
She is taller older prettier thinner than her friend. her sister. her sister-in-law.
more beautiful


She is the tallest the oldest the busiest thethinnest of all the students in her group. of all. in the Institute.
the most beautiful
the least


q Если прилагательное оканчивается на согласную, которой предшествует ударная краткая гласная, то в сравнительной и превосходной степенях, при прибавлении суффиксов -er, -est, конечная согласная удваивается: big – bigger – the biggest

q Cогласн. + y i+ er, est :dry – drier – the driest

But: gay- gayer – the gayest

Positive Comparative Superlative
good better the best
bad worse the worst
little less the least
many much more the most
old older elder the oldest – старший по возрасту the eldest – старший в семье
far farther – более дальний, более далекий further - 1) более дальний; 2) дальнейший, дополнительный the farthest the furthest самый дальний, самый далекий

15. Write the comparative and superlative forms.


Hard, lazy, industrious, attractive, long, smart, well-dressed, thin, large, sunburned, good, slender, pale, clean, delicate, dark, old, rouged, chubby, wrinkled, bad, intelligent, young, poor, fat.


16. Complete the sentences using the positive, comparative or superlative forms.

1) She is a/an (attractive) woman than her sister.

2) This girl has (chubby) cheeks in the world.

3) He has a very (unordinary) appearance.

4) Who is (sunburned) among your friends?

5) This man has a (fleshy) nose than that one.

6) I have never seen (kind) eyes.

7) Negroes have (dark) complexion than Asians.

8) My mother is (good-looking) woman among her colleagues.

9) She has a very (curly) hair.

10) He is (tall) in the group.



17. Fill in the blanks using AS… AS or SO… AS.

as ……. as – такой же …… как

not so …… as – не такой …… как

1) This book isn't … interesting … that one.

2) My mother isn't … tall … my father.

3) This baby has … chubby cheeks … as his brother-twin.

4) John is … talented … his father.

5) Mary hasn't … thick hair … her best friend.

6) In his childhood he was … well-fed … as all other babies.

7) My sister plays the piano … well … her sister.

8) He wears his hair … long … all boys.

9) This girl didn't have … good manners … her mother.

10) This baby is … nice … an angel.

18. Read, translate and learn by heart.

the more … the more – чем больше …тем больше

the more …the less – чем больше … тем меньше

The more we study, the more we know.

The more we know, the more we forget.

The more we forget, the less we know.

The less we know, the less we forget.

The less we forget, the more we know.

So, why study?

19. Think of one of the students in your group. Write one or two sentences to describe him or her, giving information about the appearance, figure, face, eyes, nose and hair. Read your description but don’t name this person. The other students should guess who he

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