Trainee Fiona McGovan talks to Milli Patel about her recent work experience.

Заняття 29

Тема:Замовлення готелю. Ввічливість – умова успішної роботи працівника готелю. Частина 1.

Вид заняття:лекція-семінар

Мета:Ознайомити студентів із правилами замовлення готелю, нагадати їм про закон ввічливості, який є однією із найголовніших умов успішної роботи всіх учасників сфери туристичного і готельного бізнесу. Відпрацювати лексико-граматичний та фактичний матеріал заняття «Правила поведінки працівника туристичної індустрії під час розмови по телефону. Оформлення замовлення по телефону.». Розвивати навички мологічного, діалогічного та писемного мовлення.

Обладнання:дошка, словники, підручники, роздатковий матеріал.

Література:л.3 стор.34-37.


Хід заняття:

1.Вступ. Організаційний момент. Повідомлення теми та мети заняття. Введення в іншомовне середовище: обговорення прислів’я.

Dear students! Today we’ll learn the way of working in reception: the duties of a receptionist, easy and difficult things in the work of a front office, the way of solving problems and so on.

Повторення домашнього завдання.

A)Answer the questions about the details the client wants to know in order to have weekend breaks in Barcelona and make your own questions you had to prepare for.

1. Where is the Condes de Barcelona located ?

2. Where is the Meson Castila located ?

3. What hotel rates are the Condes de Barcelona and the Meson Castila ?

4. How far are they from the international airport ?

5. Are the transfers included ?

6. Is there any public transport ?

7. How much does it cost to get from the airport to the hotel / to the city center ?

8. What services and equipment are available ?

9. What cuisine is served in the restaurant ?

10. What time is the restaurant open ?

11. Are there any offerings about sightseeing and places of interest ?

12. What souvenirs would you offer to buy ?

13. Are there any offerings about relaxing ?

14. What hotel would you recommend for a family ?

15. Is parking available ?

b)Write a dictation. Listen to the words and word-combinations and translate them from English into Ukrainian:

a) available; b) parking space; c) sightseeing; d) mare sure; e) educational trip; f) phone language; g) make a reservation; h) accommodations; i) to be understood; j) to deal with clients.

c)Retell the dialogue “Confirming a booking”.

3. Введення нового лексичного матеріалу – (Read and learn the following words and word-combinations):

work placement стажування liaise [li’eiz] встановлювати, підтримувати (зв'язок)
confirm підтверджувати to get used to звикнути користуватися
to deal with мати справу з … occasion випадок
to release звільняти, випускати to arrange влаштовувати
to wait for чекати lobby вестибюль, фойє
petty cash гроші на малозначні витрати petty малозначний

4. Прочитайте і перекладіть наступний діалог. – Read and translate the following dialogue about the work of a receptionist.

A placement at the MANSION HOTEL

Trainee Fiona McGovan talks to Milli Patel about her recent work experience.


Trainee: You’ve just finished working in a hotel, haven’t you ?
Milli Patel: That’s right. I was in a three-star hotel called the Mansion Hotel.
Trainee: What kind of things did you have to do ?
Milli Patel: At the beginning I was on reception. I had to take bookings, confirm reservations and welcome the quests when they arrived. I also had to deal with the money side of things, take payments, check the petty cash, do the accounts, change currency, all the basic front office things, and of course, liaise with all the other departments.
Trainee: What sort of things did find easy or particularly difficult ?
Milli Patel: It wasn’t easy because there were so many things to do and I was on my feet all day long. At first, it wasn’t easy to use the computer system but it didn’t take too long to get used to.
Trainee: Were there any problems you had to deal with ?
Milli Patel: Well, yes there was one occasion when a woman had made her booking months before and written to confirm. But when she arrived her room had been let out and so she was redirected to another hotel.
Trainee: What happened to her booking ?
Milli Patel: Well, because she arrived after 6 p.m., that’s when the rooms are released. Anyway, the next day she came back to see whether there’d been any phone calls or faxes and she’d also arranged to meet someone in the lobby. But in fact the person she was going to meet had been told to go to another hotel. And it wasn’t even the one she was staying at but a different hotel altogether.
Trainee: She must h.ave been really fed up
Milli Patel: She was and she let us know. But the worst thing was when she came across someone from her company who was staying with us and who had checked in at half past nine. I think we lost a customer there !


5. Прочитайте діалог – інтерв’ю між викладачем і студенткою, яка вивчає туризм, і яка нещодавно закінчила стажування у готелі, і дайте відповіді на питання. – Read the interview with Fiona McGovan, a tourism student who has recently completed a work placement at a hotel, answer the questions.

Working in reception

1. Tick the things she had to do.

a) deal with money

b) take bookings

c) serve in the bar

d) organize seminars

e) communicate with other sections


2. What did she find particularly difficult ?

a) using the computer system

b) the quantity of work

c) staff relationships

d) checking the accounts


3. Why was the guest’s room not waiting for her ?

a) She hadn’t made a booking.

b) She had arrived at the wrong hotel.

c) Her room had been given to a colleague.

d) Someone else had been given her room.


4. Why did the woman come back to the hotel ?

a) Her room had been released.

b) She needed to collect her bags.

c) She was going to talk to someone

d) She’d received a phone call.


5. How did the woman react ?

a) She was angry.

b) She complained to her colleague.

c) She insulted the staff.

d) She left without saying a word.

6. Визначте, які із нижче наданих слів у тексті-діалогу означають одне й теж саме? – Which words in the text above mean the same as these ?

a) handle

b) small charge

c) foreign money

d) work closely with

e) accustomed to

f) given to another person

g) annoyed

h) met

7. Ознайомтеся із правилами ввічливості. Складіть питальні речення таким чином, щоб вони звучали більш ввічливо. Для цього використовуйте слова у дужках. – Make these questions sound more polite using the word in brackets:


1. What’s your name ? (tell)

2. Can you spell that ? (Would)

3. What kind of room do you want ? (could)

4. What time will you get here ? (know)

5. How will you pay ? (be)

6. Sign the visitors’ book, will you ? (mind)


8. Зробіть протилежний наголос. Підкресліть два слова у реченні, які знаходяться під наголосом. – Contrastive stress. Underline the two stressed words in each sentence.

1. Would you like brown bread or white ?

2. Checking the petty cash is your responsibility not his.

3. He doesn’t want to pay by cheque, he wants to pay in cash.

4. I didn’t say they might be coming, I said they were.

5. They were supposed to deliver it yesterday not tomorrow.

6. It’s not the first complaint they’ve had and it won’t be the last.


9. Непряма мова. Поставте (V) перед реченням, яке є граматично правильним. Поставте (Х) перед реченням, яке є неправильним і виправте його. – Tick (V) the sentences which are grammatically correct. Put a cross (X) by the sentences that are wrong and correct them.

1. Mrs Roberts phoned and told that she wanted to extend her stay.

2. Could you tell me how long you intend to stay ?

3. Mr Kent asked me to say you he would be late this evening.

4. I’ll tell him what you said when he arrives.

5. The receptionist wanted us don’t leave valuables in our rooms.

6. He asked you for fax him a copy of the invoice.

7. She suggested to phone him on his mobile.

8. He promised getting in touch as soon as possible.


10. Домашнє завдання:підготуватися до лексичного диктанту та усного опитування. Вивчити нові слова та словосполучення, написати конспект, виконати всі вправи письмово, скласти свій конспект та повторити конспект заняття.