If you chose more (b)s than (a)s, read “The feeler”

The worker.

The worker is a person who:

Likes organizations and planning

Enjoys doing exercises and drills

Would like to work with the teacher all the time

Has good study habits, is punctual and is good at homework

Likes doing tests and being corrected

Prefers writing to discussion or drama

Dislikes doing project work

Dislikes playing games or working in small groups

The player.

The player is a person who:

Likes being with people and enjoys variety and change

Prefers listening and speaking to reading and writing

Prefers playing games and working in groups to writing exercises

Prefers competition and excitement in practice and homework

Enjoys participating and performing

Hates doing the same thing lesson after lesson, but likes doing different things all the time

The thinker.

The thinker is a person:

Wants to know why and always looks for rules and principles

Works independently and learns from individual study

Enjoys listening to lectures and doing projects and long written work

Is very hard-working and always wants to get things right

Prefers reading to participating in discussions

Sometimes does not complete work and is often not satisfied with it

Would like to know everything there is to know

The feeler

The feeler is a person who:

Enjoys learning languages and is good at it

Loves interacting and group and pair work

Is interested in talking about emotions and personal topics

Enjoys being with people and learns through cooperation

Prefers talking part in discussions to doing exercises and studying rules

Likes reading, roleplay and drama

Is very sensitive to criticism

Prefers speaking to writing


15. Уявіть, що вам необхідно підготувати свято з малюками у школі. Використовуючи вірші, підготуйте сценарій та вивчіть вірші.

My Dog I have a little dog. His name is Jack. His head is white And his ears are black.     My cat My cat is black, My cat is fat, My cat likes rats. Rats are grey and fat.  
Be My Friend Take my hand and walk with me, Be my friend and talk to me, We can talk of many things, How we feel when a songbird sings. We’ll talk quietly, not shout, There is so much to talk about: How we help our mummies too, They have so much work to do. Take my hand and walk with me, Be my friend and talk to me.     My Teddy Bear My Teddy's fur is soft and brown. His legs are short and fat. He walks with me all round the town, And never wears a hat. My Teddy keeps me warm is bed. I like his furry toes, I like his dear little head And pretty little nose.  
Here is… Here is a big doll, Here is a big ball, There is a little doll, There is a little ball. Here is a big fox, Here is a big box, There is a little fox, There is a little box. Here is a big car, Here is a big star, There is a little car, There is a little star…   My Doll My dolly is pretty, My dolly is nice. She has a short nose And beautiful eyes. Her full lips are rosy, Her cheeks are rosy, too Her hair is fair, Her eyes are blue. Her little face is round, Her ears are small. I love my dear dolly Best of all, best of all.  
My Pussy-Cat I have a little Pussy, And her coat is grey. She lives in my house, And she never runs away. Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat! Can you catch that big fat rat? It is sitting by the ham, Just behind the apple jam. Pussy-Cat, Pussy-Cat! That fat rat is very bad. If you catch it, I'll be glad. I'll give you some milk that.     My Mother's Face I know a face, a lovely face As full of beauty as of grace, A face of pleasure and of smile, In darkness it gives light. A face that is itself like joy, To see it I’m a happy boy. And I have a joy that have no other: This lovely woman is my mother!  
My Dear Mummy My dear, dear Mummy! I love you very much. I want you to be happy On the 8th March! Be happy, be happy On the 8th March!     Happy Mother's Day! I like the way you look, I like the way you cook. Now what I really want to say Is: “Happy Mother's Day! ”  
Mrs. Grundy Mrs. Grundy washes on Monday, Irons on Tuesday, Shops on Wednesday, Bakes on Thursday, Sews on Friday, Cleans on Saturday, Cooks on Sunday… This is the tale of Mrs. Grundy.     I love my Mummy 1, 1, 1– Ilove the sun. 2, 2, 2 – I love my Mummy too! 3, 3, 3 – My Mummy loves me. 4, 4, 4 – I love her more and more. I count from 1 – I love the sun. I count to 4 – I love my Mummy more!  
  Patter I like my Bunny. Bear likes honey. Girls like cats Cats like rats. Boys like dogs. Storks like frogs. Mice like cheese. Sparrows like peas. Owls like mice I like rice. Birds like grain. Say it all again! Peter has a pencil. Peter has a pen. He draws with a pencil. He writes with a pen. Little bird, little bird Look at me. I have a bird house. Oh! Come and see! A black cat is on a mat A green frog is on a log A red cock is on a clock A big fish is on a dish A white hare is on a chair. A little mouse is in a house A little fox is in a box A little duck is in a truck A little goat is in a boat.       Help Your Mother! Help your mother, lay the table; Put a knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother, lay the table Every afternoon. Help your mother, clean the table; Take the knife and fork and spoon. Help your mother, clean the table Morning, night and afternoon.  



