Instrumentation Department


The Department was set up in 1978 though training in the field had been given since 1970 by some departments of machine building and radio engineering faculties. The Department integrated into the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering in 1994.

The department awards bachelor’s degree in the field automation and control; and information science and computer technology, it offers Engineer’s degree in the areas of off-line information and control systems; and complex implementation of computer-aided systems information security.

In 1995 a new degree in technical facilities for objects and information security was opened.

The Department trains specialists on the basis of the fundamental knowledge methods, including mathematics, physics, radio electronics, optoelectronics, cybernetics, theory of communication and information. The major direction of training are applied mathematics, information science and computer technology, electronic technology, radio engineering and communication, optoelectronics, and cryptography.

Since their third year in the program, students are involved in research work, they take part in the development and manufacture of devices and instruments. They are authors of scientific articles and inventions. The classes are conducted in instructional laboratories and computer classrooms equipped with the most up-to-date devices and computer facilities.

Master’s degree is offered in the field of control system elements and facilities.

The topics of master students research work are connected with simulation and design of off-line systems of close location, research into special antenna systems, computer and ultrasonic tomography, information protection hardware and software. The major subjects taught are Mathematics, Fundamentals of Signal Theory, Applied Programming, Theoretic Electrical Engineering, Theory and Control Systems, Electronic Systems Modeling and Simulation, Electronics, Computer and Computer Systems, Mechanical Drawing and Computer Graphics, Materials and Technology, Metrology and Standardization, Physical Fundamentals of Special Measurements, Electric Radio Engineering, Statistical Radio Engineering, Digital Devices and Microprocessors, etc.

The graduates are offered work in research institutes, design offices, and laboratories. Knowledge in the field of up-to-date radio electronics, computer engineering and technology is seen as a guarantee of the future engineer professional growth.


Department of Network Information Technologies


The Department of Network Information Technologies was formed in 1996. The main direction of the Department’s activity is to train M.Sc. in the field of computer networks and telecommunications. The master students’ training is carried out by the leading specialists in computer technologies on the basis of SB RAS Computer Center.


Basic Vocabulary


automation/automatics - автоматика

computer engineering - вычислительная техника

teleautomatics - телемеханика (Примечание.

Точного эквивалента русскому

термину в английском языке нет.

В английской литературе часто

в значении “телемеханика”

используется telemetry.)

telemetry - телеметрия

electric metering technology - электроизмерительная техника

mathematical and calculating - математические и счётные

machines and devices решающие приборы и устройства

instrumentation - приборные устройства

automated control systems - автоматизированные системы


data collection and processing - системы сбора и обработки

systems данных

network information technologies - сетевые информационные


automation and control - автоматика и управление

instrument engineering / - приборостроение

instrument making

biomedical engineering - биомедицинская инженерия

biotechnical and medical apparatuses - биотехнические и медицинские

and systems аппараты и системы

control in engineering systems - управление в технических


off-line information and control - автономные информационные

systems и управляющие системы

computer-aided data processing and - автоматизированные системы

control systems обработки информации и


computer-aided design systems - системы автоматизированного


software for computer technology - программное обеспечение для

and computer-aided systems вычислительной техники и

автоматизированных систем

computer-aided systems information - комплексное обеспечение

security complex support информационной безопасности

автоматизированных систем

mathematical analysis - математический анализ

computer science / - информатика

information science

informatics - теоретическая информатика

operations research - исследование операций

knowledge bases and expert systems - базы знаний и экспертные


databases and data banks - базы и банки данных

distributed information and - распределённые информационно-

computer/computing systems вычислительные системы

information and software - технология разработки

development technology информационно-программного


innovations control - управление нововведениями

decision making methods - методы принятия решений

distributed data/information - распределённые системы

processing systems обработки данных

industrial information systems - промышленно- информационные


theory of systems development - теория развития систем

decision theory - теория принятия решений

information technology system design - системное проектирование

информационных технологий

information control systems - информационно-управляющие


production line - поточная линия; технологическая


automatic control - автоматическое управление

feedback - обратная связь

automatic control engineering - техника автоматического


automatic control systems - системы автоматического

управления (САУ)

multimedia systems - системы мультимедиа

higher mathematics - высшая математика

advanced calculus - спецглавы математики

simulation / modeling - моделирование

indentification and filtering - идентификация и фильтрация

PC software - программное обеспечение ПЭВМ

statistical estimation - статистическое оценивание

high-duty / high production - высокопроизводительные

computer systems вычислительные системы

computer analysis and data - компьютерный анализ и

interpretation интерпретация данных

digital signal processing - цифровая обработка сигнала

software engineering - техника программного

обеспечения; программотехника

systems engineering - системотехника

multiuser operating systems - многопользовательские

операционные системы

system software - системное программное


data collection - сбор данных

energy conservation - энергоснабжение

heat metering systems - теплоизмерительные системы

stand - стенд

computer architecture - архитектура ЭВМ

measurements basics - основы измерений

metrology - метрология

circuit engineering - схемотехника

data protection / security - защита данных

cryptography - криптография

control systems elements and - элементы и устройства систем

facilities управления

off-line information and controlling - автономные информационные и

systems управляющие системы

complex provision / implementation - комплексное обеспечение

of computer-aided systems информационной безопасности

information security автоматизированных систем

optoelectronics - оптоэлектроника

cybernetics - кибернетика

simulation - моделирование (процессов,

явлений с использованием ЭВМ)