Обстоятельственные причастные обороты с причастием I перфектным пассивным


Having been xed/ + зависимые слова   – в начале предложения перед подлежащим; – … having been xed/ … . – в конце предложения ОБСТОЯТЕЛЬСТВЕННЫЙ причастный оборот придаточным предложением с союзами так как, после того как, когда был сделан  
Having been repaired properlythe engine began operating better После того как мотор был отремонтирован должным образом,он стал работать лучше.

I. a) In each line find the attributive participial constructions meaning «делающий …».

a) The x is 1ing the x, the x 2ing the x will be xing, the x 3ing the x has been xing, the xs 4ing the x have been xing, the x 5ing the x is xing.

b) The xs are 6ing the x, the x 7ing the x was xing, the xs 8ing the xs are xing, the x 9ing the x was xing, the xs 10ing the xs were xing.

c) The x was 11ing the x, the x 12ing the x was xing, the xs 13ing the xs were xing, the x 14ing the x is xing, the xs 15ing the xs are xing.

d) The x 16ing the x was xing, the xs 17ing the xs were xing, the x is 18ing the x, the x 19ing the x is, the xs 20ing the xs are.

e) The xs 21ing the xs are, the x 22ing the x is xing, the xs 23ing the xs are xing, the x 24ing the x was xing, the xs are 25ing the x.

f) 6.The x 26ing the x was xing, the xs 27ing the xs were xing, the x 28ing the x was, the x 29ing the x will be xing, the x was 30ing the x.

g) The xs 31ing the xs were, the x 32ing the x is xing, the xs 33ing the xs are xing, the x 34ing the x was xing, the xs were 35ing the x.

b) In each line find the adverbial participial constructions meaning «делая…».

a) 1ing the x the x is, when 2ing the x the xs are, the 3ing x xs, 4ing the x the xs are, 5ing the x the x is.

b) When 6ing the x the xs are, while 7ing the x the x is, 8ing is, 9ing the x the x is, when 10ing the xs are.

c) 11ing the x the xs are, 12ing the x the xs are, when 13ing the x the xs are, while 14ing the x the x is, the 15ing xs are.

d) The 16ing x is, 17ing the x the xs are, 18ing the x the x is, when 19ing the x the xs are, while 20ing the x the x is.

e) While the xs are 21ing, 22ing the x the xs are, 23ing the x the x is, when 24ing the x the xs are, 25ing the x the x is.

f) 26ing was, 27ing the x the xs are, 28ing the x the x is, when 29ing the x the xs are, while 30ing the x the x is.

g) 31ing the x the xs are, 32ing the x the x is, the 33ing x xs, 34ing the x the x is, when 35ing the x the xs are.

c) In each line find the adverbial participial constructions, meaning «cделав…» at the beginning of the construction:

a) 1ing the x the x is; Having 2ed the x the x is; Having 3 it the x; Having 4ed the x the x; Having 5ed it the x was.

b) Having 6 it the x xs were; When 7ing the x is; Having 8ed the x the x is; Having 9 it the x; Having 10ed the x the x.

c) Having 11ed the x the x is; While 12ing the xs are; Having 13ed the x the x; Having 14 it the x was; Having 15ed it the x xs were.

d) Having 16ed it the x; Having 17 the x the x; Having 18ed it the x was; Having been 19ed the x is; Having 20 it the x xs were.

e) Having 21ed the x the x; Having been 22ed the x is; Having 23 the x the x is; Having 24ed it the x; Having 25 it the x xs were.

f) 26ing the x the x is; Having 27ed it the x; Having 28ed the x the x; Having 29 it the x was; Having 30ed it the x xs were.

g) Having 31ed the x the x is; Having 32 it the x; Having 33ed it the x was; Having 34ed it the x xs were; The x 35 xing the x.

II. Find the participial constructions. Give the Russian equivalent of the following parts of sentences. Pay attention to the form of Participle I and Participle I Perfect in the attributive and adverbial participial constructions.

a) 1. People investigating a lot; 2. Speaking at the conference I…; 3. When using this device he …; 4. While calculating the figures again I…; 5. Having learnt it he …; 6. Having increased the rate they …; 7. Being worked out by the specialists the program is…; 8. Having been repaired the engine began … . 9. Having been studied in detail the method was …; 10. Having been tested successfully the model.

b) 1. People carrying out the research; 2. while calculating the figures; 3. the scientists conducting the experiment; 4. having attained the results; 5. IT specialists producing the final product; 6. the standard offering high-speed data; 7. early telegraphs using keyboards could produce tapes; 8. when drawing conclusions; 9. having discussed the questions; 10. while coming to an agreement.