Present Indefinite Passive

Заняття 25

Тема:Оренда авто.

Вид заняття:лекція-семінар

Мета: Ознайомлення із інформацією про оренду авто на прикладі діалогу Драматизація діалогів. Пасивний стан. Виконання граматичних вправ.

Обладнання:дошка, словники, підручники, роздатковий матеріал.

Література:л.3 стор.34-37.


Хід заняття:

1.Вступ. Організаційний момент. Повідомлення теми та мети заняття. Введення в іншомовне середовище: обговорення прислів’я.

Dear students! Today we’ll talk about driving around the city. We’ll also dramatize the dialogue about car hire.

Повторення домашнього завдання.

Відповіді на питання.- Answer the following comprehension questions:

1. Was Gerda the best driver or the worst driver John ever saw in his life ?

2. What had Gerda never been able to begin to do ?

3. Did John’s remarks make his wife nervous and unhappy or did she take no notice of them?

4. Why did Gerda keep pressing the starter again and again ?

5. Why did the car leap forward with a jerk ?

6. What was Gerda stopping for ?

7. Why did the cross-traffic hoot angrily ?

8. Why did Gerda always find the traffic lights so worrying ?

9. Why was Gerda relieved at John’s silence ?

10. Did John keep silent because he was enjoying the beauty of the autumn woods around them or for some other reason ?

3. Повторне читання діалогу про подорож містом на авто. - Mr and Mrs Kelly and their son James are out in their car. They are driving along a narrow road in the country. James is driving. Mr Kelly is sitting with James. Mrs Kelly is at the back.

Mrs Kelly: Careful, James ! There’s a bend and level crossing. Look for the gates !
James: All right, mother! I’m going very slowly. Only forty miles an hour. I can stop in fifty yards, or less than that.
Mrs Kelly: Forty miles an hour isn’t slow! Here’s the bend. Do be careful.
James: We’re down to twenty miles an hour now.
Mrs Kelly: The gates are closed, you see. Here’s the train. Isn’t it a long one ?
Mr Kelly The man’ coming. He’s going to open the gates. Get ready to go, James ! (five minutes later)
Mrs Kelly Careful, James. There’s the sign for a crossroads.
James: All right mother, I have seen it.
Mr Kelly: James is a very good driver, dear. Motoring isn’t dangerous if the driver is careful.
Mrs Kelly Oh, I know James is a careful driver. Look! There is a large van coming along other road.
James: I’ve seen it, mother. Don’t worry!

4. Supply the missing prepositions or adverbs:

1. Just drive …, I’ll show where to stop.

2. The car was drawn … … the side of the road.

3. The car leapt … the kerb.

4. He wave his hand … as I drove.

5. You must slow … when you drive …a school.

6. What are you stopping … ? – I thought the lights might change.

7. The car stopped just … the point where the road began to ascend.

8. You’ve forgotten to switch … the engine.

9. The car stopped just … the lights.

10. The driver had just drawn … the filling station to get some petrol .

11. Who look … your car ?

12. We picked him… our way … the station.

13. I got … the car and drove … .

14. Shall I take you … the station … my car ?

15. The engine started and the car moved … .

16. He came all the way … Kalinin ….car.

17. When Oleg drove … his wife was busy cooking supper … the kitchen.

18. The lights have been green …a long time, they may change … the red any moment.

19. They drove … hours and hours without saying a word.

20. My trouble is that I become absent-minded … the wheel and am not able to act quickly.


5.Виконання граматичних вправ.- Граматичний аспект заняття:


Поняття про пасивний стан

Якщо підмет означає особу або предмет, на які спрямована дія іншої особи або предмета, то дієслово-присудок ставиться у формі пасивного стану.

Часи пасивного стану утворюються з допоміжного дієслова to be у відповідному часі і Past Participle основного дієслова.

The teacher read the book yesterday. Учитель читав книжку вчора.

The book was read by the teacher yesterday. Книжка була прочитана вчителем учора.-

Present Indefinite Passive



is Past Participle (V׀׀׀ ф.(-ed))


I am always asked at the lessons. Мене завжди запитують на уроках

She is invited to school. Її запрошують до школи.

Is she invited to school? Чи її запрошують до школи?

Such exercises are done easily. Такі вправи виконуються легко.

Past Indefinite Passive



were Past Participle (V׀׀׀ ф.(-ed))

The article was translated into English. Стаття була перекладена на англійську мову.

The article was not translated into English. Стаття не була перекладена на англійську мову..

Was the article translated into English? Чи була стаття перекладена на англійську мову?

Future Indefinite Passive



willbe Past Participle (V׀׀׀ ф.(-ed))


The article will be translated into English. Стаття буде перекладена на англійську мову.

The article will not (won’t) be translated into English. Стаття не буде перекладена на англійську мову.

Will the article be translated into English? Чи буде стаття перекладена на англійську мову?