The history of the development of human-computer interaction

Natural and intuitive interaction.

User interface.


Electronic computers have taken the place next to a man from the middle of the XX century, and over time, human-computer interaction is increasing. Probably no more spheres of human activity, which in one way or otherwise use computing devices. And if at the dawn of electronic computers to communicate with computers could only "dedicated", the man was forced to use a language-friendly car, the modern reality computing devices become more friendly and to interact with the computer a serious training person is not required, of course if this interaction does not involve solving complex professional problems.

The history of the development of human-computer interaction

Ideas digital computers started to develop in XVIII-XIX centuries, computer technology became available in the mid XX century. The first electronic computers were focused primarily on the implementation of labor-intensive calculations and to interact with experts. For example, the first electronic machines ENIAC (1943) introduced the program was carried out by means of switches and flexible cables with plugs are inserted into the right connectors.

The computer Mark I (1945) have been used with punched tape applied to their program, which is somewhat facilitated the work of the operator. Punched tape and punch cards for a long time were carriers of information that were used to store programs and putting them into the computer for execution.

In 1960 J.R Lickliter (J.R.Licklider) proposed the idea of ​​"human-computer symbiosis" - combining human intelligence and computer technology for information management. Proposed interim targets, the achievement of which contemplates the realization of this idea.

Immediate objectives:

· the division of time between computer users;

• Electronic input / output character and graphic information;

• Interactive system for processing real-time information and programming;

• Large-scale storage and information search.

Medium-term objectives:

• Coordination of associations for the development of design and programming of large systems;

• The ability of the computer to recognize the speech of the operator;

• The ability of computers to recognize handwriting;

• The ability to use the stylus as an input device coordinates and pointer (pen light - light-sensitive device, allowing you to select the point of the display screen, pointing at her).

Long-term goals:

• Understanding of computer natural language;

• The ability of the computer to recognize the speech of any user;

• Heuristic programming, i.e., "Intellectualization" of the program by giving it greater flexibility and heuristic "thinking."

The development of computer technology, in many respects, gone the way of achieving the goals of Lickliter, in the middle of the 60s there were computers that support large numbers of users, each of which has at its disposal a dedicated interface to the system (terminal) and can operate in interactively.

In 1963, Ivan Sutherland (Ivan Sutherland) has developed Sketchpad - graphic complex CAD prototype of the future, which has had a huge impact on the formation of the basic principles of graphical user interfaces. The basic ideas: the use of object-oriented model, any drawn element represents the n-component structure, it can be copied, moved, rotated or scaled, preserving the basic properties. It was first implemented the algorithm window drawing and trimming algorithm.

Another important name in the history of computing: Douglas Engel Bart (Douglas C. Engel Bart). In the mid-60s team Douglas Engel Bart developed an NLS environment (on-line System), which includes a fundamentally new operating system, a universal programming language, e-mail, teleconferencing split screens, context-sensitive help system.

In the late 60-ies of XX century, the technological level has allowed to think about the creation of the personal computer. In 1969, American mathematician Alan Kay defended his doctoral dissertation, which developed the principles of the personal computer. Since 1971, Alan Kay studied the theoretical design of the prototype personal computer, which he called the Daybook, in company Xerox research center in Palo Alto (Palo Alto Research Center, PARC). This computer does not exceed the size of a notebook, should have the capacity to handle text and graphics, as well as serve as a means of communication with remote databases. Moreover, the computer should be low and wide range of available customers.

Daybook concept described what is now known as a laptop or tablet PC. For Daybook was designed and simulated graphic Star GUI interface, one of the basic principles of a new computer control was to be no input commands from the keyboard, and the choice of using the "mouse" from the menu. Star graphic interface became the prototype Macintosh interface.

Despite the fact that the graphical interface has been described in the early 70s, and the idea appeared even earlier, in reality user interaction with a computer was provided by the so-called command-line interface (CLI, Command Line Interface). In the process of interaction between people enter commands and the computer responded appropriately, of course, about any friendly speech interface did not go. The user should know exactly which team will perform the desired action, and he put it into the command line correctly.

