III Listen to the text again. Decide if the statements are true or false. 1. One should know how to care only expensive clothes

1. One should know how to care only expensive clothes.

2. Labels may also have iron symbols.

3. If the laundry washer is crossed, don’t use bleach.

4. Colourful clothes could be heavily bleached.

5. Spot removers are also important means for taking care of your clothes.




I Listen and remember the following words:

1. an ad – реклама

2. competitive – конкурентний

3. an editor – редактор

4. a kit – комплект, набір

5. to handle – керувати, мати справу з

6. retail – роздріб

7. wholesale – оптовий продаж чи купівля

8. a pipeline – «поєднуючи ланка»


II Read and remember the following phrases:

1. a prospective buyer – майбутній покупець

2. fashion promotion – просування, сприяння в моді

3. a press release – повідомлення для преси

4. to catch one’s eye – затримувати погляд

5. to be alerted – бути напоготові

6. preteen clothes – допідлітковий одяг

Apparel Marketing

Anyone who has ever seen a clothes advertising on television or in a magazine is aware of how products are advertised to the prospective buyers. However, advertising is much more than a single ad or even a series of ads. As far as a manufacturer is concerned, advertising is a part of a larger section of the company. This section is called the marketing division. It performs many different tasks. The goal is to sell a product better than the competitive company.

Market research is the study of buyers’ habits, needs, and wants. In a way, it involves finding out who are the buyers of a product. If, for example, the division sells clothes for children and young people, it must find the answers to many questions about the buyers. How long do they wear clothes? On what occasions do they wear them? What styles are popular this year? What colours are popular?

Advertising, or communicating with the customer, is the next responsibility of the department. Advertising is a way of describing and selling a product to the consumer.

Fashion promotion is another way of telling people-potential buyers – about a product. The goal of fashion promotion is to promote a product to fashion magazines and other publications. Fashion promoters supply photographs of the product and press releases to magazine editors and newspapers or write articles for fashion magazines. They often prepare press kits. These kits contain press releases and photos and are sent to editors all over the country. They may promote an old product, or they may introduce a new product, fabric, or method of production. The kits are planned to give fashion editors ideas for articles or short features.

Fashion promoters also handle all the publicity at trade, shows and anywhere else that a manufacturer might need promotion publicity.

Label development is the final stage. This involves planning what the labels on the product will say and how they will look. If they are well-designed, they catch the buyer’s eye. They contain important information that may help a buyer finally decide to buy a product.

Labels are used to state the manufactures’ name, and that was about all. Today, they are much more consumer oriented. Labels tell how to care for a garment, what its special features are and how it can be expected to wear. They must be designed in such a way as to attract customers’ attention.

After clothes are being advertised and marketed, clothes manufactures turn their attention to selling and distributing their clothes to the stores.

Apparel sales may be either retail or wholesale. In wholesale sales, clothes manufacturers sell their products to the stores. In retail sales the stores sell products to the consumer or customer. This is the responsibility of sales representatives and buyers.

Sales representatives work for the manufacturer. Very few clothes manufacturers own stores. A great part of their business involves selling to department and special stores. So they turn to sales representatives to do this. Buyers work for the various stores that buy and sale the clothes.

Sales representatives are expected to visit the sales offices or the manufacturer several times a year for sales meetings where new lines are presented. They learn about the garments – how they are meant to be worn, how they are made, how they can be cared for.

Sales representatives are the important pipeline between the customer, or retailer, and the manufacturer.

Buyers are the representatives of stores who place orders for garments from sales representatives. Just as sales representatives are the wholesalers, buyers are the retailers. Buyers are usually specialists. This means that a buyer only makes purchases in one or two clothing areas. Buyer may only purchase women’s sportswear or men’s jewelry or baby clothes, or preteen clothes. They make final decisions for stores. Once a buyer has chosen the clothes, store and department managers are alerted. Selling and buying are closely related.



III Answer the questions:

1. What is advertising?

2. Who is engaged in making ads?

3. What is the purpose of advertisement?

4. What is market research?

5. What does market research help to solve?

6. What is fashion promotion?

7. What do fashion promoters do?

8. Why are labels so important?

9. Who presents garments for buyers?

10. Why are sales representatives an important pipeline between customers and manufacturers?


IV Complete the sentences with the words from the text:

1. Advertising is much more than … .

2. … is engaged in making ads.

3. … deals with buyers’ habits and desires.

4. Advertising is … .

5. Promoters help to … a … to fashion magazines.

6. … include ideas for articles and a short description.

7. … tell how to take care for garments and can … buyers’ attention.


V Find the English equivalents to the words:
реклама, виконувати, ціль, конкурентний, спілкуватись, орієнтований на споживача, роздріб, замовлення, оптова торгівля

VI Make up sentences with the terms:

On television, section, the study of, potential buyers, to involve, to attract attention, to distribute

VII Give definitions to the words:

An advertisement, a kit, a consumer, promotion, a representative


VIII Translate the sentences into English:

1. Реклама не така проста річ, як думають звичайні споживачі, дивлячись її по телевізору.

2. Рекламою майбутнього товару займається багато професіоналів і навіть окремі підрозділи.

3. Необхідно вивчити потреби ринку, досліджувати побажання і смаки покупців.

