Task 5 Match the following notions with the definitions given below

1.organizational resources

2.human relations school


4. efficiency

5.scientific management


7.management science school






13.organizational behavior


15. MBWA


b..Formal and informal systems for planning, controlling, and coordinating. Relations among groups in the organization and between the organization and members of its environment.

n. The achievement of the desired objectives.

c.The minimal use of resources.

l The ratio of outputs (goods and services produced) to inputs (the resources used to produce the outputs).

g.Directing the use of organization's resources in a way that efficiently accomplishes the organization's goals.

k.Arranging tasks into departments, delegating responsibility, and allocating resources.

h..Inspiring and empowering employees to work toward the leader’s vision.

e.The process of measuring performance, comparing it with objectives, and making any necessary adjustments.

d.The actions and interactions of individuals and groups in organizations.

a.The principles of morally acceptable conduct.

m. The school of management that involved applying the scientific method, using statistics and other quantitative techniques to solve management problems.

o. School of management based on the view that satisfied employees will work harder.

f. School of management based on developing a standard method for each job, training workers in the method, eliminating interruptions, and offering wage incentives.

j. The process of setting goals and determining how to achieve them.

p. Management by walking around.

Task 6. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

The concept that managers should care __1__ and encourage –ethics (principles __2__ morally acceptable conduct) is not new. However, ethical issues merit special mention __3__ two reasons. One is that the behavior __4__managers is __5__ greater scrutiny than __6__the past. Because people have more access __7__ information, misdeeds become widely known, greatly damaging the organizations reputation, and a good reputation, which can take years to build, can be destroyed __8__minutes. __9__. addition, today’s public has high standards __10__ the behavior of managers. This has resulted not only__11`__ customer demands for ethical behavior but. also __12__ increased government regulation __13__ organizational activities.

Given the challenge __14__ ethics in the modern organization, what are managers to do? They should be aware __15 __ situations that have the potential to cause harm. When such situations arise, managers should identify alternative, less damaging courses __16__ action.

Task. 7. Translate the following text into English. Use as many vocabulary units as possible.

1.В условиях жесткой конкуренции мелкому и среднему бизнесу чрезвычайно трудно противостоять крупным международным корпорациям. Фирмы в своем стремлении к росту руководствуются опытом компаний, которые, используя основные принципы управления и организации своей деятельности, смогли достичь конкурентного преимущества и занять доминирующее положение на рынке. Стремление создать благоприятную для своего бизнеса среду заставляет компании признать важность положений научного менеджмента и последовательно воплощать их в жизнь. Компаниям необходимо четко определить цели и задачи бизнеса и убедиться, что сотрудники осознают свой долг, и важность того вклада, который они могут внести для достижения успеха. Нельзя отрицать, что доминирующими факторами являются следующие: участие сотрудников в управлении компании, их личная преданность и заинтересованность в увеличении прибыли. Поведение каждого сотрудника, их вовлеченность несомненно способствуют успешному развитию бизнеса.