Put the words in pairs. Two words have no pairs. Which ones are they?

Example:aunt - uncle.

Divide all members of the family into Female relatives and Male relatives.

Example:female: aunt,…

male : uncle,…

aunt, boy, boyfriend, brother, child, cousin, daughter, father, friend, girl, girlfriend, grandfather, grandmother, husband, man, mother, nephew, niece, parent, sister, son, uncle, wife, woman



Имена существительные образуют множественное число следующими способами:


1) окончание -s

room – rooms, shoe – shoes, chair – chairs


2) имена существительные, оканчивающиеся в единственном числе на -ss, -x, -sh, -ch + es

class – classes, box – boxes, dish – dishes

3) cогласн. + y i + es

city - cities, body – bodies, factory - factories

But:day – days, boy – boys, key – keys.

4) o+es

cargo – cargoes, hero – heroes, tomato – tomatoes

But:piano – pianos, photo – photos

5)f (fe) v + es

leaf – leaves, wolf – wolves, knife – knives

But: chief – chiefs (начальник), handkerchief – handkerchiefs (платок), roof – roofs (крыша), safe – safes (сейф)

6) изменение корневой гласной:

man – men, woman - women, foot – feet, tooth – teeth, goose – geese, mouse – mice, child – children, ox – oxen

7)существительные, заимствованные из латинского и греческого языков

v is [is] - es [iz]

analysis – analyses (анализ), basis – bases (основа), crisis – crises (кризис)

v us – i [ai]

focus – foci (центр), radius – radii (радиус), nucleus – nuclei (ядро)

v on/um – a[¶]

phenomenon – phenomena (явление), criterion – criteria (критерий), datum – data (данная величина), maximum – maxima (максимум), minimum – minima (минимум)

8)сложные существительные, которые пишутся слитно, образуют множественное число по правилу, которому подчиняется второе слово, входящее в их состав:

housewife-housewives, postman – postmen

9) в сложных именах существительных, которые пишутся через дефис, форму множественного числа обычно принимает основное в смысловом отношении слово:

hotel-keeper – hotel-keepers (хозяин гостиницы), mother-in-law – mothers-in-law


10) если первым словом сложного существительного является слово man или woman, то оба слова принимают форму множественного числа:

man-servant – men-servants (слуга), woman-doctor – women-doctors (женщина-врач)


11) форма единственного числа = форме множественного числа

sheep (овца), dozen (дюжина), works (завод), means (средство)

12) имена существительные, которые употребляются только в единственном числе:

v неисчисляемые существительные:

sugar (сахар), iron (железо), love (любовь), friendship (дружба)

v advice (совет, советы), information (информация, сообщения, сведения), progress (успех, успехи), knowledge (знание, знания), money (деньги), hair (волосы), vocation (каникулы) и некоторые другие

v news (новость, новости)

v названия наук, оканчивающиеся на -ics(mathematics, physics, phonetics и
т. п.), употребляются со значением единственного числа, хотя и имеют форму множественного числа: mathematics, physics


13) имена существительные, которые употребляются только во множественном числе:

scissors (ножницы), trousers (брюки), spectacles (очки), scales (весы), tongs (щипцы), goods (товар, товары), clothes (одежда), stairs (лестница), arms (оружие), riches (богатство, богатства), proceeds (выручка).

4. Give the plural form of the words.

Window, bus, leaf, watch, country, dress, woman, son-in-law, housewife, party, day, fox, foot, passer-by, key, eye, child, wall, library, man, sister-in-law, statesman, pocket-knife, hero, cousin, text-book, tooth, roof, journey.