4. Завдання реклами – це розповісти про найліпші якості та переваги товару, щоб продати його краще за конкурентів.

5. Рекламу в журналах та інших виданнях оснащують фото та малюнками.

6. Бирка на одязі може багато розповісти про виробника, як носити одяг та доглядати за ним.

7. Лейби привертають увагу покупця до товару.

8. Торгові представники компанії займаються продажем та розповсюдженням товару.

9. Торгові представники повинні володіти повною інформацією про товар.

10. Баєри – це працівники магазинів, які замовляють партію товарів для продажу.


IX Speak on the topic using the following words and word-combinations:

To see advertising on television, the marketing division, to perform tasks, to research the market, to communicate with the customer, fashion promotion, to supply photos and press releases, to prepare a kit, label development, to sell and distribute goods, sales representatives, buyers




I Read and remember:

1. a multi-industry complex – багатопромисловий комплекс

2. internal cooperation – внутрішня співпраця

3. a distinct segment – виразний, окремий сегмент

4. haberdashery – галантерея

5. china and porcelain – фарфор та порцеляна

6. to contribute – робити внесок

7. capacity – потужність

8. notable technological facilities – визначні технологічні можливості

9. state-of-the-art technologies – найновітні технології


II Read the text and define the main idea of it:

Light Industry in Ukraine

Light industry in Ukraine is one of the most socially important economic segments, as it is a multi-industry complex with a high level of internal cooperation. The light industry sector includes 25 distinct segments and 500 production enterprises, and employs more than 300 thousands people.

The main market segments are textiles, leather, garments, knitwear, footwear, textiles and haberdashery, clothing accessories, leather haberdashery, fur, toys, china and porcelain, and others.

As a whole, the country’s enterprises make up around 7% of the industry’s total production potential and 2.4% of production funds. The largest segments in terms of production volumes and number of employees are textiles, leather footwear, garments, and knitwear.

The regions contributing the most to light industry production volumes are Zhytomyr region, Lugansk, Chernygiv, Lviv, Rivne, Ivano-Frankivsk regions, and the city of Kyiv.

Light industry production capacities enable annual production covering cotton, wool tissues, silk fabric, linen as well as suits and skirts, dresses and coats, jackets, shirts and blouses. The industry’s companies serve both public and private customers domestically and abroad.

The availability of notable technological facilities has helped a number of companies receive international awards for the high quality of their articles. Hence, “Cheksyl” was awarded a Woolmark international certificate from the International Wool Secretariat based in Dusseldorf for 14 articles of wool-worsted fabrics. For its collection presented in Paris, Lugansk-based “Lutri” received an Oscar award. The Association of Enterprises of America and Europe awarded “Tysmenytsa” Fur Company a prize “For Commercial Prestige and the Best Trademark”, while “The Best Trademark” award was presented by the Madrid Club of Trade Leaders.

The list of domestic market leaders is headed by the Textile-Contact firm, whose main business is the production and sales of all types of fabric, artificial fur, knitwear material, applied materials, and accessories. The company produces such a wide range thanks to large orders for cotton, wool, and semi-wool fabrics, as well as for beddings for internal use by several government ministries and institutions. Textile-Ukraine Corporation is another fast-growing union with industrial, research, and financial potential. The development of the corporation was encouraged by large financial partners from Russia. The corporation embraces 27 enterprises from all over Ukraine, which manufacture almost the entire spectrum of light industry articles. Dominant exporters for the past several years have been “Ukraina” (Zhytomyr), which sells its articles to Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, and Poland; Cherkassy “Silk Works”, shipping silk fabrics to the USA, Denmark, the Czech Republic, and Hungary; as well as “RivneLen” and “VOZKO” (Voznesensk).

“Lyubava” Knitwear Enterprise of Cherkassy, and “UkrAmTex” Company (Brovary) are other enterprises with successful experience of designing new clothes articles and selling them abroad. “Almatti” trademark is the largest producer of high-quality outerwear. Each year “Almatti” offers more than 100 models of coats, jackets, and suits of various silhouettes and styles to women.

The industry includes 26 joint ventures, most of which are working in textile, sewing, and the leather footwear segments of production. The most notable are Ukrainian-British JV “Demitex” based on the Poltava Cotton Mill, Ukrainian-German JV “Sanders” established in the premises of Irshava Garment Factory, Ukrainian-Dutch JV “TikaFurLux” set up on the base of “Tysmenitsa” fur company, Ukrainian-Lithuanian JV “Vaise” established upon the facilities of Cherkassy Garment Factory, and many others.

Out of 500 companies, more than 140 are running foreign trade. Their exports of fabrics (cotton, wool, and silk), socks and stockings, knitwear, and garments, china and porcelain, as well as leather semi-products, and other articles are destined for 25 countries of Europe, Asia, the Americas, and the CIS.

The investment attractiveness of light industry enterprises lies in the fast return on investments – thanks to short production and sales cycles, quick updating of the product mix, the availability of local raw resources (wool, linen, raw leather) and the potential capacity of the Ukrainian market.

Now the task of Ukraine is to support and develop positive trends in the industry, especially in relation to investments, which encourage upgrade of production, implementation of state-of-the-art technologies, and the commissioning of new types of competitive products.