Machine building is the key branch of industrial development. Technological progress, rate of growth of national economy and well-being of the people depend on the level of machine-building development.
The Faculty of Machine Building was established at Novosibirsk Institute of Electrical Engineering in 1956 due to the great demand for mechanical engineers in the Siberian region. In 1959 the Aircraft Construction Faculty was set up on its basis and in 1979 the Instrument-Making Faculty branched off. Up to 1964 the Faculty trained engineers in the field of manufacturing engineering and metal-cutting machine tools. In 1965 a new degree in electrophysical machining methods was opened.
In 1998 the Faculty was renamed due to opening new degrees and introducing multilevel system of training. It is now known as the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology. At present the faculty incorporates eight departments. These are the Departments of Manufacturing Engineering; Technological Machines Design; Automatic Production in Machine Building; Materials Science in Machine Building; Manufacturing Methods and Apparatuses; Engineering Drawing; Applied Mechanics; Theoretical Mechanics and Strength of Materials.
The Faculty has instructional and research laboratories specializing in laser, ultrasonic treatment, and spark erosion electrochemical machining. Besides, there are 26 instructional laboratories and 6 computer classrooms. The academic staff are 94 teachers, among them 18 D.Sc. and professors and 58 Cand.Sc. and associate professors.
The Faculty awards Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in the fields of automatic machine-building production; materials science and new materials technology and Engineer’s degree in the fields of manufacturing engineering; metal cutting machine tools and tooling; automation of manufacturing processes and production; materials science in machine building; machines and apparatuses for food industry; technology of decorative material working. Besides some departments provide training in additional areas thus extending the major field.
Also, the Faculty provides training of doctoral (Cand.Sc.) and postdoctoral students. At the Faculty, there is a specialized D.Sc. Council in the area processes of mechanical and physical and technical treatment, machine tools and tooling.
Students receive fundamental training in basic subjects and professional training in a wide range of major disciplines, computer technology, economics, management, and industrial engineering. The syllabus also provides some elective courses.
The faculty graduates work as designers, process engineers, foremen, adjusters, research engineers at large-scale and small-scale enterprises, design offices, branch research institutes of Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences. Many of them have been promoted to the position of directors and chief engineers of plants and design institutes, and lead specialists of design offices and technological departments. Among the graduates are Doctors and Candidates of Science.
Broad education in mechanical engineering, economics, computer-aided design allow the graduates not only to specialize in the chosen area of professional activity, but also to get adapted to the conditions of work at commercial enterprises, which is of great significance in the conditions of market economy.
Basic Vocabulary
faculty of mechanics and - механико-технологический
technology факультет
machine building / machine - машиностроение
manufacturing / mechanical engineering /
engineering industry
mechanical engineer - инженер-механик
aircraft construction / aircraft - самолётостроение
industry / aircraft manufacture
instrument making / instrument - приборостроение
manufacturing engineering - технология машиностроения
metal-cutting machine tool - металлорежущий станок
electrophysical machining methods - электрофизические методы
automatic production in machine - автоматизация производственных
building процессов в машиностроении
manufacturing / production methods - технологические процессы и
and apparatuses аппараты
(mechanical) drawing - черчение
engineering / technical drawing - техническое черчение, здесь:
инженерная графика
machine drawing - машиностроительное черчение
applied mechanics - прикладная механика
theoretical mechanics - теоретическая механика
strength of materials - сопротивление материалов
automation of machine building - автоматизация машино-
production строительного производства
laser treatment - лазерная обработка
ultrasonic treatment - ультрозвуковая обработка
spark erosion / electric discharge - эрозионная электрохимическая
electrochemical machining обработка
materials science - материаловедение
tooling - инструменты
decorative material working - художественная обработка
industrial engineering - организация производства