Southern Federal University











Печатается по решению кафедры английского языка гуманитарных факультетов РГУ






Ростов-на-Дону, 1998, с.



Часть I – старший преподаватель Апрышко Е.П.

Часть II - коллектив кафедры английского языка

Гуманитарных факультетов РГУ


Редактор - доцент Пшегусова Г.С.

Данное пособие состоит из двух частей. В первую входят устные темы: Rostov State University; At the Conference; Rostov-on-Don; Geography and Cities of the US/the UK; the Political of the US/the UK; American Traditions, Customs and Festivals; Customs, Traditions and Festivals of Great Britain; Higher Education in the USA/Great Britain, .

Во вторую часть включены варианты устной темы “Специальность” для студентов всех гуманитарных факультетов и специальностей.

Данные темы также включены в список тем, вынесенных на вступительные экзамены в аспирантуру РГУ. Пособие может быть рекомендовано студентам, изучающим английский язык и в других вузах.


© Кафедра английского языка гуманитарных факультетов РГУ, 1998

© Оригинал-макет: типография «Экспертное Бюро – Т»


Southern Federal University

On May, 24th 2007 4 Leading State Higher Professional Institutionsin the South of Russia - Rostov State University, Rostov Architectureand Art Academy, Rostov Pedagogical University, Taganrog State University of Radio Engineering- have been incorporated in Southern Federal University(SFU).

TheSFU missionis to enhance student knowledge and training in the sphere of science and technology challenging the demands of Russia and the whole world. The university focuses on accumulating and multiplying ethical, cultural and scientific values of community’s well being.

The main aim of Southern Federal Universityis to achieve the leading positions in some priority fields in the world by means of modernization of the educational process and research, development of staff potential, improvement of infrastructure and enhancement of management system.

Southern Federal Universityis an educational, scientific, research and development unit, comprising 36 faculties and 206departments. It also comprises 70 Research Departments. SFUis offering courses of studies in 80 programmes and advanced courses of postgraduate studies that lead to Candidate degrees and Doctoral degrees. The current enrolment at SFUis about 50000students. The teaching staff of Southern Federal Universityhas high scientific and academic potential. There are Professors, Doctors of Science, Associate Professors, Candidates of Science (Ph.D. equivalent).

The course of study at the University is split into 4 academic years if one takes day classes for Bachelor’s Degree, and 6 academic years for Master’s Degree. It also takes 6 years for those studying through evening and correspondence courses. The academic year is divided into 2 semesters. At the end of each semester the students take tests, semester or final exams. The students have to submit their graduation thesis paper at the end of their course of study. In addition, some faculties require students to write term papers or projects in the course of the academic year. The established curriculum includes subjects in the social and natural sciences and foreign languages.

During the academic year the students are given lectures on certain compulsory and elective courses in different subjects. The students attend classes scheduled in the time-table. After graduating from the University, the graduates receive Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees; those who took a five-year course receive Diplomas of higher education. Upon completion of the required three-year courses, based on research and writing of a dissertation, Candidate and Doctorate Degrees are conferred. Academic Boards are fully accredited by the state to award Candidate and Doctoral Degrees in a number of specializations.

Priority Trends of Development are nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, marine aircraft and space industries, biotechnologies and environmental security, information and telecommunication technologies, engineering and design in Architecture, Social and Humanities Technologies.

International activities at Southern Federal University include undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate training of international students, on both a scholarship and tuition basis, joint research projects, and student and teacher exchange programs. The scholars of Southern Federal University have strong and productive international contacts with scholars and researchers from the USA, Germany, Great Britain, France, Israel, Italy, Poland, China, Turkey, Greece and other countries. Southern Federal University is taking part in a number of trans-European projects on education.


Scientific meetingsandconferences are regularly held at Rostov State University. As a rule, they are held in April. A lot of studentstake part in them because

· the participants have an excellent opportunity to learn up-to-date information;

· scientific conferences provide the students and post-graduates with an understanding ofissues in theirarea of specialization;

· the participants have lots of possibilities to take part in professional discussions, both formal and informal;

· they can voice and exchangetheir opinions;

· scientific meetings and conferences are a good chance for the students and instructors to communicate with each other.

I often \ seldom \ regularlyparticipate in the scientific gatherings held both in our University and other higher educational establishments of Rostov-on-Don. In 199… I took part in the conference that was held at … department. The main goal in holding the conference was to discuss various aspects of …

The Scientific Program included:

· an opening session;

· workshops (sessions of working groups);

· a general closing session.

The total number of papers included in the Program were …

The opening ceremony took place on April … . During the opening and closing stages of the Conference the participants were addressed by the Dean of the … department… .

The conference lasted for … days. I made a report in the workshop … .

The range of subjects considered was quite large. The chairman proposed a (7)-item agenda and presented it to the members of the jury and the reporters. Each participant was allowed 10 minutes for the normal presentation of his paper. Of course, the time was insufficient to cover the subject fully. When all the papers were read there was a lively and invigorating discussion. The purpose of the discussion was to extract ideas from the audience. The results of the discussion were recorded in the minutes. The minutes were approved by the members and signed by the Chairman.

The Conference was concluded on April … in the atmosphere of mutual understanding and a wish to continue research. Later, the abstractsof the papers were published in a separate book.

I think the Conference was fruitful and professionally valuable.