5. Write the plurals of the words given in brackets to complete the sentences;

1) Would you bring the bottle and some ………………. , please? (glass)

2) We cut the cake into....................................... (half)

3) I've read her……………….., but I haven't seen any of her………..(book/play)

4) I bought some………… for the................................. ………(shelf/glass)

5) There were ………………. of ………….in the factory. (thousand/box)

6) The ……………went in one door and the.... ………………went in the other. (man/woman)

7) They have a lot of………….at the moment. (worry)

8) Would you bring the………and......................................... ? (knife/fork)

9) The …………………chased the.................... for several miles (wolf/deer)

10) Did you make these ……………….? (handkerchief)


Существительное в притяжательном падеже отвечает на вопрос whose? (чей?) иобозначает принадлежность предмета.

В форме притяжательного падежа употребляются существительные одушевленные. Существительные неодушевленные, за некоторыми исключениями, в притяжательном падеже не употребляются.


1. существительные вединственном числе the girl's hat - шляпа девушки 2. существительные вомножественном числе a) the boys' books - книги мальчиков b) the children's toys - игрушки детей 3. сложные существительные my son-in-law's library - библиотека моего зятя 4. имена собственные, заканчивающиеся на -s Charles's address – адрес Чарльза 5. когда два лица или более являются обладателями одного и того же предмета, окончание притяжательного падежа прибавляется к последнему существительному: Peter and Helen's flat is large. - Квартира Петра и Елены боль­шая. 6. устойчивые словосочетания. - fixed phrases: the earth's surface, journey's end, the ship's company - time phrases (singular): an hour's journey, a day's work, a month's salary - time phrases (plural): two hours' journey, two days' work, two months' salary

6. Rewrite these sentences, putting the apostrophe (') where necessary. If two answers are possible, write the more likely one.

Example: We talked to the boys parents for some time. -

We talked to the boys' parents for some time.

We talked to the boy's parents for some time.

1) Have you met Susans friend?

2) About sixty people use the teachers room.

3) Someone had taken Barbaras purse.

4) Something was hurting the animals foot.

5) I'm going to write to the childrens parents.

6) Jane works in my mothers office.

7) The dog doesn't like its food.

8) Mary and Pat stayed at their friends house.

9) Are you going to the secretaries meeting?

10) I put the money in the waiters hand.


7. Transform the prases. Use the possessive where possible.

1) a delay of an hour_____________ 2) a journey of two days___________ 3) the shade of the tree____________ 4) the book of the film___________ 5) the inside of the box___________ 6) the price of success_____________ 7) work of seven years____________ 8) the surface of the earth__________ 9) at the door of death_____________ 10) an absence of a year____________

8. Use the correct possessives to complete the sentences. If two answers are possible, write the more than one.

1) Where are the ______________? (books/boys)

2) I opened the ____________. (door/car)

3) My keys are in the ___________. (pocket/my suit)

4) I'm afraid I've broken the______________ . (leg/chair)

5) The doctor told me to have a______________ . (rest/week)

6) He wrote a letter to the ___________. (secretary/President)

7) Would you turn on the___________? (light/kitchen)

8) This is Mrs Davies, the_____________. (manager/cinema)

9) You'll feel better after a _____________. (holiday/fortnight)

10) This was _______________. (house/my parents)


9. Rewrite these sentences using 's, s', or just an apostrophe (').


1) This bicycle is for a child.

2) This pen belongs to the teacher.

3) He described the career of the actress.

4) That's a job for a stewardess.

5) These toys belong to the children

6) This is a club for women.

7) It's a school for girls.

8) This is the lounge for residents.

9) This umbrella belongs to James.

10) That hat belongs to Doris.

10.You have some information about the James family. Read it carefully and fill in the missing names in the family tree and also the jobs of the people in the middle row.

The James Family Tree

1) Tom's grandfather is called Douglas. 2) Sally's husband is an electrician. 3) Anne has two boys. 4) Rebecca is Amanda's cousin. 5) The editor is married to David. 6) Mark is Amanda's father. 7) Joanna and Rebecca are sisters. 8) Douglas has two sons and a daughter. 9) Joanna's father is a teacher. 10) Sylvia is a grandmother. 11) Nina is Peter's wife. 12) Mark is Sylvia's son-in-law. 13) David and Peter are brothers. 14) Amanda's mother is a nurse. 15) Peter has two daughters. 16) Sylvia's daughter-in-law is a doctor. 17) Peter is Sylvia's son. 18) Sally has two brothers. 19) The accountant is called David. 20) Bob and Tom are brothers.


