Digestive System and Digestion

The human body needs energy for its functioning. Our body assimilates proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other nutrients. The digestion of the starchy parts of food begins in the mouth where it is moistened with saliva. In the oral cavity the food must be well chewed between the teeth. Then the food passes through the pharynx and down through the esophagus (gullet) to the stomach.

In the stomach the components of food are dissolved and hydrolyzed by enzymes of saliva and gastric juice. Different gastric glands are found in the stomach. They produce hydrochloric acid and pepsin to digest food. The gastric juice secreted by the stomach possesses antibacterial activity.

Further digestion and absorption of food into the blood takes place in the small intestine. The bile comes from the liver and gallbladder by means of special ducts. The pancreatic juice, colourless clear fluid contains sodium, potassium chlorides and is rich in enzymes which digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Food passes in peristaltic waves from the duodenum to the jejunum and the ileum, which is attached to the large intestine. The products of digestion are absorbed into the blood and lymph. The remaining parts of food (the fluid by-products of digestion) from the small intestine pass into the large intestine. The process of digestion is completed in the large intestine by the absorption of water. The unabsorbed and undigested components of food, the remains of the digesting fluids are evacuated from the body.


3. Vocabulary exercises.

3.1 Suggest the Ukrainian equivalents for:

needs energy for its functioning; assimilates proteins, fats, carbohydrates and other nutrients; the digestion of the starchy parts of food; it is moistened with saliva; in the oral cavity; are dissolved and hydrolyzed; possesses antibacterial activity; further digestion and absorption of food; the pancreatic juice; passes in peristaltic waves; the large intestine; are absorbed into the blood; the fluid by-products of digestion; the unabsorbed and undigested components of food.


3.2 Fill in:

1. The human body needs ... for its functioning.

2. The digestion of the starchy parts of food begins in ...

3. The food is moistened with ... in the mouth.

4. In the stomach the components of food are ... by enzymes of saliva and gastric juice.

5. The remaining parts of food from the small intestine pass into … .

6. The process of digestion is completed in the large intestine by the... .

7. The unabsorbed and undigested components of food are .... .


З.З Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and words- combinations:

стравохід; шлунковий сік; тонка кишка; зріджені відходи продуктів; товста кишка; подальше травлення; ротова порожнина; слизова оболонка; сік підшлункової залози; натрій та калій; травлення крохмалистих частинок їжі; озчиняються та гідролізуються; залишки їжі; неперетравлені та невсмоктані частинки їжі.


3.4 Say if it is true or false:

1.The human body needs energy for its functioning.

2. The digestion of the starchy parts of food begins in the stomach.

3. In the stomach the components of food are dissolved and hydrolyzed.

4. Further digestion and absorption of food into the blood takes place in the small intestine.

5. The pancreatic juice, a colourless clear fluid contains sodium, potassium chlorides and is rich in enzymes which digest only proteins.

6. The process of digestion is completed in the large intestine.


3.5 Answer the questions to the text:

1. What does the human body need for its functioning?

2. Where does the digestion of the starchy parts of food begin?

3. What does our body assimilate?

4. Where are, the components of food dissolved and hydrolyzed?

5. What takes place in the small intestine?

6. Where is the process of digestion completed?

7. What is evacuated from the body?


3.6 Translate into English:

1. Наш організм засвоює білки, жири, вуглеводи та інші корисні речовини.

2. У шлунку компоненти їжі розчиняються та гідролізуються ферментами слини та шлункового соку.

3. Подальше травлення і всмоктування їжі в кров відбувається в тонкому кишечнику.

4. Залишки їжі з тонкого кишечнику потрапляють у товстий кишечник.

5. Процес травлення завершується в товстому кишечнику.



За своєю структурою сполучники поділяються на:

- прості (що складаються з одного кореня): and, but, or,
that, if, so, though
та ін.

Nick andPete are students.

- похідні (що мають у своєму складі суфікси або префікси): unless, because, untilта ін.

Wait untilI get my coat.

- складні (які складаються з двох, рідше — трьох коренів):
therefore, however, neverthelessта ін.

- складені (які складаються з кількох слів): as soon as, as
well as, in order to, as if
та ін.

I will ring you up as soon asI come home.

Деякі складені сполучники називаються парними, тому що вони складаються з двох частин, розділених іншими

словами: not only... but alsoне тільки... але й; both... and