Ex. V. Say whether the sentences are true or false. If they are false, correct them

1. Economists and statisticians complicate matters using sophisticated mathematical models.

2. GNP reflects the total market value of all goods and services produced in an economy in a given year.

3. Disposable income is money left after people pay for taxes and necessities.

4. Americans save 5% of their disposable income.

5. Americans spend more money on goods than on services.

6. When the inflations rate is high, the phase of a business cycle goes downward.

7. It is possible to predict the courses of inflation and interest rates.

Ex. VI. Answer the following questions.

1. What are the most fundamental economic variables that affect marketing organizations?

2. What is the economy’s overall performance measured with?

3. How is the GNP usually expressed?

4. What drawbacks does the GNP have?

5. Why is personal income important to marketers?

6. How is personal income described?

7. What is the money spent for personal consumption devoted to?

Ex. VII. Translate into English.

Економічний зріст зазвичай відбувається повільно. Навіть найбільш процвітаючі економіки зростають тільки на 2-3 відсотки за рік. Проте, рівні економічного росту працюють як складний відсоток (compound interest) – стабільний рівень росту на 2 відсотки щороку приведе в результаті до значно більшої та здоровішої економіки тільки за 10 років.

Економісти зазвичай досліджують економічний ріст за довгі періоди часу. Наприклад, економісти виявили, що за останнє століття, середній щорічний приріст японської економіки на 2 пункти більше ніж у Великобританії. Ця невелика різниця привела до того, що Японія стала міжнародною могутньою державою з високорозвиненою економікою. Тим часом, Великобританія втратила свій статус економічно найсильнішою держави в світі.

Фонд капітального обладнання зростає, коли компанії інвестують свої кошти у знаряддя праці, механізми, споруди і обладнання. В Америці інвестиції в засоби виробництва (capital goods) були на рівні 10% від ВНП на протязі трьох років. Але за той же період, японці інвестували більш ніж 16-19% від ВНП у засоби виробництва. Ця різниця у бізнесовому інвестуванні дає пояснення більш швидкому зростанню японської економіки у порівнянні з американською.

Інвестування може бути націлене на збільшення об‘єму продукції чи на розробку. ВНП може бути використано для розробки нових продуктів (нововведення продукту) чи розвиток нових процесів для зниження цін на продукцію та поліпшення продуктивності. Як відновлення продукції, так і відновлення процесів мають однаково важливе значення.

Ex. VIII. Make sentences about the recent economic performance of either a company you know well, an industry you know about, or the economy of your country.


Grammar: The Infinitive


Ex. I. Read one more text about Walter Raleigh paying attention to the underlined words. What part of speech are they?

Walter Raleigh brought from America not only tobacco plants but also a sack of potatoes, which were then quite unknown in England. He had them planted in a field and when he got the first crop he was glad to send some potatoes to a friend of his.

The friend did not know how to cook them so he asked his wife to fry them in butter. The wife decided to serve the new dish with sugar and cinnamon. However, the fried balls were hard and it was unpleasant to eat them. They thought it was too cold in England for the American potatoes to become ripe enough. So the man ordered the servant to throw the potatoes away and burn them. When the fire had died down and there were only ashes left, the man happened to step on a potato lying in the ashes. The potato split and it seemed to be white and soft inside. Then the man picked up the split potato, which now had a pleasant smell and tasted it. The taste was very pleasant, too.

Thus the right way of cooking potatoes was found and soon a lot of people were enjoying them.

Ex. II. All the underlined words are examples of the Infinitive. It can be used after certain verbs. Here are some common verbs followed by infinitives:

agree happen offer seem

ask hope plan want

choose learn pretend would like

decide manage promise order

expect need refuse prove


Read and translate the following examples:

1. They have agreed to speed up the whole project.

2. I’d like to look over the figures before the meeting.

3. Finally we have managed to interest them in the new model.

4. I hope to hear from you after you have looked at our proposal.

Find three examples of this pattern in the text.

Ex. III. There are some words that are followed by a (pro)noun + the infinitive:

He advised me to listen carefully.

Find two examples of this pattern in the text.

Here are some other verbs like this:

tell encourage order remind invite teach force ask would like someone to do would hate persuade permit

Read and translate the following examples:

1. He asked us not to pass on this information to any third parties.

2. I told him to give us another report in six months.

3. I would like you to tell us a little about this new project.

Ex. IV. Infinitives are often used after certain adjectives:

She is nice to talk to.

Here are some common adjectives followed by infinitives:

glad to lucky to ready to eager to

happy to sorry to prepared to careful to

pleased to proud to anxious to afraid to

Read and translate the following examples:

1. They were angry to hear about the breakdown.

2. We are eager to implement the solution as quickly as possible.

3. I am pleased to inform you that your application has been successful.

There are two examples of this pattern in the text. Find them.

Note the pattern with “too” and “for”:

The tea is too hot for me to drink.

Find an example in the text.

Ex. V. Infinitives are often used after certain question words:

1. I don’t know what to do.

2. He showed me how to change the film in the camera.

Find an example in the text.