11. Read the text about the family of Corinne and draw a line to show each person's relationship to her. Say what members of the family she has.

I have quite a large family, actually. My grandmother lives with my mother and father, and she's called Jacqueline. Then I have a brother who's called Raymond, who lives in Cassis, that's quite near Marseille, and a sister, called Chantal who lives in Marseille. My aunt is called Christine and my uncle is called Tony. Then, of course, there's my husband Vincent. His family comes from Montpellier, and that's where we live now. Oh, I nearly forgot, my mother is called Marie and my father is Georges. We're very close.

Jacqueline Raymond Chantal Christine Tony Georges Vincent Marie


mother sister father grandmother brother aunt husband uncle

12. Correct the statements below with the true sentences.

For example: Vincent is Corinne's uncle. –
No, Vincent is Corinne's husband

1) Tony is Corinne's husband. 2) Vincent is Marie's husband. 3) Vincent is Corinne's brother. 4) Vincent is Chantal's husband. 5) Georges is Corinne's husband.

13. Read and translate the text. Rememebr the following words.

A head of the family –глава семьи

At least –по крайней мере

Each other– друг друга

To be alive –быть живым

To be common –быть общим, типичным

To chat – болтать

To die –умирать

To discuss smth –обсуждать что-либо

To get married –выйти замуж, жениться

To lead independent life –жить независимо от кого-либо

To leave home –оставлять дом, уходить из дома

To take one's decision -принимать решение

1.We usually see each other at least once a month, maybe more often. We have lunch together on Sunday if we haven't got anything special to do. We live in Montpellier, which is about an hour and a half away, but we always come to Marseilles where my mother and father live. It's not so far. Usually my grandmother and my uncle and aunt are there too - we're quite a large family! Sometimes my brother and his girlfriend come over - they live nearby. The meal takes about four hours, we spend a lot of time chatting and there's always lots to eat.

2. There's no one we call the head of the family, although my father's advice and opinion are very important in any decisions we take. My uncle Tony is in fact older than my father, so I suppose he's the real head of the family. When my grandfather was alive he liked to think that the whole family organised itself around him, but these days it's different. But we all try to discuss things together when we meet.

3. In most families, it's a small family group who live in the same house, mother, father and the children before they get married. But if one of the grandparents dies, the other usually sells their home and goes to live with their children. So it's quiet common to have one grandparent living with you, but not more.

4. In France most children leave home when they get married, and not before. I lived in Marseilles with my mother and father until I got married. But there are some people who want to lead independent lives and they find a flat as soon as they start their first job, even before they get married. Of course, the main problem is that flats are so expensive here, and we simply have to live with our parents.

14. Match the questions with each paragraph. There is one extra question.

1) Who is the head of the family?

2) How often does the family get together?

3) How many people live in your house?

4) How long do people live with their parents?

5) How many people live in the same house?


15. Work in pairs and answer the questions above with the specific information about your family. Ask more questions about the family of your partner.

16. Work in groups. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large family?


advantages disadvantages
never boring expensive


17. Read the text and make more notes about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a large family.


Janet puts the reason for her large family down to the fact that she was an only child: 'Life was so lonely and dull for me I knew I wanted lots of children.'

But there are difficulties. If they go anywhere as a family they need two cars. And big families have big appetites. The Astons consume ten pints of milk and two loaves of bread a day. They also produce a lot of washing - four loads a day.

Richard is an accountant and budgets carefully for everything. The phone is his main worry — the children spend too long on it. Nor can they afford to go abroad on holiday. The eldest children work and Janet works part-time in a doctor's surgery.

