The conquestof England by the Normans began in1066 with the battleof Hastings (1), where the English fought againstthe Normans. The conquest was completein 1071.
Who were these Normans who conqueredEngland? They were Vikings (2) or "Northmen", men from the North. Some 150 years before(3) the conquest of England they came to a part of France, oppositeEngland, a part which we now call Normandy (Northman-dy). There they adoptedthe Christian faith,the French languageand the Roman lawof their new home in France. They becameFrench.
What did the Norman conquest do to England?
It gave it French kingsand nobles.The Normans also broughtwith them the French language. Afterthe Norman conquest there were three languages in England. There was Latin,the language of churchand the language in which all learnedmen wrote and spoke;the kings wrote their laws in Latin for some time after the Conquest. It was difficultfor the people to understandthese laws. Then there was French, the language which the kings and nobles spoke and which many people wrote. Finally,there was the English language which remainedthe language of the masses of the people. Some men might know all these languages; many knew two; but most of the people knew only one. There were some people who understood the French language though they could not speak it. Richpeople who owned land,the landowners,often knew French and Latin. But poor people, the peasants, did not understand French or Latin. They understood only English.
In time, however, came the general use of the English language. About 1350 English became the language of law; and at that time there lived the first teacher who taught his boys to read and write English and to translate, not from Latin into French (4), but from Latin into English. Then between 1350 and 1400 lived Wycliffe ['wIklIf]who made the first complete translationofthe Bibleinto English, and Chaucer (5), the fatherof English poetry.
The English language when itcame into general use (6) was not quite the same as it was before the Conquest. The grammar remained, but many words came into it from the French language.
(1) the battle of Hastings — битва при Гастингсе. Гастингс — порт на юго-востоке Англии.
(2) Vikings — участники морских походов скандинавов в кон. VIII — сер. XI вв.
(3) Some 150 years before … — sa какие-нибудь 150 лет до …
(4) from Latin info French — с латинского на французский. Заметьте предлоги: to translate from ... into ...
(5) Chaucer [CO:sq] — Чосер, английский поэт конца XIV в,
(6) came into general use — вошел во всеобщее употребление
Новые слова
adopt [q'dOpt] v принимать, усваивать
after ['Q:ftq] prp после, за; adv потом
against [q'genst]prp против
battle ['bxtl] n битва
become [bI'kAm], Past Ind. became [bI'keIm] v стать
before [bI'fO:]prp перед, до; adv раньше, впереди
between [bI'twJn] prp между
Bible ['baIbl] n Библия
bring [brIN], Past Ind. brought [brO:t] v приносить
Christian ['krIstjqn] а христианский
church [Cq:C] n церковь
complete [kqm'plJt]а полный; v завершать
conquer ['kONkq]v завоевывать, побеждать
conquest ['kONkwest] n завоевание
difficult ['dIfIk(q)lt] а трудный
faith [feIT]n вера
father ['fQ:Dq]n отец
fight [faIt], Past Ind. fought [fO:t] v драться, сражаться, бороться
finally ['faInqlI]adv наконец
first [fq:st]а первый
France [frQ:ns] n Франция
French [frenC] а французский,
general ['Gen(q)r(q)l]а общий; n генерал
grammar ['grxmq] n грамматика
home [hqum] n (родной) дом, жилище; родина
however [hau'evq] adv однако
king [kIN] n король
land [lxnd] n земля
landowner ['lxnd"qunq] n помещик, землевладелец
language ['lxNgwIG] n язык
Latin ['lxtIn] n латынь; а латинский
law [lO:]n закон, право
learned ['lq:nId] а ученый
mass [mxs] n масса; а массовый
noble ['nqubl] а благородный; the nobles n знать, дворяне
Norman ['nO:mqn]п норманн; а норманнский
opposite ['OpqzIt] adv, prp напротив, против
own [qun] v владеть
peasant ['pez(q)nt] n крестьянин
poetry ['pquItrI] n поэзия
poor [puq] а бедный
quite [kwaIt] adv вполне, совсем, совершенно
remain [rI'meIn] v остаться
rich [rIC] а богатый
Roman ['rqumqn] а римский
same [seIm] а тот же, одинаковый
speak [spJk], Past Ind. spoke [spquk] v говорить
teach [tJC], Past hid. taught [tO:t] v учить, преподавать
teacher ['tJCq] n учитель
translation [trxns'leIS(q)n] n перевод
understand ["Andq'stxnd], Past Ind. understood ["Andq'stu:d]v понимать
use [ju:s] n употребление, использование; польза; [ju:z]v использовать, употреблять
Не все слова этого урока равноценны в смысле их важности для вашей дальнейшей работы. Уделите особое внимание предлогам и наречиям after, before, against, between, finally, however, opposite. Без знания таких слов нельзя читать по-английски.
В тексте вы видите несколько названий национальностей и языков, напоминающих соответствующие русские слова. Слова типа French, English, Russian, Latin имеют несколько значений. Они могут определять существительное: a Russian book русская книга, a Latin text латинский текст, the French language французский язык; могут обозначать национальность: he is Russian он русский; they are English они англичане; she is French она француженка; the English, the French означают англичане, французы. Предложения типа Не speaks English; he translates into French переводятся: он говорит по-английски; он переводит на французский язык.
Найдем теперь знакомые корни в некоторых словах. Иногда они сразу бросаются в глаза, как, например, в словах grammar, poetry, mass. В других случаях можно обнаружить сходство, если подумать. Сравните следующие английские и русские слова. В первых двух колонках мы даем английское слово и его перевод; в последней — родственное русское слово.
battle | битва | батальон |
complete | полный | комплект |
finally | наконец | финал |
general | общий | генеральный, генерал |
language | язык | лингвистика |
Roman | римский | романский |
opposite | напротив | оппозиция |
В слове landowner вам известны все элементы: land земля, own обладать, -ег суффикс (урок 6).
