The Belarusians Are Coming
1. The Republic of Belarus is situated in the center of Europe at the intersection of routes that lead from the West to the East and from the North to the South. The shortest way from Europe to Russia and other CIS[*] countries crosses through Belarus. With a population of 10 million people, the country has an area of 207 thousand square kilometers. A third of the Belarus’ territory is covered with forests. About 2 million people live in the country’s capital, the city of Minsk.
2. Belarus is one of the most economically developed countries in the CIS with a stable growth of GDP[†]. National industry manufactures a wide variety of technologically-complex products.
3. 30% of the world’s production of heavy load trucks and 8 % of all tractors assembled in the world come from Belarus. The timber and the woodworking industries are well developed, so are the light and the food industries. Since Belarus and some CIS countries have formed a customs union, goods that were made in Belarus can be exported to Russia, without any duties. Many foreign firms (there are 4000 firms with foreign capital in Belarus) produce goods in Belarus and sell them on the big markets of CIS countries.
4. 67 % of the GDP accounts for the export of goods and services. This fact reflects the high degree of openness of the Belarusian economy. For comparison, this index for the U.S. is 12%.
VII. Определите, являются ли приведенные ниже утверждения (1, 2, 3)
а) истинными (true)
б) ложными (false)
в) в тексте нет информации (no information)
1) 30% of the world’s production of heavy load vans and 8 % of all tractors assembled in the world come from Belarus.
2) Many domestic firms produce goods in Belarus and sell them on the big markets of CIS countries.
3) Next year Belarus is going to join WTO.
VIII. Прочитайте 4 абзац и ответьте письменно на следующий вопрос:
What does 67% of the GDP account for?
Вариант №2
I. Переведите письменно существительные (1-10). Выберите определения
(a – j), соответствующие существительным:
1) government | a) state of being not dependent on or controlled by other persons or things |
2) unemployment | b) physical or mental work |
3) position | c) body of persons governing a state |
4) labor | d) come to ruin, meet disaster |
5) earn | e) investing money; sum of money that is invested |
6) crisis | f) state of being unemployed |
7) independence | g) reduction in size, amount, length, etc. |
8) crash | h) to receive a particular amount of money for the work that you doCOLLOCATIONS ![]() |
9) cut | i) person’s place or rank in relation to others; job, employment |
10) investment | j) a difficult time when there is less trade, business activity in a country than usual |
II. В следующих предложениях подчеркните определения, выраженные именем существительным, и переведите эти предложения на русский язык.
1) Google said it never meant to collect people's private information, like e-mails and passwords.
2) This week a research group reported a drop in sales.
3) President Obama has signed legislation to reform the health care system in the United States.
III. a) Выполните КОПР № 2, 4.
б) В следующих предложениях подчеркните глагол-сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) Next week, leaders of the world's largest economies will meet in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
2) Most new jobs in the United States are created by small businesses.
3) Small businesses were hit hard by the recession and problems in getting loans.
IV. В следующих предложениях подчеркните модальный глагол или его эквивалент. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) 3-D TV and Google's new phone could help in recovering from a bad year.
2) Two thousand nine may be remembered as the year the world avoided an economic depression.
3) Like netbooks, tablets cost less than traditional laptop computers that can also mean smaller profits for manufacturers and sellers.
V. В следующих предложениях подчеркните Participle 1 и Participle 2 и укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или частью глагола-сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык.
1) Medium and small banks also face a growing risk.
2) Congress included state aid in the two-year plan approved in February.
3) American housing sales have improved in recent months.
VI. Прочитайте и устно переведите на русский язык весь текст. Письменно переведите абзацы 1, 2.