Прикметник– це частина мови, яка називає ознаку, якість або властивість предмета. За своїм складом прикметники бувають:

1. Прості (Simple Adjectives)

У початковій формі не мають суфікса або пре­фікса:

cold – холодний, red – червоний, new – новий.

2. Похідні (Derived Adjectives)

У складі цих прикметників є суфікс або префікс, або суфікс і префікс одночасно:

useful – корисний,

unreal – нереальний,

international – інтернаціональний.

3. Складні (Compound Adjectives)

Складаються з двох чи більше основ, які утво­рюють одне слово з єдиним значенням:
good-looking – гарний, blue-eyed – блакитноокий, dark-haired – темноволосий.

Прикметники не змінюються ні за числами, ні за родами, ні за відмінками:

a new book – нова книга,

a newbuilding – новий будинок,

a newhouse – новий дім,

new houses – нові доми.

Прикметники в англійській мові змінюються лише за сту­пенями порівняння.


Прикметники в англійській мові мають три ступені порівняння:

Ø звичайний,

Ø вищий,

Ø найвищий.

Вищийі найвищийступені в англійській мові утворю­ються:

– за допомогою додавання суфіксів;

– за допомогою спеціальних слів.


1. Форми вищого і найвищого ступенів порівняння при­кметників утворюються шляхом додавання суфіксів до основи прикметників у звичайному ступені:

– у вищому ступені додається суфікс -еr [e];

– у найвищому ступені додається суфікс -est [ist].

Таким же чином утворюються ступені порівняння дво­складових прикметників, які закінчуються на :

-lеsimple – простий,

humble – скромний,

happy – щасливий,

-er clever – розумний,

-ow narrow – вузький.


і деяких інших двоскладових прикметників.


simple – simpler – the simplest,

narrow – narrower – the narrowest.

4. Правила правопису при додаванні суфіксів, які утворюють ступені порівняння прикметників

1. Якщо односкладовий прикметник закінчується приго­лосною буквою, перед якою стоїть голосна, то кінцева приголосна подвоюється:

hot - гарячий – hotter – the hottest,

big – великий – bigger – the biggest,

flat – рівний – flatter – the flattest.


2. Якщо прикметник закінчується голосною у, перед якою стоїть приголосна, у змінюється на і перед суфіксами -er; -est:

dry – сухий – drier – the driest,

happy – щасливий – happier – the happiest.


grey – сірий – greyer– the greyest.


3. Перед суфіксами -er, -estкінцева голосна e (німе – е)

nice – красивий – nicer – the nicest,

fine –прекрасний – finer – the finest.


4. Більшість двоскладових і багатоскладових прикметників утворюють ступені порівняння за допомогою підстанов­ки перед прикметником у звичайному ступені спеціа­льних слів:

– у вищому ступені:

more – більше (від much/many),

less – менше (від little);

– у найвищому ступені:

the most – найбільше (від much/many),

the least – найменше (від little).


difficult – важкий,

more difficult - the most difficult;

less difficult -the least difficult.


The text is difficult.

Цей текст важкий.

That text is more (less) difficultthan this one.

Той текст більш (менш) важкий, ніж цей.

Your text is the most (the least) difficultof all.

Твій текст найбільш (найменш) важкий з усіх.



1. Утворіть вищий і найвищий ступені порівняння наступних прикметників.


2. Перекладіть з англійської мови на українську.

1. This is the funniest story I’ve ever heard.


2. What is your height? You are taller than me.


3. She felt as strong as her brother.


4. We start­ed earlier than you.


5. He was more careful than I.


6. This student is the most attentive in our group.


7. I need a warmer coat.


8.He is as tired as you.


9.He was one of the most experienced workers at the factory.


10.Better late than never.


11. She was not so attractive as her mother.


12. His work is not so difficult as mine.


13. He was the eldest in the family.


14. It is easier to swim in the sea than in the river.


15. This is the smallest room in our flat.