Another problem is that you get no privacy or space. Janet and Richard share their room with the two youngest Astons, and Emily and Elizabeth sleep in the same bed so that Christopher and Sarah can have rooms of their own. 'That doesn't mean that you get left alone though,' complained Sarah. 'My room is on the ground floor, and if I bring a friend home, I get five faces at the window.'

Although Richard and Janet are great believers in fairness, it often doesn't work out in practice. Christopher claims that his parents were stricter with the older children, and that Victoria never does any work. Although the children may complain about each other and say that they won't have large families themselves, there is a general stories about us,' said Sarah. 'Most people have such boring lives compared to ours.'


18. Write the questions and answer them.

1) What / the life/ be/ of Janet/ in childhood?

2) How many loads / the Astons/ produce a day?

3) What / be/ Richard?

4) Where / Janet/ work?

5) Who / live/ on the ground floor?


19. Write down four advantages and four disadvantages of being an only child.


Oneadvantage of being an only child is that you get lots of presents.

Onedisadvantage of being an only child is that you can be lonely.

20. Read Debra's statements below. Do you think she is from a large or small family?

· I was bored.

· I used to have a lot of imaginary brothers and sisters.

· I didn't have to share a bedroom.

· 1 got lots of presents.

· I was very spoilt.

· Lots of fuss was made over me.

· Now my parents are older, the responsibility will be all mine.

· My parents talked to me a lot.


21. Write down 10 statements about your family and read them to your group mates. They should guess if you are from a large or small family, if you have brothers and sisters or you are the only child.


22. Look at these family rules for children. Tick (V) the ones you agree with and cross (X) the ones you disagree with. Did you have any of these rules in your family?

o No smoking.

o No eating snacks or sweets between meals.

o No playing with children in the street.

o No swearing.

o Always having to ask for permission to go out.

o Having to do your homework every evening.

o Having to eat all your dinner.

o Always coming home on time.

o Having to make your bed every day.


23. Now look at some possible punishments for breaking the rules. Tick the ones you agree with and cross the ones you disagree with. Did any of these things happen to you?

o You have to go to bed.

o You have to stay in your room.

o You are not allowed to have any sweets.

o Your parents hit you.

o Your parents shout at you.

o You can't have any dinner.

o You can't watch TV.

o You have to clean the house.

o You have to eat cold/old food.

o You are not allowed to go out.

24. Talk with your partner about the house rules in your family. Do you think that having strict parents is a good thing? Use the expressions below.

v I'm surprised v Oh, really! v I can't believe it! v Really? v How interesting indeed! v Oh, really! v I see. v How nice! v Oh, I am (so) sorry! v Well, it's a pity indeed.  

25. Learn the words and phrases

Assistance— помощь Descendant –потомок Diary -дневник Divorce— развод Divorcee— разведенный Existence – существование Experience — жизненный опыт Health-building home — дом отдыха Honour — честь Housing shortage — недостаток (нехватка) жилья Human— человеческий Marriage –брак, замужество Pride— гордость Reason — причина Restoration — возрождение, восстановление Revival— возрождение Sense — чувство To bring up children — воспитывать детей To start — начинать To be like –быть похожим To be lost –(по)теряться To break up — разбивать(ся), распадаться To end — заканчивать(ся) To manage the family budget — вести семейный бюджет To marry — жениться, выходить замуж To preserve - сохранять To rely on — полагаться, рассчитывать на To remarry — еще раз жениться, (выйти) замуж To reveal –раскрывать To run a household — вести хозяйство Various — различный Within a period (of) — в течение какого-то периода времени

REMEMBER!(см. приложение № 4)

o К наиболее употребительным суффиксам, с помощью которых образуются существительные, относятся следующие: -er/-or (worker, doctor), -ist (journalist), -ship(friendship), -tion (relaxation), -ance/-ence (independence, importance), -ee (employee) o Префикс re- обозначает повторяющееся действие: write (писать) - rewrite(переписать)

26. Read the information about the family as a social problem. Answer the questions at the beginning of the text.