Ex. II. What do the following numbers in the text refer to

1569, 1596, 1667, 1760s, 1863, 1921, 1954.

Ex. III. Say whether the following statements are false or true:

1. The first historic state on the Ukrainian territory rose in the 6th century A.D.

2. Vladimir I introduced Christianity as the official religion in the 9th century A.D.

3. The Cossacks were the strongest opponents of the Uniate church who resisted Polish attempts to bring them under control.

4. Bogdan Khmelnytskyi wasn’t popular among the peasantry who fought against serfdom.

5. At the end of the 18th century the Russian Empire absorbed the remainder of Ukraine both in Poland and Galicia.

6. The Crimea was transferred from Russia to Ukraine in 1954.

Ex. IV. Imagine that you are interviewing one of the outstanding figures in the history of Ukraine. What would you like to ask him/her about? What would he/she answer?

Ex. V. Close the book and write a brief summary of the most important changes in the history of your country.

Audition: A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed

Ex. I. How do you understand the proverb “A friend in need is a friend indeed”?

Ex. II. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box:

including; nothing of the kind; made an appointment; at least; will do; gloomy; out of work; at a loss; in advance

1. Everything seemed …to me as I was … … …

2. I got in touch with him and we … … … for that evening.

3. Here is the novel and some money … …

4. I was … … … what to do.

5. We all believed that he knew … … five or six foreign languages … Spanish.

6. I expected him to get angry. … … … …. He said laughing, “I am glad I asked you to translate the book.”

7. Any translation … …

Ex. III. Listen and check.


Ex. IV. Listen again and answer the following questions:

1. Why did the author decide to turn for help to a friend of his who was an editor?

2. Why did the editor give the author a novel for translation?

3. Did he understand that the author did not know Spanish?

4. What do you think of Hans, the translator of the novel?

Unit V

Part I

Ex. I. Name 10 key words related to the topic of the text below.

Ex. II. Read the following text:

Expert Systems

An expert system, also called a knowledge-based system, is a type of application program used to make decisions or solve problems in a particular field. It uses knowledge and analytical rules defined by human experts in a field. It is called an expert system because it depends primarily on the knowledge of human experts. It functions like an expert in a discipline, solving problems that require knowledge, intelligence, and experience. Expert systems are a key part of many decision support and executive support systems.

The two major components of an expert system are a knowledge base and an inference engine. A knowledge base contains the accumulated body of knowledge of human experts in a particular field. The knowledge is a combination of data and rules to be applied to the data. The knowledge base is the most important component of an expert system. The performance of an expert system is a function of a size and quality of that knowledge base. The inference engine is the software that applies the rules from the knowledge base to the data provided by the user to draw a conclusion.

A number of commercial tools are available to build expert systems, making it unnecessary to create such systems from scratch. These tools are known in the industry as shells, or expert system shells. Most shells contain all of the components of an expert system except the knowledge base. Thus, buyers need to add only a knowledge base to create their own expert systems.

Many businesses have been using knowledge-based systems to provide quicker and easier problem detection as well as assistance in problem solving and decision making, thereby improving productivity and reducing the costs of operation. They are used in offices, hospitals, research laboratories of various types, industrial plants, manufacturing shops, repair shops, oil wells, and the like.