Экзаменационный билет № 19. 1.OBJECTS OF LOGISTIC MANAGEMENT

  1. Объекты логистического управления
  2. Какие задачи ставит и решает логистика как наука?
  3. Причины необходимости выработки стратегии фирмы в области логистического обслуживания потребителей




Material streams and their parameters

Object of research of logistics as sciences and object of management of logistics as spheres of business is the system of material, information, financial and other streams. Fundamental difference of logistic approach from traffic control of material resources previous it consists that now the stream — the set of objects perceived as a unit became object of management.

The main categories of logistics are the stream and a stock which the friend without the friend can't simply exist. Obviously, in the long-term period all sets of resources are presented in the form of streams, and stocks can be considered as special cases of the last, But in the short-term period in the pragmatical plan is admissible and consideration of streams and stocks as parity logistic categories is expedient.

The stream represents the set of objects perceived as a unit, existing as process on some time interval and measured in absolute units for a certain period of time. Stream parameters — it is parameters, character zuyushchy number of objects which are available in a concrete timepoint, and measured in absolute units.

2.Problems of logistics are very various and caused by the ultimate goal of logistic management given above. As the science logistics sets and solves the following tasks:

the forecast of demand and on its basis planning of stocks;

determination of necessary power of production and transport;

development of the scientific principles of distribution of finished goods on the basis of optimum control of material streams;

development of scientific bases of management by reloading processes and transport and warehouse operations in points of production and at consumers;

development creation of various options of mathematical models of functioning of logistic systems;

methods of joint planning, supply, production, warehousing, sale and shipment of finished goods, and also some other tasks.

The main objectives of logistics are:

rationalization of material streams of the enterprise;

maximizing utilization of capacity by orders of consumers;

economy of material resources at all stages of a material stream;

optimization of expenses for production and realization of finished goods

3.Logistics strategy

Process of successful planning of logistic strategy is very similar to the general planning of strategy of development of the enterprise. Here, as well as when planning the general strategy, first of all it is necessary to put forward main objectives, and then to develop more detailed actions for their achievement. Creative approach to this process opens fine opportunities for creation of competitive logistic system of the enterprise.

The theory of logistics offers statement as the main to one of the below-specified purposes of logistic strategy:

reduction of expenses;reduction of capital investments; increase of level of service.

Reduction of expenses is aimed at reduction of changing expenses which are connected with movement and storage of goods/services. Very often the most effective strategy in this area can be defined, analyzing various alternatives, for example, trying various options of placement of a warehouse, using various ways and types of transportation. Level of service of clients in this process remains invariable, and a priority task is the increase in profit at the expense of decrease in expenses.

Reduction of capital investments is directed on minimization of investments into logistics system. The main task of the enterprise is the maximum profitability of investments. For example, direct transportation of goods to the client is used, passing a warehouse; instead of warehouses of the area belonging to the enterprise for storage are rented; the principle "precisely in time" instead of creation of reserve stocks is used; services are bought from specialized suppliers of logistic services, etc. However thus it is necessary to consider that circumstance that statement as the purpose of reduction of capital investments often leads to increase in volume of changing expenses.