The Main Secret of Success

As a sales manager Alan Wroxley has done a lot of presentations. Here he suggests how to take nerves out of any presentation.

He says that the larger the presentation or the presentation to more people, the more nervous you get. Also, the more you know about a product, the least nervous you get. So, he says, the idea is the have a good preparation for any presentation. It does take the nerves out of it.

There are different ways of getting the information across. It will depend on the type of presentation. If you are doing a small, rather intimate presentation, you might limit yourself to handouts, having equipment available for people to look at and use personally.

If it is a larger presentation, or slightly larger one, you will use an overhead projector. And then for the very big presentation when you are hiring a hotel, and you have got a lot of delegates coming from a long way away then often you will use a professional media company, you will have a very slick(1) presentation with music, with lights, with slides and often with video to get your message across. So those are the main tools of the job.

It is always useful, according to Alan Wroxley, to have handouts because when people come they might not write down the relevant points that you want them to write down, a lot of them will not make notes. Whatever presentation you are doing, you have always got to give something to go away with on what you have been presenting, or else it is forgotten.

Alan Wroxley thinks that the main secret of success in doing presentation is enthusiasm. If you have got enthusiasm for your product then the people who are listening to you will have enthusiasm. You can wander off(2), so it is important that you do your research to know what you are talking about. It is also necessary to keep objective you have set yourself.


Notes: 1. slick a - массовый, рассчитанный на массовую аудиторию, 2. wander off – отключиться /отойти/ от темы.


Answer the questions:

1. What is the title of the text?

2. Alan Wroxley has done a lot of presentations as a sales manager, hasn’t he?

3. What does he suggest in this text/

4. What is the key for taking the nerves out of any presentation?

5. What does the way of getting information across depend on?

6. What is the way of getting of information across in case of a small presentation?

7. What is the way of getting the information across in case of a larger presentation?

8. When is a very big presentation done?

9. What are the main tools of doing a very big presentation?

10. What is it always useful for the people to have? Why?

11. What is the main secret of success in doing presentations? Why?


Text 2

1. Well, what it means is that every machine we sell in the UK can communicate with those machines out there, so if there are 20 million in use, that means all of the machines that we’re selling can speak to those machines out there.

2. Let’s look at some figures, I’ll put them up on the screen now. The first you can see are that there are 15-20 million fax machines being used in the world. In the US along there are five and a half million faxes in use along. Now that does that mean to the UK? For most of the time when we’re selling, what we’re interested in is the size of the UK market. What do those world statistic mean to use?

3. I’m going to talk today about a new product, a new range of fax machines, and I’m not going to tell you only about the product but how by selling it, we can all make profit by doing just that. And that I suppose is the most important effect. How we can make profit.

4. Before doing so, I would like you to look at some very interesting statistics which I hope you’ll find very encouraging. I’d also like to tell you about some trends in the fax market. Then I’ll move on to my main topic. Is that all right? Is everybody happy with that?

5. The new range of faxes I’m going to familiarize you with are the fax 430, the 450 and of course our brand new 1200 PX. Now the main purpose of the talk, of my talk, is the outline the major benefits of using these models and I shall discuss this benefits in terms of Ease of Use and Cost Savings – probably the most important to your customers. So remember I shall discuss the major selling points of the machines under those headings.