Theme 4. Basic physiology and psychology of labor
State supervision, departmental, regional and public
Monitoring of labor protection
State supervision - an activity of the authorized bodies and officials, which is aimed at the implementation of executive agencies, subjects of the economy and workers requirements of laws, normative legal acts on labor protection (NLALP).
According to Article 38 of the Law of Ukraine "On Labour Protection" State supervision is carried out :
specially authorized central executive body of Labour Inspection ;
specially authorized state agency on radiation safety;
specially authorized state body on fire safety;
specially authorized state body on health;
General prosecutor and subordinate prosecutors.
Under current law the main tasks of the state supervision are:
- Implementation of laws and normative legal acts on labor protection;
- To provide employers and employees of technical, organizational and medical and other information on the most effective means and measures to the provisions of law;
- Providing competent consulting and expert support decisions taken at national level on health, safety of high risk objects, prevention of industrial accidents, fires and disasters.
Control - a system of checks compliance with the requirements of the Labor Protection and implementation of relevant treaties and agreements, and others. Preventive measures taken by enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership.
There are such types of control: departmental, regional, public and domestic.
Departmental control by officials authorized representatives of ministries and agencies or others, central executive authorities and associations, corporations, or other concerns, associations of institutions, organizations, and enterprises belonging to the management of the executive authority.
Regional control is implemented by officials, authorized representatives and services of local authorities and local government enterprises, institutions and organizations which are located (registered) in the region.
Public control is carried out by elected representatives and trade unions, public organizations, enterprises and commissions authorized workers.
Domestic continuous control is carried out within the enterprise (institution, organization) of its owner and the relevant agencies and officials of the company (the matrix of continues controlling of SMLP).
Control questions
A. Name the system of labor protection management in the market conditions.
2. When and what Guidelines on the organization of labor power in the country were developed by the ILO.
3. Name the basic principles of formation of labor protection management.
4. What is the concept of labor protection management today?
5. When were formed in Ukraine basis for reform of labor protection management using economic methods.
6. What economic instruments are prevailing in the market?
7. What is the economic mechanism operates with the introduction of models of insurance relations?
8. What is the essence of labor protection management at an enterprise, organization?
9. What is the essence of the program to improve conditions, health and safety?
10. What are the main tasks facing the organization of labor protection management?
11. Service for labor protection, its functions and rights.
12. How is planning work on labor protection?
13. How does financing work on labor protection?
14. How does studying for labor protection?
15. The essence of collective contract in the system regulation on labor protection.
16. An audit of labor protection at the enterprise.
17. The essence of state supervision of labor protection.
18. Control as a concept, its nature and types of control.
3.1. Audit of protection of labor in the enterprise. / / Labor Protection, 2000 - № 10, p. 9-10.
3.2. Vareniy GA Theoretical - methodological foundations of labor protection activity - Rarity, 2003. - 216 p.
3.3. Hohitashvili G. Integrated labor protection management. - / / Labor Protection, 2000. - № 2.
3.4. G. Hohitashvili Labor protection management. - L.: Afisha 2002. - 320 p.
3.5. Kalina A. Accounting and auditing in the enterprise. - Reference list 1998.
3.6. The concept of labor protection management. - / / Health, 2002 - № 3.
3.7. Lesenko G. Development of labor protection management. - / / Labor Protection2004. - № 3, p. 37-38.
3.8. Lysyuk AM Briefing for Labor Protection. - / / Kadrovika, 204. - № 1, p. 72-78.
3.9. Melnichenko TN Structure of the State Labour Inspection. - / / Inform. Journal of Odessa on labor protection, 2003. - № 1, p. 17-23.
3.10. Guidelines for the implementation by Ukraine state supervision in the field of compulsory social insurance against accidents and occupational disease that caused the disability. - / / Labor Protection 2005. - № 1, p. 48-50.
3.11. Milenkyy N. funding for labor protection at the production level. - / / Labor Protection, 2004, № 1, 6,21-23.
3.12. Problems of SMLP. - / / Labor Protection , 2003. - № 10.
3.13. The total documentation functions of guarding service to labor. - Library guarding service specialist on labor protection, 2006, № 1.
3.14. Romanchuk A. New Projects Forms of Labor Protection Management. - / / Labor Protection, 2005, № 11, 12, 2006, № 1, p. 17 - 19.
3.15. Stefankov M. Legal aspects of labor protection services. - / / Labor Protection, 2005. - № 2, p. 6-7.
3.16. Formation of the labor protection management system in modern conditions. - / / Labor Protection, 2004 - № 8. - № 12. / / Taxes and accounting. Accounting, 2005. - № 4.
3.17. The default position of public service work (NPAOP 0.00 - 4.35 - 04) - / /Labor Protection, 2005, № 2, p. 48 - 50.
3.18. http:// www lida - legal database of normative - legal acts.
3.19. http:// www / meta. - legal database of normative - legal acts.
