ОБЗОРНЫЕ УПРАЖНЕНИЯ (REVIEW EXERCISES). Exercise 1. Change the verbs in brackets into Gerund and supply an appropriate preposition.

Exercise 1. Change the verbs in brackets into Gerund and supply an appropriate preposition.

1. I have no intention … (to stay) here any longer. 2. She insisted … (to help) me. 3. Are you fond … (to play) chess? 4. He has had very much experience … (to teach). 5. There is no possibility … (to find) his address. 6. There is little chance … (to see) her today. 7. We have the pleasure … (to send) you our catalogues. 8. I think … (to go) to the south in summer. 9. He is afraid … (to catch) cold. 10. I am proud … (to have) such a friend. 11. The rain prevented me … (to come) in time. 12. He is engaged … (to write) a book. 13. They had much difficulty … (to find) the house.

Exercise 2. Use the Gerund in the active or passive form.

1. I prefer (drive) to (drive). 2. Stop (argue) and start (work). 3. She seemed sorry for (be) rude to me. 4. I don’t feel like (work); what about (go) to a disco instead? 5. I like neither (read) nor (read) aloud to. 6. Why do you avoid (see) me? 7. I suggest (hold) meeting next week. 8. He showed no sign of (know) them. 9. I was annoyed at (interrupt) every other moment. 10. She dreams of (invite) to the party. 11. On (introduce) they easily fell to (talk). 12. He hates (remind) people of their duties or (remind) of his. 13. You’d better consult the lawyer before (decide) to buy the property. 14. She was so eagerly looking forward to (give) the leading part to play that she was greatly disappointed at not even (offer) it. 15. She reproached me for not (keep) my promise. 16. After (talk) for ten minutes I succeeded in (convince) him that there was no danger.

Exercise 3. Transform these sentences according to the model (or replace the subordinate clauses by Gerunds).

Model: When I received the telegram, I started home at once.

On receiving the telegram, I started home at once.

1. You may avoid many mistakes if you observe these rules. 2. When he entered the room, he greeted everyone. 3. After they had sat there a few minutes, they continued their journey. 4. While he was copying the text, he made a few mistakes. 5. I am thankful that I have been stopped in time. 6. I remember that I have read this book. 7. He is proud that he has never been beaten at chess by his fellow students. 8. You can improve you knowledge of English if you read more.

Exercise 4. State the form and the function of the Gerund. Translate the sentences.

1. Have you got the means of helping him now? 2. He did not like being read to. 3. Be careful in crossing the street.4. He prevented the letter from being sent off. 5. She was disappointed at not seeing them there again.6. Swimming against the current was difficult and dangerous work. 7. What is worth doing at all is worth doing well. 8. He enjoyed sleeping in the open air. 9. I dislike borrowing things from people.


Герундиальные обороты бывают 2 типов и употребляются после следующих предлогов:

on account of – из-за instead of – вместо
apart from = aside from – кроме, помимо in spite of – несмотря на
in addition to – кроме, вдобавок owing to = thanks to – благодаря
besides – кроме save – кроме, за исключением,
because of = due to – из-за, вследствие through – благодаря, из-за
except (except for) – кроме, за исключением with the object to = with the view to – с целью

A. Герундиальные обороты состоят из герундия и предшествующего ему существительного (в общем или притяжательном падеже), или притяжательного местоимения, или личного местоимения в объектном падеже. Такие герундиальные обороты переводятся придаточным предложением, где герундий является сказуемым, а существительное или местоимение - подлежащим.


Thestudent’s knowing French well helped him in learning English. То, что студент хорошо зналфранцузский язык, помогло ему при изучении английского языка.
There was no hope of his passing the exam. Не было надежды, что он сдаст экзамен.

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1. We objected to this student taking part in the conference. 2. He insisted on me signing the contract immediately. 3. He insisted on my returning soon. 4. On the lecturer’s appearing in the hall, everybody stood up. 5. There was a probability of Petrov’s being sent to Moscow. 6. She wrote the letter to him without my knowing it. 7. There is no excuse for his doing such a thing. 8. Their leaving before the end of the concert attracted attention. 9. They objected to the experiments being conducted in our laboratory. 10. They informed us of the discussion having already been summarized. 11. We have heard of the agreement having been reached. 12. The loss of heat resulted from oxygen being prevented from releasing in this reaction. 13. In the event of more than one agreement being signed, each agreement is to be considered a separate contract. 14. We know of some animals’ obtaining protection because of their appearance. 15. They heard about desert animals being usually sandy in colour and about Arctic animals being white in winter. 16. The dean insists upon the report being sent without delay. 17. The accuracy of the definition depends on the terms being carefully formulated. 18. In diploid organisms meiosis resulted in the chromosomes having been reduced to the haploid number. 19. Rutin attracted much interest owing to its decreasing the fragility of blood capillaries. 20. The basidia are produced in closed hymenium cavity but instead of the latter being exposed to the air at time of spore formation it remains closed until after the spores have been produced.

B. Действие или состояние, выраженное герундием может не иметь своего субъекта. В этом случае перед герундием нет ни существительного, ни местоимения. Тогда субъектом герундиального оборота обычно бывает подлежащее английского предложения, реже – дополнение.


Apart from being used in chemistry this compound is applied in biology. Помимо того, что это соединениеиспользуется в химии, оно приме-няется и в биологии.
Besides being interested in heredity geneticists are eager to know how genes came into existence. Кроме того, что генетики интересуются наследственностью, они еще хотят знать, как появились гены.

Exercise 2. Translate into Russian.

1. Apart from preventing aeration this process would probably also prevent the normal growth of the trees. 2. Upon being excited, muscles contract to produce movements. 3. In spite of being engaged in research work the professor found enough time to lecture. 4. In addition to providing an objective, permanent record of pulsations, this simple instrument permits the determination of blood pressure. 5. In addition to carrying out coupled oxidation, such particulate preparations can completely oxidize fatty acids. 6. Instead of being produced internally the spores are extruded externally from the fructification. 7. Besides providing much permanent pigmentation in plans anthocyanins also appear in young leaves in response to environmental changes. 8. Lymph differs from blood in containing no red blood corpuscles. 9. The golgi material resembles the chondriosomes in being apportioned with various degrees of regularity between daughter cells at the time of cell division.