Shapes, colours and patterns
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square (n,adj) a rectangle (n) a circle (n) a semi– circle oval (n, adj)
rectangular (adj) round (adj)
circular (adj)
a star |
A triangle (n) pyramid
triangular (adj)
a square box, a round table, a pointed end, a rectangular field, an oval shape
Note: we can also form adj. to describe shapes in this way:
The ball was egg-shaped; a heart-shaped wedding cake; a diamond-shaped bag.
Shades of colour
She bought adarkgreen skirt.
He was wearinglightblue jeans.
My new shirt ispaleyellow.
Note: With some colours, we use pale rather than light,
e.g. pale yellow, pale pink.
Patterns (designs)
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striped shirt tartan skirt floral tie check dress
Use of the suffix – ish
When we want to say that a shape is almost round or a colour nearly green, we can express this idea by adding the suffix – ish: a roundish fase; a greenish tie; a yellowish colour.
А. Використовуючи словосполучення, утворіть діалоги за ситуаціями: а) ви прийшли на пошту і хочете надіслати подарунок. Вам потрібна коробка; в) Ви шукаєте тканину на святкову сукню; с) ви на уроці математики і намагаєтеся накреслити необхідну фігуру.
11. Прослухайте, прочитайте текст, перекладіть, обговоріть з одногрупниками дослідження вчених та вивсловіть свою думку про взаємини і з своїми братами та сестрами.
Children’s relationships with thir brothers and sisters are an important part of their everyday lives. The researchers found out that:
Сhildren often said that having brothers and sisters meant there was always’ someone there for them, and gave an emotional sense of protection from being alone. Children loved and cared for each other, but also recognized that everyday disputes occurred. Some children however, intensely disliked their siblings.
Some children said that their brothers and sisters gave them a strong sense of identity as being part of group, and saw sharing possessions and bedrooms as unremarkable. They had a strong sense of independence and found it difficult to share possessions or bedrooms with their siblings.
Talking together was important to girls in their relationships with their sisters and brothers, while for boys doing things together mattered in their relationships with their brothers. In broher– sister relationships, activities took precedence over talking.
Children often talked about elder brothers and sistrs taking care of and protecting youngest siblings, as well as having power over them, and about younger siblings as receivers of this attention and authority. Some younger siblings, however, looked after their elder brothers and sisters and saw them as immature.
А. Доповніть речення словами, спираючись на текст.
Most research on ________________ examines predetermined _____________? Rather than starting from _________________ own perspectives. Some_____________said that their brothers and _____________ gave them a strong sense of ______________ as being part of group, and saw sharing possessions and _______________ as unremarkable. They had a strong sense of independence and ____________ it difficult to share _____________ or bedrooms with their _________________.
В. З’єднайте слова, знайдіть в тексті речення, в яких словосполучення, що утворилися, є у наявності.
strong | possessions | |
took | siblings | |
having | power | |
youngest | precedence | |
share | sense |
С. Орінтуючись на відповіді, подані у вправі, поставте до них запитання.
– | ? | |
– | Some children however, intensely disliked their siblings. | |
– | ? | |
– | Children loved and cared for each other. | |
– | ? | |
– | Some younger sablings looked after their elder brothers and sisters. | |
– | ? |
D. Пригадайте ваші відносини з молодшими чи старшими братами, сестрами. Обговоріть з одногрупниками, які помилки ви не хотіли б, щоб ваші діти повторювали?
12. Прочитайте текст. Після виконання лексико-граматичних вправ, спробуйте пофантазувати, якою буде дитяча кімната у ваших дітей.
Near a week we moved into a new large house. My sister, brother and I, are so lucky to have a big playing room.
We have a clildren`s cupboard with linen drawers, a children`s bed for our little sister and a bunk-bed for me and our younger brother, sheets, blankets, pillows all covered with a beautiful bedspreads.
The other side of our room is more interesting: some big toy boxes. A box with compendium of games, a box with handicrafts, glue, paint box, paintbrushes, modeling clay, felt pens, and a box for fashion dolls, a toy shop and many other very useful things.
