Особенности перевода определительных оборотов с причастием II
the x + xed/ ![]() | ОПРЕДЕЛИТЕЛЬНЫЙ причастный оборот1 | Определительным придаточным предложением, начинающимся с соответствующего предлога … о которойговорят |
1Английские причастные обороты, образованные от глаголов, соответствующие русские эквиваленты которых принимают предложные дополнения.
This is the book so much spoken about. | Вот книга, о которой так много говорят. |
Запомните значения следующих глаголов:
a) agree upon (on) договориться, условиться о
arrive at приходить к (заключению, решению)
depend on (upon) зависеть от
insist on (upon) настаивать на
look at смотреть на
look after наблюдать за
refer to ссылаться на; упоминать о
send for посылать за
speak, talk about (of) говорить о (об)
b) attack (smb., smth.) начинать (работу, исследование)
follow (smb., smth.) следовать, следить за кем-либо, чем-либо;
следовать чему-либо
join (smb., smth.) присоединяться (к группе); поступать (на работу)
influence(smb., smth.) влиять, оказывать воздействие на что-либо, кого- либо
I. Choose the attributive constructions with participle II the translation of which starts with the preposition.
a) 1 agreed upon, 2 arrived at, 3 followed by, 4 attacked by, 5 joined by, 6 referred to, 7s carried out;
b) 8 insisted upon, 9s influenced by, 10 looked at, 11 looked after, 12 relied on, 13 founded in, 14 send for.
II. Give the Russian equivalents of the following parts of sentences. Pay attention to the translation of attributive constructions with participle II.
The invention followed by, the method agreed upon, the data looked at, the properties depended on, the results arrived at, the discovery spoken about, the figures looked at.
III. Give the Russian equivalents of the following sentences. Pay attention to the translation of attributive constructions with passive participle.
1. The report followed by a lively discussion was rather cognitive. 2. The terms agreed upon were favorable. 3. The paper often referred to by many scientists was published two times. 4. The figures referred to in the report appeared last year. 5. The terms insisted upon could not be accepted. 6. The experiment watched with interest attracted attention of many researchers. 7. The new invention much spoken about was a real break through. 8. The data looked at with great attention were unique.9. The lecture followed by experiments took place last week. 10. The laboratory of microelectronics joined by Professor Brown was established ten years ago. 11. The properties of the material influenced by electromagnetic radiation were taken into consideration.
IV. Define what part of speech the following words are. Explain the way they were formed and give their Russian equivalents.
High-speed, wirelessly, implementation, including, limit, obvious, replacement, fast, prevent, connect.