By the end of the 70s, not only it became clear that creating a personal computer is necessary to take into account the user experience, but also the accumulated technologies to realize the so-called ergonomic design of computer technology. Began to appear personal computers with graphical user interface, designed taking into account the user's convenience. In this regard, there is a need of studying human-computer interaction at universities in the preparation of specialists in the field of computer science.

Human-computer interaction (HCI, Human-Computer Interaction) - a discipline that deals with the design, evaluation and implementation of interactive computing systems for human use, as well as the study of the major phenomena associated with these issues.

This definition was formulated in the report of the group responsible for the development of recommendations to the educational program in the field of human-computer interaction (August, 1988). The band was formed from members of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM, Association for Computing Machinery). ACM and the IEEE Computer Society, the largest scientific and professional community of specialists in computer science, played a key role in the development of computer science education programs. After this report module HCI (human-computer interaction) is included as a mandatory part of the course in computer science.

Natural and intuitive interaction

Natural and intuitive interaction is the evolution in the field of interaction with the computer through natural methods and for human interfaces. At the moment we have enough computing power to tell the computer what they want from him by, to get him to anticipate the user's intentions. All you are trying to solve with the help of the computer, will be done through the recognition of your face, voice and gestures. Natural and intuitive interaction involves the use of various technologies that make interaction with the computer in a rich and interesting process.

Imagine searching for information on the Internet, or status update on a social network without typing. We can just ask the computer to do it for us. The point here is not simply to replace the input from the keyboard or touchscreen, and a new experience in interaction with computer technology.

By combining the capabilities of sensors, allowing the computer to see the world in three-dimensional space, like we used to see him, adding voice recognition and emotions, developers will have a completely new tool for developing interactive applications.

User interface.

Interface (interface) - it is a means of interaction, communication, mating, matching.

There are the following types of interfaces:

- Hardware (physical) interface - at the level of electronic components;

- Programming interface - a set of rules and conventions of the docking software modules;

- User interface - a set of tools of dialogue, cooperation programs (machines) with a man.

Interface - a set of technical, software and methodical (Protocols, regulations, agreements) Interface of computer users in the system with the devices and programs, as well as devices from other devices and programs.

Interface - in the broadest sense, is a way (standard) the interaction between objects. The interface in the technical sense of the word sets the parameters, the procedure and the characteristics of the interaction of objects.

There are:

• User interface - a set of methods of interaction of a computer program and the user of this program.

• Software interface - a set of methods for communication between programs.

• Physical interface - a way of interaction of physical devices. In most cases we are talking about computer ports.

User interface - a set of hardware and software, providing user interaction with the computer. The basis of interaction - conversation.

Conversation - regulated exchange of information, carried out in real-time between humans and computers, and to jointly address a specific problem: the exchange of information and coordination. Each dialogue consists of separate input-output processes that physically provide a link the user and the computer.

The exchange of information is carried out the transfer of messages and control signals.

Post - piece of information involved in the exchange of dialog.

Types of messages:

• input messages that are generated by a person using the input means: the keyboard, manipulators (mouse, itp);

• output messages that are generated by the computer in the form of texts, sounds and / or images and displayed to the user on the screen or other device output.

Graphic interface - view the user interaction dialog with a PC that uses different graphics (icons, icon, icons, drawings) of the objects on the screen (example: OS Windows).

The graphical user interface (English graphical user interface, GUI.) In Computer Science - means the system for the user's interaction with the computer, based on the idea of ​​user-accessible system objects and functions as a graphical display components (windows, icons, menus, buttons, lists, m. n.). In this case, unlike the command-line interface, the user has a random access (via a keyboard or input device coordinate - like a mouse) to all visible display objects.

For the first time the GUI concept was proposed by scientists at the Xerox PARC research lab in the 1970s, but was a commercial embodiment only AppleComputer Corporation products. At the moment the GUI is a standard component of most available on the market for operating systems and applications.

Command Interface - kind of user interaction dialog with a PC, which uses various commands typed on the keyboard displayed on the screen (example: OS MSDOS).

Command Line Interface - a version of the console and the computer human interface in which computer instructions are given only by keyboard input of text strings (commands).

The command line interface does not have clear standards, so all the following terms should be understood as referring to the common practice.

Lecture 7

Lecture topic: Network and telecommunication.

7.1. Networks classification. Network topologies.

7.2. Local and global networks.