There is a drop – flap writing surface next to the window. We like to draw, paint and play on it.
A rocking horse, a construction set, building cubes, a wooden train set, a toy lorry are in the middle of our room.
We placed everything and we liked it.
А. Вставте, де необхідно, артиклі.
1.____ other side of our ____ room is ____ more interesting.
2. ____ box for __ fashion dolls, __ toy shop and ____ many other things.
3.____ rocking horse, ____ construction set, ____ building cubes is in ____ middle of our room.
4. Near ____ week we moved into ____ new large house.
5. We’ve ____ children’s bed and ____ bunk-bed.
В. Вставте прикметники, спираючись на текст.
1. We have a bunk – bed for me and my _________ brother.
2. Near a week we moved into a ______ _______ house.
3. I have a ______ sister.
4. The other side of our room is more ________.
5. We’re lucky to have a ________ playing room.
С. З’єднайте слова. Знайдіть речення, в яких використані словосполучення, що утворилися та випишіть їх.
1 felt | a) clay |
2 construction | b) box |
3 toy | c) set |
4 fashion | d) horse |
5 modeling | e) pen |
6 rocking | f) doll |
D. Уявіть, що ви а) продавець дитячих меблів: запропонуйте нові зразки покупцям; в) ви розпачали ремонт у дитячій кімнаті. Розкажіть майстрам про своє бачення кімнати; с) пригадайте, що вам не подобалося у вашій кімнаті у дитинстві.
13. Різдво та Новий рік асоціюється з дитинством та подарунками. Виконайте тест та отримайте нову інформацію для спілкування з друзями.
1. When is Christmas celebrated in the USA?
a.January 7 c. December 25
b.December 24 d. December 3 1
2. When was Christmas first celebrated ?
a. in the 4 century c. the year after Jesus was crucified
b. in 1925 d. around the 4 century
3. How did Xmas originate as an abbreviation for Christmas?
a.atheists refused to accept “ Christ” as part of the word
b.the early popes were lazy so they tended to shorten everything
c. the Greek word for Christ is Xristos
d. from Latin terminology for any holy day
4. What American state was the first to make Christmas an official holiday?
a.Connecticut c. Alaska
b.North Carolina d. Alabama
5. Where did real St. Nicolas live? Holland c. in Turkey the North Pole d. in Germany
6. What is the shape of the candy cane modeled after?
a.a fish hook c. the cane St. Nicolas used
b.a constellation of stars d. a shepherd’s crook.
7. Which star led the Three Jesus?
a.Star of David c. Angel Star
b.North Star d. Star of Bethlehem
8. What is the most popular holiday plant decoration in the United States?
a.pine branches or evergreen boughs
9. At Christmas, it is customary to exchange kisses beneath a spring of which plant?
a.holly c. pine
b.ivy d. mistletoe
10. What country did poinsettias originally come from?
a.Cuba c. Mexico
b.The USA d. Brazil
11. How many reindeer does Santa Claus have?
c. Santa does not have reindeer. They are really caribou.
d. Santa have a whole herd of reindeer – we only know about his favorite ones.
12. Electric Christmas tree lights were first used in what year?
a. 1800 c. 1895
b. 19 25 d. 1750
13. Who was the author of “ A Christmas Carol”?
a.Anderson c. Mark Twain
b. Dickens d.Jack London
14. Where do parents put presents for their kids?
a. in a stocking c. in a big boot
b. in a red bed d. in a bag
15. Where can you see the Christmas tree all the year round?
a. in the town of Santa Claus in the state of California
b. in the town of Santa Claus in the state of Wisconsin
c. in the town of Santa Claus in the state of Indiana
d. in the town of Santa Claus in the state of Washington
14. Незалежно від віку люди набувають знань. Перевірте, до якого типу сприйняття предметної інформації ви належите.
There are as many different ways of learning a language as there are language learners. However, it is possible to identify four main types. This questionnaire is to help you identify which type you are most like and also to help you think about other ways of learning you might try.