Instant Desktop Search fea-ture, 115


instant messaging. See IM


Integrated Services Digital


Network (ISDN), 57




graphics, 4


ports, 22


Intel processors, 7.See also processors


Interfaces, 1


CPUs, 4-8


drives, 23


NICs, 30


Interference, 43, 54




appliances, 59


connections, 52


cable, 52-53


cellular (mobile hotspot) connections, 57

214 Internet Options (Control Panel)



dial-up networking, 55-56 DSL, 53-55

fiber optic connections, 56

ISDN, 57

line-of-sight connections, 57

satellite, 56-57


WiMAX connections, 57


Internet Options (Control


Panel), 119


Internet Protocol. See IP


Internet service providers (ISPs), 44


Inverters, 76


I/O (input/output), 1, 35-36

IPCONFIG, 45, 112


IP (Internet Protocol)




assigning, 49


configuring, 126


static versus dynamic, 46-47


IP4/IPv6, 44


types of IP addresses, 45-46


IR (infrared) ports print-ers, 88


ISDN (Integrated Services


Digital Network), 57


ISPs (Internet service pro-viders), 44




jacks, 40, 73. See also con-necting


Joining networks, 123





Kerberos user authentica-tion, Windows, 130


Keyboards, 35, 65-66

Key fobs, 135

Keypads, 135


physical, 135

special function (Fn), 78-79




Land Grid Array (LGA), 4


Landscape mode, 152


Languages, Windows, 110


LANs (local-area net-works), 57




display components, 76-77 features, 77-80




expansion options, 61-64 replacing devices, 64-75

locks, 80

tablets, comparing, 158 troubleshooting, 196-200

Laser printers, 81-83


Layout setting (Control Panel), 119


LCD-CCFL (cold cathode fluorescent), 76


LCD (liquid crystal dis-plays), 34, 76


LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol), 49


Least privileges, 140-141


LEDs (light emitting diodes), 34, 76



Levels of caches, 3


LGA (Land Grid Array), 4


Lifting equipment, 92


light emitting diodes, See LEDs


lights, 40. See also heat


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), 49


Line-of-sight connections, 57


Link-local addresses, 46


Liquid crystal displays (LCDs), 34, 76


Local-area networks (LANs), 57


Local Security Policy, 114




cables, 80


doors, 135


laptops, 80


Logs, events, 163




addresses, 44


plugs, 59




MAC (Media Access Control) addresses, SOHO routers, 51


Magnetic drives, 24




inkjet printers, 84


Wi-Fi antennas, 77


Windows, 127


malicious software, 196. See also security




air, 94


cables, 93

Network Address Translation (NAT)



operating systems


overview of, 97


Windows, 98-108. See also Windows


SNMP, 49


systems, 118


MANs (metropolitan-area


Networks), 57


Mantraps, 135




drives, 30, 123


GPS, 153


Material safety data sheets (MSDSs), 94


MBRs (master boot records), 139


MD (MKDIR) command-line tool, 112


Mean time between failures (MTBF), 81


Media storage, 23-29




32-bit versus 64-bit CPUs,


1-2 caches, 3


clock rates, 2 dual-channel/triple-channel, 9-10


flash. See flash, memory parity, 11


printers, 83 replacing, 68


troubleshooting, 164-170 VRAM, 11


Mesh networks, 58


Metropolitan-area networks (MANs), 57


Mice, 35


Microphones, 35-36



Mini-PCIe cards, replacing, 69-70


MMC (Microsoft Management Control) pro-gram, 118


Mobile devices


applications, downloading, 151


comparing, 158


email configuration, 157-158


GPS, 153


network connectivity, 154-157


operating systems, 149-154


resetting, 153


security, 157


synchronizing, 159-160


Mobile hotspot connections, 57


Models, WDDM, 98


Modems, 47, 59


Modes, 152




passwords, 139


resolution, 119


screen orientation, 151-152


Monitoring, 33-35


devices, 49


replacing, 70-71


monochrome laser printers, 82. See also laser printers


Motherboards, 1, 15


expansion cards/slots, 17-19


form factors, 16-17


multiprocessors, 2-3


replacing, 73-74


troubleshooting, 164-170





equipment, 92


screens, 151-152


MSConfig, 116


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