Required label information i

Most pharmacies have the name, address, and phone number of the pharmacy pre-printed on their prescription labels. In addition, federal and state regulations require that the following information appear on the label.

- prescription (serial) number;

- date of initial dispensing;

- patients name;

- directions for use;

- name and strength of the drug product (or active ingredient(s) in a compounded prescription);

- prescriber’s name;

- name of dispensing pharmacist;

- expiration date.

Labels for controlled substances in schedules II, III, and IV must also contain the statement “Caution: Federal law prohibits the transfer of this drug to any person other than the patient for whom it was prescribed.» in the form of an auxiliary label.

Recommended label information

In addition to the information required by law, it is recommended that the following information also be provided on the prescription label.

- number of dosage units or volume of product dispensed;

- number of refills allowed.

Presented below is an example of a proper label. This is the format which you should follow when writing labels in English.

UNC School of Pharmacy Chapel Hill, NC 27511 962-0057   Rx # 123456 Pat Annsir Dr. Upendown 9/1/93   Take one tablet every four to six hours as needed for pain. Acetaminophen 325 mg, Codeine sulfate 15 mg/tablet (#30) 3 refills; expires 9/31/98   Dispensed by Y. Ourname R. Ph    


Other labeling guidelines:

· Indicate the dosage form to be administered, e. g. “Take one tablet every day” instead of “Take one every day.”

· Use words instead of numbers, e. g. “Take one tablet every day» instead of “Take 1 tablet every day.”

· Express quantities to be administered in units which are familiar to the patient, and for which they are likely to have suitable measuring devices, e.g. “Take two teaspoonfuls every six hours.” instead of “Take 10 ml...". In some instances it may be critical that an exact volume, such as 2.0 ml, be administered. In such a case, the pharmacist should provide a properly calibrated measuring device along with the medication.

· Specify the route of administration. If the medication is not intended for oral use, e.g. Insert one suppository vaginally every night at bed time.

· Do not use abbreviations, e. g. “Take two capsules twice a day" not “Take two caps twice a day".

· Specify all active ingredients in a compounded prescription. Inert для пациента bases or vehicles may, but need not, be label.

· In general, the amount of active ingredient per dosage unit should be specified, e. g. Inderal 2 mg/chart, Amoxicillin 250 mg/5 ml, Phenergan 25 mg/suppository


V. Вопросы для обсуждения.

1. Приведите английские эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний:

выдавать рецепт; предписание пациенту; лекарственная этикетка; дополнительная этикетка; лекарства особого списка (контролируемые); номер серии; оформление этикетки; соответствовать правилам; сообщать информацию; срок окончания действия; уточнять; приводить к (лекарственной) зависимости; в соответствии с рецептом; инвентаризация; точный подсчет; регистрироваться; счет-фактура; накладная; квитанция.


Напишите 5 инструкций по обращению с лекарствами для пациента в повелительном наклонении.


Case Analyses

Look through the text and indicate the difference between drug labeling of Great Britain and Russia.

Tell about drug labeling in brief.

Find in the Internet the patterns of labels in the USA and compare them with those in Great Britain and Russia.

4. Name not less than 5 differences in dispensing drugs in Russia and abroad.


VI. Домашнее задание к следующему занятию.

1. Выучить грамматический материал урока 7.

2. Выучить лексику по теме «Drug Labeling».

VII. Контроль.

Устный опрос.

Тест по лексике и грамматике.