Operating system Windows XP

Windows XP operating system - is a modern multitasking, multiuser 32 - bit operating system with a graphical user interface. History of Windows development is set out in section distance learning the basics of the Windows XP operating system.

Windows operating systems are the most common operating systems are installed on home and office PCs.

Graphical shell of Windows provides a user interaction with a computer in the form of a dialogue with the input and output on the display of the graphic information display, program management through icons, menus, windows, panels (management objectives, tools) and other controls.

The main elements of the Windows interface are: Desktop, Taskbar with the Start button. As applied to the Windows graphical user interface, the main program management device is a mouse pad.


The mouse pointer - a graphic element that moves across the screen in sync with the movement of the arm on a table surface. Typically, the mouse is used to select menu options, move objects, selected text, etc.

The main elements of Windows GUI

The main elements of the Windows interface are:

1. Desktop with icons.

2. Taskbar, which placed the soft buttons, indicators, Quick Launch toolbar.

3. The main menu (Start button).

4. The context menu (displayed when you right-click on the selected object).

Working with windows

The window is a screen area bounded by a rectangular frame. It displays the contents of a folder, a running program or document.

There are three options for the display window on the screen:

  • Standard size window occupies a part of the screen area. If desired, you can move it or any of its borders to another place on the screen
  • Window maximized, the maximum size;
  • Minimized window is represented as a button on the taskbar.
  • The program is still running minimized window. To open or collapse a minimized window is already open, click the window in the taskbar.
  • Windows can be classified by type:
  • Application window (folder window);
  • Document window;
  • Dialog box;
  • Help window.

Windows programs

Windows programs - are windows that display the program.

Operations on windows:

1. Open and close the program window.

2. Move.

3. Change the size of the windows.

4. Carry out the search window.

5. Arrange the windows on the screen.

Elements of the program window:

  • header row (left - the system menu, right - display mode button on the screen);
  • the menu bar;
  • toolbar;
  • workspace;
  • spins band;
  • The status bar.
  • dialogs

Dialog boxes in Windows used to set the parameters and the operating system settings, hardware and software.

The main elements of the dialog box:

1. Tab.

2. Button.

3. Switch.

4. Text Field.

5. List.

6. The drop-down button.

7. Checkbox.

8. Indicator.

9. Slider.

Menu in Windows

In Windows, use of four types of menus (menu - a list of commands that appear on the screen and prompt the user to select):

1. Main Menu (opens the Start button).

2. The menu bar in the application windows (all programs included in the standard Windows package delivery, have a menu bar).

3. The system menu in the application's windows (to change the window size and position).

4. Context menu.

Working with Files

All files and documents are stored in Windows folders. In the electronic folder, as a rule, store files, grouped by any attribute, type, and other folders.

Folder - a container for programs and files in a graphical user interface displayed on the screen using the icon, which has the form of plain folders.

Windows provides tools for managing files and folders. These tools include the program Explorer and My Computer window.

Application Explorer is the primary tool for Windows to view the files and folders stored on hard and floppy drives, and other storage media.

Explorer displays the hierarchical structure of files, folders and drives on your PC. In the left pane of Windows Explorer uses a hierarchical representation of the folders, files and other resources that are connected to a computer or network.

My Computer - a program used to manage files and folders stored on computer disks.


My Network Places - a program used to work with the network resources in a workgroup.

Manipulating files and folders:

1. Create a new file and folder.

2. Naming.

3. Rename.

4. Moving and copying.

5. Delete.

6. Restore.

7. Search.

8. Viewing and changing the properties of files and folders.

9. Create a shortcut on the desktop (right-click, a conductor from the main menu, with My Computer).

Configuring the Windows operating system

Configuring the OS is performed in order to create conditions for effective work on the PC.

Setting means can be divided into five groups:

1. Input Tools - O (keyboard, mouse, printer).

2. Customize the controls (task bar, main menu, and basket).

3. Customize design elements (theme, desktop, screensaver, design parameters).

4. Configure automation equipment (automatic start of applications when you turn on your PC, launch applications on a schedule).

5. Setting the font and other settings.

Lecture 4

Topic of the lecture: Human-computer interaction.