II. Retell it contents in English. III. Answer the following questions.

III. Answer the following questions.

1. Who and when discovered how blood flow through the body?

1. What experiments did he carry before discovery?

2. What did he found as well?

3. What was final conclusion?

4. What was discovered by Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier?

5. What was discovered by Robert Boyle?

6. Who found that air had substance?

7. Is air a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen?

8. What disease became the most dreaded?

9. Oxygen and nitrogen are very rare substances, aren’t they?

IV. True/untrue, correct and write down sentences.


1. The next advance in medical knowledge in 1627.

2. The heart is just like computer..

3. He discovered how blood flow through the body.

4. Robert Boyle found that air had substance and could be measured and weighed.

5. Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier found that the harder the body worked the less air it needed.

6. Also they found that air was a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen.

7. Robert Boyle was a biologist.

8. Bleeding, purging and dieting were still the popular remedies.

9. Antoine Lavoiser was from Odessa.

10. The 18th century began without any great changes in medicine.

V. a) Make up your own sentences with the following words and word-combinations;

B) Explain in English meanings of the following words and word-combinations;

Conclusion, arteries and veins, circulating blood, mixture, smallpox, remedies, dreaded disease.

VI. Make up disjunctive questions

1. The harder the body works the more air it needs.

2. Later in the same century another great discovery was made.

3. Bleeding is still best remedy.

4. Air is a mixture of oxygen and nitrogen.

5. Smallpox became the most dreaded.

VII. Make up alternative questions


1. Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoiser were working separately.

2. He was Englishman named Robert Boyle.

3. The air could be measured and weighed.

4. The heart is a pump.

5. The heart forces blood outward through the arteries to all parts of the body.


I. Read the story and translate it.


Physical and mental health

A great change came over Britain, Europe and America during the second half of the 18th century. In industry, machines were invented for the manufacture of goods. Mills and factories were built, and people, who until then had mostly lived in the country, moved into the towns to work in industry. Slums grew up in the large manufacturing areas. Sewers became too small, few houses had lavatories, water was in short supply and garbage lay uncollected in the streets. Disease and death were all around.

However, two important advances were made. The first concerned an eight year old boy, James Phipps, a milkmaid, and a Gloucestershire doctor named Edward Jenner. Jenner had heard it said by country people that milkmaids who contracted cowpox never caught small­pox. On a historic occasion in 1796 he vaccinated James Phipps with pus from the milkmaid's cowpox sores then, several weeks later, with smallpox virus. The boy remained free of the dreaded disease. A similar system of vaccination was later successfully applied to other diseases.

The second advance was in the treatment of mental patients. Victims were kept in filthy conditions and treated with great cruelty. In 1796 a French doctor, Phillippe Pinel, was allowed to release fifty insane people from their chains and so took the first step to a better age in mental health.


II. Answer the following questions.


1. Where did the great change come?

2. What were invented in industry?

3. Why did people have to move in the towns?

4. Do people have to move in the towns nowadays?

5. Was water in short supply?

6. What two important advances were made?

7. Who was vaccinated with pus from cowpox?

8. Do we apply the similar system of vaccination today?

9. Who allowed to release insane people from the chains?

10. When the first step to a better age in mental health was done?