Заметьте, что слова land и country часто обозначают одно и то же: our land и this country означают наша страна. Однако land может означать земля, суша, почва; с другой стороны, the country (с артиклем the) часто означает деревня, сельская местность (вообще, а не отдельное селение). Например: Не lives in the country он живет в деревне (а не в городе).
Существительное translation перевод сопоставьте с глаголом to translate переводить (урок 5). Сравните также translation перевод со словом трансляция (передача).
Не забудьте также выучить слова month [mAnT] месяц, yesterday ['jestqdI]вчера, last [lQ:st] последний, прошлый, ago [q'gqu]тому назад, которые вы встречали в грамматическом разделе.
1. Проспрягайте глаголы to translate и to write в Past Indefinite в утвердительной и отрицательной формах.
2. Выпишите из текста урока все нестандартные глаголы в Past indefinite и дайте их основную словарную форму.
3. Следующие утвердительные предложения сделайте вопросительными:
Ann understood all the words. She showed us her translation.
4. Напишите краткие утвердительные и отрицательные ответы на следующие вопросы:
1. Was this text difficult? 2. Did you know this law? 3. Did the teacher see you? 4. Did they use the same dictionary (словарь)? 5. Was John a docker? 6. Did he work well? 7. Did you like his translation? 8. Were there any landowners in this country before 1917? 9. Did you ask about that? 10. Was there a clock in his room? 11. Did he become an engineer (["enGI'nIq] инженер)? 12. Did you bring your translation? 13. Were they rich?
5. Следующие предложения перепишите, поставив глаголы в Past Indefinite.
The teacher asks them questions and they answer them. The children dance together. We study grammar. The water becomes warm. I am not against you. They bring us some red apples. My father comes home when the clock strikes seven. He lives opposite me. His children speak French and English. We do not write Latin. Our collective farm (колхоз) is large.
6. Перепишите предложения, вставив вместо точек was или were. Переведите устно:
Не ... here before me. The text ... complete. The translation ... easy. We ... busy. His father ... a teacher. They ... in England. Where ... you last year? The landowners ... rich. The peasants ... poor.
7. Перечитайте список нестандартных глаголов, данный на с. 119, закройте правый столбец и назовите прошедшее время каждого глагола.
8. Расставьте по местам вместо точек слова, данные ниже в алфавитном порядке. Переведите предложения:
about, after, against, before, between, from, into, like, over, same, though, under
February comes ... January. March comes ... April. August comes ... July and September. ... you. I can translate ... English ... Russian. ... I cannot speak English. We fight ... war (война). Both the English and the Americans speak the ... language. Yesterday we spoke ... the great battles of the Second World War. Birds fly ... our heads. He stood ... a tree.
9. Сосчитайте вслух до ста.
10. Прочтите вслух даты:
in 1914, in 1891, in 1150, in 1794, in 1369, in 1978
11. Переведите текст письменно на русский язык.
1. Ответьте письменно по-английски на следующие вопросы: формулировки берите из текста урока:
1. When did the English fight against the Normans? 2. Who were the Normans? 3. Where is Normandy? 4. What language did the Normans speak when they conquered England? 5. How many languages were there in England after the Norman conquest? 6. Who. spoke French? 7. What language did the peasants understand? 8. When did English become the language of law? 9. Whom do the English call the father of English poetry?
II.Перепишите следующие предложения, сделав их отрицательными. Переведите их устно:
Не translated the text yesterday. They understood it. We remained in the South all winter. There was a park opposite our house. We wanted to make a general plan. We could read his poetry. They taught us grammar. We knew some Latin words. He brought me some pens. We bought some red. apples yesterday. (Для трех последних предложений вам полезно повторить неопределенные местоимения в уроке 10.)
III.Сделайте следующие предложения вопросительными:
Ann lived in the country. Their house was opposite ours. They were at home. Her father was a peasant. Their collective farm was rich. They had much land. Russian peasants were poor before the October Revolution of 1917. He fought in that battle. He helped me. They drank water. He read my translation. He ate too much. He remained in our city.
IV.Переведите письменно:
I study French. I teach French. Are you for or against the use of this method? I can translate from Latin, but not into Latin. However, I understand both French and Latin quite well. He seems to be quite ill. He studies law. Before 1929 he was a poor peasant. He did not know English before.
V.Следующие вопросительные предложения сделайте утвердительными.
Образец: Did you know him? — I knew him.
Did you see him yesterday? Did you speak to him? Did he say that? Did he want to see me? Was he busy at that time? Was his father with him? Did she bring her a new book? Was the plan complete? Did the children fight?
VI.Напишите буквами даты:
in 1794, in 1880, in 1516, in 1915
VII.Среди новых слон урока найдите две пары противоположных по значению слов.
VIII.Переведите слова:
after, translation, before, adopt, peasant, home, year, between, however, battle, against, general, teacher, yesterday, father, bring, first, complete, become, fight, law, teach, use, French, land, finally, language, quite, conquer, speak, rich, same, opposite, remain, poor, understand
IX.Назовите английские слова, имеющие следующие значения:
после, до, между, год, стать, вчера, приносить, французский, язык, полный, тот же, отец, закон, говорить, однако, первый, напротив, понимать, учитель, преподавать, перевод, совсем (совершенно), бедный, богатый, бороться
Повторите предлоги в уроке 5 и местоимения в уроках 2, 3, 4, 8, 10. Сделайте устно два последних задания контрольных работ к урокам 9-10.