Экзаменационный билет № 11. 1. Customer service in logistics

  1. Задачи логистики в области обслуживания клиентов
  2. Логистический менеджмент
  3. Дайте определение логистической операции. Перечислите известные вам логистические операции


1. Customer service in logistics


Problem of logistics – to provide timely and exact execution of orders of external and internal consumers. Therefore, service of consumers represents a key element of logistic strategy. Until recently the given function was considered as a marketing prerogative. Basic elements of marketing are defined by a formula with the conditional name four "P" – product/service, advance (stimulation of sales), a payment (price), "counter" (a sale place). Effective marketing strategy is reduced uniting the resources "attached" to each of these elements, in the uniform force of impact on the consumer.


Logistics, in this function being crossed with marketing, significantly supplements it.


The logistics is a process of satisfaction of requirement for usefulness of time and a place. In other words, the logistics provides the inquiries of consumers relating to time and a place of existence of products, and also to accompanying services. So, "production" of logistics is a service of consumers.


In this sense key question: who is the consumer. For logistics the consumer is everyone to whom deliveries to any destination are made. The destination can be both the private house, and retail shop, and the enterprise of wholesale trade, and a factory warehouse. Often as the consumer one of the enterprises of the firm or its business partner, relating to other link of a logistic chain acts. Regardless of motives and the purposes of deliveries service of consumers (satisfaction of their inquiries) – the key factor forming requirements of logistics. Developing logistic strategy of firm, it is very important to imagine its service opportunities well.


2. Logistic management in the company (when it is "owner" logistic process) is a process of administration logistic systems, i.e. performance of the main administrative functions (mainly with application it is information – computer technologies) for achievementis more whole than logistic system.

Let's list the main administrative functions of administration logistic system (they are similar to functions of management, any company):

Planning (strategic, tactical, quick);· Organization;· Regulation (decision-making);

· Coordination (interfunctional and interorganizational);· Analysis;

· Audit (internal and external);· Controlling;· Pricing.

About the purposes, administrative functions and as a whole about process we also will tell administrations of logistic system further.

Понятие и виды логистических операций

Logistical operations

As it was marked, the material stream is formed as a result of set of certain actions with material objects. These actions are named logistical operations. However the concept of logistical operation isn't limited with actions of only material streams. For management of material stream it is necessary to accept, process and hand over the information corresponding to this stream. Carried out actions also concern to logistical operations.

Technological operations on manufacture of material benefits, i.e. operations in which course there is a qualitative transformation of an object of the labor: wood cabin, longitudinal furniture details, their furnishing and final assemblage of a desk.

Logistical operations to which it is necessary to carry all other operations providing presence of the necessary subject or a product of work in necessary quantity, in a proper place, in due time. We will list some of them: export and an alloy of logs from places of timber cuttings, their delivery to the enterprise of the woodworking industry, loading, unloading, packing to storage, transporting to industrial factories, and export of ready semi-finished products to the end user.

Logistical operations with a material stream include loading, transportation, unloading, a complete set, warehousing, packing and other operations. Logistical operations with information stream are gathering, processing and transferof informationcorresponding to a material stream. It is necessary to notice that costs on performance of logistical operations with information streams make essential part of logistical costs.