The Building Blocks of Clothes

Colour is not the only important part of your clothing package. Clothing lines, shapes, and spaces are the building blocks of clothing construction.

Every garment has an overall shape, or outline. Once this shape has been drawn, it consists of spaces, or inner areas that need to be designed. Both shapes and spaces in clothes are created largely through the use of lines. Since lines are used to construct spaces and shapes, they are important elements in clothing construction. Just as colour creates illusions about size, lines are used to create illusions with space and shapes.

Lines can be straight or curved. Straight lines come in three basic forms: vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines.

Vertical lines tend to make objects look taller than they are. They also note a sense of dignity. Horizontal lines make an object look wider than it is. They also add a sense of calm. Diagonal lines are less formal and sometimes appear to be whimsical. Curved lines are also considered less conservative than straight lines. People in business who are trying to create an air of authority in their dress may wear a shirt or blouse with straight lines or stripes, but they will rarely choose a shirt or blouse with rounded lines.

When lines are combined or connected, they form shapes, or outlines. Most clothes are of three basic shapes. They are either tubular, bell, or full.

Clothes that have a tubular shape have mostly vertical lines. Such shapes look longer. Tubular shapes usually do not have a sharply defined waist. Business suits with matching pants, vests and jackets have a tubular outline. So do chemise dresses and many other one-piece dresses. Bell shapes are created by connecting horizontal and vertical lines to achieve an effect that is neither horizontal nor vertical. Bell-bottom pants, flared pants and jackets and flared skirts are examples of bell-shaped clothes.

Generally, bell shapes are flattering to many body types and make the wearer look slimmer.

Clothes with full shapes are dominated by curved lines. The shape of the outline changes depending on how full or rounded the curves are. Full sleeves and tie blouses are often full shapes. Skirts or dresses that are gathered are full.

The overall look of clothes is influenced by what goes on inside these shapes. There are also many ways to create illusions with inner space. The inner spaces of clothes create a large part of the overall effect of a garment.

Lines that create the design in the spaces can be either structural or decorative lines.

Structural lines are made by sewing together the parts of a garment. These lines are called seams. A garment can sometimes be cut in certain places to make a special seam that is purely an element of design. This seam is still considered a structural line.

Decorative lines are those that are added simply to create a design or look. They can be made by adding braids, trims, nonworking buttons or laces. Design lines include such details as the placement of buttons, top stitching, or the placement of a pocket or flap. Buttons may be used as a design line because there are so many ways to place them. The placement of buttons can also be used to create illusions.

Decorative and structural design lines can be used to enhance your body shape. Depending on the effect you want to create you can use decorative or structural lines to your best advantage.


III Answer the questions:

1. What are the building blocks of clothes?

2. How are shapes and spaces created?

3. What do lines and colour create?

4. What lines can one use in clothes constructing?

5. What is the difference between three kinds of straight lines?

6. What lines are more suitable for business people?

7. What do connected lines form?

8. What shapes do you know?

9. How are lines in the shape called?

10. What are they used for?

IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. Lines,…..and spaces are……of clothing construction.

2. Spaces and shapes are created through…….

3. Colour…..about size,….are used to create illusions with…....

4. Straight lines can be horizontal, vertical and……

5. Combined lines form…….or…….

6. Three basic shapes are………


V Find the English equivalents to the words:

Форма, внутрішній простір, прямий, заставляти, стрічка, дзвіночок, округлений, призбираний


VI Make up sentences with the terms:

To create illusion, to make objects look, rounded lines, matching, to achieve an effect, to combine, element of design, placement, advantage


VII Give definitions to the words:

A colour, a line, a shape, space, design, a look


VIII Translate the sentences into English:

1. Не тільки колір, але й лінії, форма та простір – є складовими деталями конструкції одягу.

2. Колір може створювати уявний розмір, а лінії створюють ілюзію форми та простору.

3. Вертикальні лінії візуально подовжують предмет чи фігуру, а горизонтальні роблять предмет ширшим.

4. Залежно від випадку, потрібно обирати одяг прямого крою.

5. Існує три різновиду форм: трубчата, форми дзвіночка та пишна.

6. Структурні лінії також називають швами, і вони є елементами дизайну.

7. Декоративні лінії просто використовують для дизайну та оздоблення одягу.

8. Дизайн включає в себе такі деталі, як ґудзики, кармани, різноманітні стібки.

9. Декоративні та структурні лінії додають фігурі форми.

10. Лініями ви можете досягти потрібного ефекту та привабливого вигляду.


IX Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

The building blocks, colour, to make illusion, a line, a shape, space, to create different kinds of, lines in design, structural and decorative lines



I Read and remember:

1. emphasis – наголос

2. equally – порівну

3. to be tucked in – заправлений в щось

4. a briefcase – портфель

5. an earring – сережка

6. to favour – надавати перевагу

7. focal – фокусний, центральний

8. jangled – різкий

9. jerky – безглуздий


II Read the text and define the main idea of it: