column

53. advertising

54. advertisement

55. ad

56. advertiser

57. recruitment ad

58. readership

59. target audience

60. to subscribe to;

61. subscribers


2. Broadcasting Corporations: Radio and TV

1. to broadcast

2. to telecast

3. to televise;

4. cable TV

5. satellite TV;

6. live/recorded broadcast

7. on air

8. prime-time

9. news

10. news reports

11. updates

12. newscasts

13. reporter on the ground/spot

14. viewers

15. audience

16. popularity ratings

17. anchorman

18. to anchor

19. quiz

20. talk-show

21. host/hostess

22. to host

23. presenter

24. in front of the cameras

25. story;

26. advertising slot

27. TV commercial

28. coverage

29. to cover;

30. to break a story/ news

31. to mirror/reflect

32. to interview