The Changing Labour Market

Women make up two-thirds of the total work force of teachers – and 80 per cent of all elementary school teachers. The dependence of the teaching profession on women is a major cause for concern, because the vast expansion of occupational choices*** for young women has correspondingly decreased the supply of superior teachers. Women who achieve high scores on academic tests have disappeared from the school employers' personal files****over the past 15 years because teaching– like nursing, librarianship, and social work– is no longer one of the few places for them to go. Management, law, medicine – all the opportunities are open to them today.

The bright young woman who taught English 15 years ago is now carrying an attach case and heading for an office.

New opportunities for women affect teacher quality in another way. Women who withdrew from teaching to raise families once constituted a vast reserve army of teachers who could be called upon as their children grew up. But today, about 70 per cent of women between the ages of 25 and 65 are already employed, meaning that the reserve army no longer exists. Education must compete on its own merits as a desirable occupation.


* compel a rethinking – вынуждаютпересмотреть

** expansion of occupational choices– увеличившийсявыборпрофессий

*** personal files– картотекиработников


1. Find in the text the English for:

испытывать на себе, бесполезный, важнейшая составная часть, заработная плата, общий (суммарный), вкладывать (средства), нанимать (брать на работу), награждать, завоевать уважение, упоминать, падающий (снижающийся), достаточная подготовка большая тревога, совокупность обстоятельств, сталкиваться с, рынок труда, рабочая сила, основная причина, достигать высоких результатов, возможности, умный (способный).

2. Form the nouns from the following verbs:

to depend, to judge, to retire, to experience, to interact, to improve, to invest, to reward, to perform, to respect, to concern, to result, to enrol, to change, to choose.

3. Arrange A andВin pairs of synonyms:

1. to recruit, productive, competent, bright, standard, interaction, child, household, total, pupils, fast, declining, reason, occupation.

2. decreasing, to hire, effective, communication, efficient, lid, overall, students, level, quick, cause, family, clever, profession.

4. Arrange A andВin pairs of antonyms:

1. useful, adequate, success, effective, poor, negative, fast, advantage, significant, superior, to appear, to increase.

2. ineffective, to decrease, useless, slow, positive, insignificant,todisappear, failure, inadequate, rich, disadvantage, inferior.

5. Speak on the main reasons for the decreasing of the quality of teaching in the USA nowadays.

6. Say whether we have the same problems and suggest effective measures to improve the situation.


Teaching brings many rewards and satisfactions, but it is a demanding, exhausting, and sometimes frustrating job. It is hard to do well unless you enjoy doing it. Teachers who do enjoy their work will show this in their classroom behaviour. They will come to class prepared for the day's lessons and will present lessons in a way that suggests interest and excitement in promoting learning. When students do achieve success, the teacher shares in their joy.

A Teacher's Main Responsibility Is to Teach

The teacher's job involves many roles besides that of instructing students. At times, a teacher serves as a parent surrogate, entertainer, psychotherapist, and record keeper, among other things. All of these are necessary aspects of the teacher's role. However, they are subordinate to, and in support of, the major role of teaching.

Some teachers become more concerned with mothering or entertaining students than with teaching them. In these classes, much of the day is spent in reading stories, playing games, singing and listening to records. Such teachers do not like to spend much time teaching the curriculum and feel they must apologize to children or bribe them when lessons are conducted. These teachers are meeting their own needs, not those of the students. By the end of the year, the pupils will have acquired negative attitude toward the school curriculum, and they will have failed to achieve near their potential.

The teacher is in the classroom to instruct. This involves more than just giving demonstrations or presenting learning experiences. Instruction also means giving additional help to those who are having difficulty, diagnosing the sources of their problems, and providing remedial assistance. For the teacher we see that it means finding satisfaction in the progress of slower students as well as brighter ones. If a teacher's method of handling students who finish quickly is to assign them more of the same kind of exercises, students will learn to work more slowly or hid the fact that they have finished. Teachers would do much better to assign alternate activities of the students' choice or to allow them to move on to more challenging problems of a similar type.

Another important indicator is the way teachers respondtoright and wrong answers. When teachers have the appropriate attitude, they accept either type of response for the information it gives about the student. They become neither overly elated about correct answers nor overly disappointed about incorrect answers. They use questions as a way to stimulate thought and to acquire information about a student's progress.

Although praise and encouragement are important, they should not interfere with basic teaching goals. If a teacher responds with overly dramatic praise every time a student answers a simple question, the class will likely be distracted from the content of the lesson. A better strategy is to follow a simple correct answer with simple feedback to acknowledge that it is correct. Criticism, of course, should be omitted. In general, the teachers behaviour during question-and-answer sessions should say, "We're going to discuss and deepen our understanding of the material," and not, "We're going to find out who knows the material and who doesn't."