Read the text and decide which of these three people you are going to choose for the job in the shop. Give your reasons

1. ANNE H. Was punctual, smart and tidy (would have a good appearance for the shop). Is good at Maths –we could use her as a cashier (train her to handle money) BUT: was very shy; spoke too quietly and didn’t even look at me. Sometimes didn’t answer – is she rude? Or was she just nervous? Didn’t ask any questions about the job, didn’t seem to have any hobbies. Too dull?

2. BRYAN S. Arrived 10 minutes early, beautifully dressed (suit seemed very expensive). General appearance was immaculate – this makes a very good impression on the customers. Was very interested in all aspects of the job, asked about promotion prospects, staff pension fund, company profits. BUT: smoked all through the interview, flicked ash on the carpet. Seemed a little bit too confident – is he cocky? Spoke very disrespectfully to the receptionist. Snobbish?

3. TIM L. Arrived 15 late, looked as if he had run all the way. Very untidy; hair all over the place, shirt hanging out of trousers. Was wearing tennis shoes! Lounged in the seat as it he was at home. BUT: spoke well and clearly; had some good ideas. Interested in the job – says his uncle has a shop. Seemed pleasant, friendly and cheerful – customers like this sort of person. Would his appearance and lateness be a problem?


Text 9

Read the text and do the task after it.

Fast-Track Inc.

Fast-Track Inc., based in Boston, US, sells corporate training videos and management training courses. Fast-Track is looking for a new Sales Manager for its subsidiary in Warsaw, Poland. Fast-Track advertised the vacancy only inside the company as it believes in offering career opportunities to its staff.

Here is an extract from the job description for the position.

The successful candidate will be responsible for:

Developing sales, achieving results and increasing customer number

Managing the sales team so that it is more motivated, dynamic and effective

He/She will be:

A natural leader

Energetic, enthusiastic and determined

Confident and outgoing

He/She will have:

Strong sales ability

Organizational and interpersonal skills

A good academic background and suitable experience

Linguistic ability


The position will involve frequent travel throughout the region.


Case study

There are three candidates for the position of Sales Manager, Central and Eastern Europe.

They all already work for Fast-Track either in Boston or in Poland. The successful candidate will be based in Warsaw.

Read the information about each candidate. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each candidate. Decide who should fill the vacant position.

Joanna Pelc

Polish, aged 30

EducationFinished secondary school.

Diploma in Marketing.

Experience Has worked for Fast-Track as a sales representative since leaving school. Has a good knowledge of computing.

Achievements Has had the best sales results of the team during the last five years. She looks after some of the company’s most important customers.

LanguagesExcellent Polish and Russian. English – good vocabulary but not very fluent.

Interviewer’s commentsVery strong personality. Energetic and confident. Sometimes appeared aggressive during the interview. Will she be a good team player?


Robert Kaminsky

Polish, aged 52

EducationUniversity degree (engineering)

Experience Wide experience in a variety of industries. Joined Fast-Track five years ago as Regional Manager for the south of Poland.

AchievementsHas been very successful, increasing sales by 12 % over the five-year period.

LanguagesFluent Polish and English

Interviewer’s commentsVery calm and relaxed, he moves and talks slowly. A hard worker. He never leaves the office before seven in the evening. Not creative members of a team. Respected by previous staff. Current staff think he is practical and reliable.


Anna Belinski

German, aged 42

EducationUniversity degree (History)

ExperienceOver 15 years as a sales representative in Germany, the US and Poland. Joined Fast-Track a year ago. Has some experience designing websites for companies.

AchievementsA good sales records in all her previous jobs. In her first year with Fast-Track her sales results have been satisfactory.

Languages Fluent German, English and Polish.

Interviewer’s commentsQuiet but knows her own mind. Rather nervous at the interview. Might be good at team building but would probably depend too much on other people. Had some interesting ideas for developing our website. Good at computing and handling figures. Likes administration. Didn’t seem to have many ideas about the feature of the company.





Presentation – 1

Pre – Text Activities

I. Try to recognize the international words without using a dictionary:

Enthusiasm n, enthusiastic a, force n, reason n, separate a, separately adv, total a, totally adv.


II. Make sure you remember the following words:

Aim n, among(st) prep, bring v (brought), customer n, differ v, different a, divide v, important a, knowledge n, leave v (left), main a, probably adv, purpose n, to take v (took, taken) part, win v (won).


III. Learn the words:

1. actually adv. фактически, на самом деле;

2. approach n 1) подход к решению; 2) метод, теория;

3. benefit n 1) польза, благо 2) выгода;

4. consider v 1) рассматривать, обсуждать 2) обдумывать

3) принимать во внимание, учитывать;

5. ensure v обеспечивать, гарантировать;

6. equipment n 1) оборудование 2) аппаратура;

7. to get smb., smth. to a place доставлять кого-либо, что-либо, куда-либо;

8. get across phr v чётко убедительно объяснить,

донести до слушателя;

9. get involved погружаться (во что-либо),

быть занятым (чем-либо);

10. handout n 1) рекламная листовка, проспект 2) отпечатанный

текст (раздаваемый всем присутствующим)

3) бесплатный образчик, пробный образец

товара и т.п. (рекламный приём)

11. incentive n побудительный мотив, стимул;

12. infuse v вселять, внушать, зарождать (чувство);

13. launch v 1) начинать, предпринимать 2) выпускать,

выбрасывать (напр. Новые товары на рынок);

14. message n 1) сообщение 2) поручение, миссия 3) идея;

15. profit n 1) польза, выгода 2) прибыль, доход;

16. promote v 1) продвигать, повышать в чине или звании;

2) способствовать, стимулировать;

17. range n 1) пределы (колебаний, изменений)

2) ассортимент; номенклатура

~ of commodities /of items/ ассортимент /номенклатура/


18. take out phr v получать, приобретать;

19. ultimate a окончательный, основной.


VI. Choose the Russian equivalents for the English words (word - combinations). Learn them:

1. sales manager; a. продвигающийся;

2. sales presentation; b. организовывать компанию по

сбыту продукции;

3. to be linked together; c. стимулирование сбыта, продвижение товара;

4. sales force; d. заведующий отделом сбыта, коммерческий директор;

5. sales/selling campaign; e. область применения;

6. sales promotion; f. технический приём, способ/метод выполнения;

7. underway a; g. быть взаимосвязанным;

8. to get the sales campaign underway; h. принять во внимание;

9. area n; i. демонстрировать перспективному покупателю;

10. reason n; j. работники торговых предприятий, торговые агенты;

11. technique n; k. кампания по организации и стимулированию сбыта;

12. to take into consideration; l. причина, мотив, основание;

13. to get the new product there. m. доставить туда новый товар.


Keys:1d, 2i, 3g, 4j, 5k, 6c, 7a, 8b, 9e, 10l, 11f, 12h.