Theme 4. Basic physiology and psychology of labor
4.1. Labor as a basic human activity and its physiological and psychological features.
4.2. Working capacity - the main current problems.
4.3. Severity of labor.
References [4.1 - 4.9]
4.1. Labor as a core activity of human
and its physiological and psychological characteristics
Employment - appropriate, deliberate organized human activities aimed at the building material and spiritual values necessary to satisfy the social and personal needs of people.
Activity - a form of active relation of man to reality, deliberately aimed at achieving the goals associated with the creation of socially relevant (material and spiritual) values and the assimilation of social experience.
Work as a process is a unity of three components:
-the work as a reasonable activity;
-subject of work (that is being the focus of work);
-tools (things or set things in which man has in terms of labor).
Work is due to certain reasons and aims to achieve a certain goal.
Track work is due to technology, technology, production and manufacturing environment.
Employment of workers, designed to change properties of the object, using the tools, called subjective actions.
Subject of the employee is closely related to its physiological activity and psychological activity. They are defined, regulated and act in unity of three aspects: object-effective, physiological, psychological.
Subject-effective aspect of the work serves as its external (physical) side associated with the implementation of a system of movements and actions aimed at changing the conditions or properties subject of work in order to transform it into a product of labor.
The physiological aspect of work is that she is inherently social phenomenon has a natural precondition-physiological functions of the employee for a certain social values. While labor intensive activities involved in all organs and body systems, mobilize physiological functions takes energy (nerve, muscle, etc.)..
The psychological aspect of work related to the fact that the subject of the employee activity is determined and governed by the internal (mental) activity - cognitive, motivational, emotional. A person claims himself as an individual, sells and develops their creativity. Work as a collective joint activity of people is impossible without communication. In one process of communication workers distinguished three aspects:
- Communication - exchange of information;
- Integrative - to exchange knowledge, ideas, actions;
- Perceptual - perception, cognition, understanding.
Functions as a human body during labor studies physiology of labor, because its subject is a vital activity of the human body during labor.
The functions of man as a person studying psychology work, because its subject is the human psyche in terms of production, patterns of functioning and formation of personality in the workplace.
So the subject of the course "Physiology and psychology of work" is that the dynamics of physiological and psychological functions of man in the workplace.
Basic methodological principles of physiology and psychology of work are: nervism, the unity of the organism with the environment, balancing the integrity of reflection in the consciousness of objective reality, social and historical determinism of mind and consciousness, unity consciousness and activities, personal development and activity, mental regulation.
In specific studies of physiology and psychology of work based on the following general scientific approaches: comprehensive, systematic, personality, humanity, the unity of research and practice of employment, taking into account the human factor. It involves the use of different research methods: physiological, psychological, statistical, mathematical, and others. Effective study of the functional state employee may, provided a reasonable combination of different research methods.
Ukraine's transition to a market economy imposes on the physiology and psychology of work the following tasks:
- Development of physiological and psychological criteria, the optimal organization of different kinds of work;
- Humanization of work at enterprises of different ownership forms;
- Increase efficiency; prevent fatigue of workers and creating conditions optimal life to improve their performance;
- Exploring the potential of the human psyche and the optimal organization of work to enable the fuller realization of creative potential employee;
- Development of mechanisms of formation of human attitudes on market behavior in the field of activity;
- The study of incentive mechanisms to improve the efficiency of labor;
- Psychological study of social and labor relations between subjects of the labor market;
- Development of criteria and ways to ensure the competitiveness of the person in the labor market;
- The study of mechanisms of self-identity in employment;
- Improvement of methods of vocational guidance, reorientation, and professional selection;
- Improvement of methods of industrial training;
- Psychological problems of the unemployed population and unemployment.
Physiology and psychology of work (FPP) is the theoretical basis of labor, because it gives the theoretical basis of its areas:
- Standardization work;
- Improvement of working conditions, development of modes of work and rest;
- Pay and promotion of;
- Improving work culture and others.;
- Distribution and labor cooperation;
- Improvement of labor movements and take;
- Planning and organization of jobs.
Thus, the purpose of employment is realized in the results of work that may coincide or not coincide with the purpose of (model). Therefore, the efficiency of labor estimated parameters - quantitative and qualitative. The most important are productivity, quality, reliability, depending on the labor potential employee.
Labor rights is characterized by its potential capacity for work, education and vocational qualification training, knowledge, skills, abilities, capabilities, formation to work, initiative, activity, organization..
Potential resources by its employee opinions, decisions, motives, interests that shape its career concept. It is a foundation for improving competitiveness and mobility of workers in the labor market, the scope and forms of employment.
4.2. Working capacity is the main current problems
Working capacity- functional properties of the human body, necessary to perform a specific job. The level of functional abilities of people depend on working conditions, health status, age, degree of efficiency and motivation to work.
The biological ability of man to labor reflects the body's ability to stand during the labor process certain load (energy, nervous, mental, emotional).
Distinguished general, professional and current working capacity.
Total working capacity - the maximum opportunity to make the body work. It is associated with the term "health".
Health - a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being. This concept researchers consider both sides as health of population and the health of the individual.