II. Выполнение заданий по теме Пассивный залог

Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1 The department where drugs are dispensed without a prescription is called an over-the-counter drug department.

2 Chemist’s shops are specialized shops where medicines are sold.

3 Chemist’s shops are usually located on the ground floor.

4 The department for filling prescriptions and dispensing or compounding drugs is called a prescription department.

5 All drugs are kept in drug cabinets or in refrigerators (in accordance with storage regulations).

6 At the prescription department medicines are sold or made up according to prescription.


Укажите номера предложений, в которых глагол-сказуемое стоит в страдательном залоге, укажите время, переведите предложения.


1. This nurse had to be on duty two days ago.

2. The patient is being looked after by an experienced nurse.

3. Blood and urine tests will be made at the clinical laboratory of the surgical department.

4. The patient will have been operated on by 12 o’clock tomorrow.

5. It was found that nucleus is the control center of eukaryotes.

6. The drug had to be taken 2 times a day.

7. I wanted my patient to be examined by a surgeon.

8. Several students are known to take part in this work.

9. The patient was being operated for 2 hours.

10. The symptoms of many infectious diseases may be mild at the beginning.

11. This method is widely used in surgical practice.

12. The operation is being performed by the best of our surgeons.

13. The pain has been getting much worse since the morning.

14. The patient was being read a book when the visitor came.

15. The problem to be studied is very important for clinical medicine.

16. The actual cause of tuberculosis was discovered by Robert Koch.

17. The professor supposed the drug to be effective.

18. The chief physician was making daily round of wards when he was called on the phone.

19. The drug was being produced in our laboratory for the last two years.

20. The patient admitted to the clinic early in the morning is being examined now by the doctor on duty.

22. The drug used by the doctor produced a very beneficial effect.

23. The reorganization of this department will have been finished by the end of the year.

24. The patient was being operated for 2 hours.

25. The results of the analysis will be ready tomorrow.

III. Лексический минимум по теме «A community pharmacy».

Изучите лексику, используя словарь.


31. retail 32. wholesale 33. miscellaneous 34. an article 35. a community pharmacy 36. home diagnostic aids 37. devices and appliances 38. an isle counter 39. catering 40. a check-out counter 41. over the counter drugs (OTC) 42. customers 43. equipment 44. a registered pharmacist 45. to fill a prescription 46. a technician 47. the billing procedure 48. to be licensed 49. beaker 50. suppository 51. computer software 52. tile 53. mortars and pestles 54. a prescription balance 55. an autoclave 56. funnels 57. a log book 58. molds 59. a sink 60. mixers and stirrers 61. glass rods 62. cash 63. hot plate 64. graduated cylinders 65. spatula 66. ointment 67. pill 68. sterile products 69. proper storage 70. primary care 71. porcelain mortar 72. label directions and warnings



IV Базовый текст

Прочитайте и переведите текст.

A community pharmacy

A pharmacy is a place where medicines are compounded or dispensed. In the UK, the term a chemist’s (shop) is more commonly used. In the USA, there are many drugstores, which are small or average-sized retail shops in a town center, where medicines and miscellaneous articles(such as candy, cosmetics, and usually refreshments) are sold, while in Europe a drugstore is a place where medicines are sold, but no compounding or dispensing is done.

In an average community pharmacy, there is usually a large hall for customers where non-prescription drugs, pharmaceuticals. Home diagnostic aids, and some medical devices and appliances, as well as cosmetic products are displayed in isle counters. There is a self-service form of catering there, with payments made at a check-out counters.

Non-prescription drugs are commonly called over-the-counter (OTC) drugs because they may be bought without prescription. They are generally regarded as safe for customers to use by following the required label directions and warnings.

Prescription drugs may be dispensed to customers only by a registered pharmacist. Usually, the procedure of filling a prescription is as follows:

- the patient presents the prescription to a pharmacist or technician;

- the technician enters standard information into computer software;

- the pharmacist counsels the patient on prescription;

- the prescription is checked by the pharmacist when the dispensing process is completed by the technician;

- the technician completes the billing procedures concerning cash, insurance billing, etc.

If therapeutic concerns are raised, the prescriber is contacted, and the problem is jointly resolved.

A pharmacy must be licensed for drug compounding. For compounding prescriptions a community pharmacy must have proper equipment. A minimum list of equipment required for licensing by the state boards of pharmacy in the USA includes:

1 class A prescription balance and/or electronic balance;

2 hot plate;

3 magnetic stirrers;

4 electric mixers;

5 special containers for packaging;

6 graduated cylinders from 10 to 1000 ml;

7 glass, porcelain mortars and pestles;

8 funnels of various sizes;

9 weighing and filter paper;

10 spatulas of various sizes;

11 ointment/pill tile;

12 capsule filling machine;

13 ointment filling machine;

14 autoclave;

15 laminar flow clean bench;

16 special suppository molds;

17 stirring rods;

18 glass beakers from 50 to 1000 ml.

Extemporaneous compounding by the pharmacist or a prescription order from a licensed pharmacist, as well as dispensing of any prescription drug, is controlled by the state boards of pharmacy. A pharmacist must ensure that the correct drug, dose and directions for drug administration are provided to the patient, and the patient is properly instructed regarding proper storage of the drug and its adverse effects.


V. Вопросы для обсуждения.