IV. Fill in the blanks bellow correct words. Write down the whole sentences.

1. At first the practice of medicine was left to …

2. Later the Romans became … in the practice of medicine and surgery.

3. Inspectors … the sale of food in the markets.

4. … brought water into the city.

5. There were flush lavatories, … , fountains and wells.

6. However, very poor people still had…

7. Nevertheless, the Romans were the best washed…

8. Perhaps the most important advances made by …

9. Some surgical instruments found…

10. Around 300 B.C., the Roman legions conquered…

V. a) Make up your own sentences with following words and word-combinations;

B) Explain in English meanings of the following words and word-combinations;

Slaves, Mediterranean area, efficient, supervised, aqueduct, sewers, rubbish, ancient, public bath, flush lavatory, to resemble, modern.


VI. Make up disjunctive questions


1. Some surgical instruments were found in Rome.

2. There were flush lavatories.

3. Great aqueducts brought water to the city.

4. Tows and cities were fifty with rubbish.

5. The Romans were the best washed people.


VII. Make up alternative questions


1. Very poor people had to bathe in River Tiber.

2. People could keep themselves clean.

3. Their public health system was one of the best.

4. They became very efficient in the practice of medicine and surgery.

5. The first hospitals were opened in Rome.



I. Read the story and translate it.

The Dark Ages


The Romans had nearly two hundred surgical instruments; they performed plastic surgery and developed a form of anesthetic to give some relief to patients undergoing operations. This consisted of a sponge soaked in special juices, placed in the patient's mouth. The liquid dripped down the throat and caused drowsiness. Dentists provided their patients with sets of teeth wired together. These were real teeth, not false ones.

With the defeat of the Roman Empire by the barbarians in the 5th century, civilization became centered in the easter half of Europe where the old Greek ideas still survived. The capital of the area was Byzantium, later to be known as Constantinople and now Istanbul. Medical progress here was desperately slow. The Muslims, who chiefly populated the area, relied on information contained in the books of Hippocrates which were translated into Arabic.

In England, after the departure of the Romans about 400 A.D., the invading Anglo-Saxons neglected the Roman baths and public health systems, and medical treatment declined.

II. Retell it contents in English.


III. Answer the following questions.

1. What was the level of the development of Romans surgery?

2. How many surgical instruments did Romans have?

3. What kind of operation did they do?

4. What form anesthetic did they use?

5. What happened with the Roman medicine with the defeat of Roman Empire by the barbarians?

6. Did the medical treatment decline?

7. Who chiefly populated the area of Byzantium?

8. What did Anglo-Saxons neglect?

9. Who provided their patients with the sets of teeth?

10. What was placed into patient’s mouth?


IV. True/untrue, correct and write down the sentences.


1. The Romans transplanted human organs from one person to another.

2. They performed plastic surgery and developed a form of anesthetic.

3. They did “Hollywood smiles”.

4. The barbarians used all knowledge of Romans.

5. They became civilized.

6. The capital of Byzantium was Constantia.

7. Medical knowledge was also highly-developed.

8. Anglo-Saxons liked the Roman baths.

9. The books of Hippocrates were translated into Arabic.

10. The Anglo-Saxons neglected the Roman Baths and public heath systems.


V. a) Make up your own sentences with the following words and word-combinations;

B) Explain in English the meanings of the following words and word-combinations;

Surgical instruments, plastic surgery, drowsiness, defeat, the barbarians, the Muslims, undergoing operations, sponge, neglect.